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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. Mate of mine opened a backpackers posada in brazil she said she didnt want isrealis there.

    2 b fair its the groups of young ones that are just out of national service and makin their army 'pay off' last as long as poss, that are, from my expierence , the ones that cause issues.

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    How about gays?

    Does she want gays?

    Laundry issues with the gays.

    How about Nigerians?

    How does she tell the young Jews to bug off?

    Does she lie and say no room at the Inn, or does she tell them to their face, we don't serve your kind!

    C'mon Jingthing, you are normally a quite rational poster, but as soon as something touches Jews in a way that is not 100% positive you lose all rationality.

    Traveling young Israeli Jews are well known to cause problems, the internet has many stories about it, and even the Israeli press writes about it. Google "young israelis travel unruly hotel" and look at the large amount of articles.

    The hotels' decision to discriminate against young Israeli is debatable - but the fact that many are troublemakers should be plausible ?

    Sorry, but JT is anything but rational and well balanced... Think about it...

    The reputation of Israeli travelers is well known, but of course denying it with more vitriol is the answer... Makes perfect sense, right?

  2. I can't see any westerners relocating to Thailand.

    The press has just gotten too bad to feel you are going to a place where your quality of life will improve.

    For sure as is said here every day, Thailand has changed dramatically .... and for the worse.

    Hoards of Chinese and Russians and plane loads of louts from Europe have destroyed the place. Phuket, a one star island, with overpriced and too often filthy hotels and restaurants, is a Russian satellite and has gone down the dumps. Along with it's openly flaunted Mafia and street thugs is no longer a family destination.

    In contrast Mauritius, where I now go, is a fantastic five star island. Genuine friendliness, english speaking relaxed smiling people, six star service like Thailand used to have, stunning beaches, police that will help you and won't shake you down.

    Add in corruption from the very top, a residency/visa system (that changes on a whiim) designed to actually keep you out, open faced hostility from locals, no consumer protection, no medical services as we know from home, no police or courts service that will actually, and willingly help you, increasing violence, no property rights, the ever present threat of losing your property, , ...etc...etc...etc.

    You would want to be a fool to relocate to Thailand when the rest of the world is at your feet.

    I truly feel a sense of loss of what was a world class stunning place to visit/live and sadly having to watch this degeneration over 30 years.

    The corrupt class has made a world class mess out of Thailand.

    Then please, by all means, stay away from Thailand... It would be much better to stay away if you feel this way... Leave the country for those that have relocated here and do enjoy the lifestyle, the culture, the people, the differences to the west, warts and all...

    In case you haven't read the news lately, the western world isn't very pretty anymore either... So pick you poison and roll the dice, life is not a spectator sport...

  3. Not all foundations are set up the same way. Many foundations sponsor events and advocacy work on behalf of groups. Many do not give direct assistance to individuals.

    Some foundations, for example, fund research. It might not help anyone for many years.

    It's not as if there is any evidence of collusion or influence peddling in the Clinton Foundation... None at all...


  4. yes I too would like that information and possible become a member. Never heard of this club


    Is this an expats club or a retired immigrant club?

    Wow, what a lucid and well thought out question... I think I will let you find out for yourself, but if someone shows up at the next meeting with dreadlocks, piercings on their face and wearing beggar pants along with a tie-died wife beater, we will know who it is...

    See how stereotypes work? rolleyes.gif

  5. Weeeeeeeell it just don't happen in Thai society. It is a means of getting you in a state of "heaven" for her future cash supply. Trust me on that.........

    If Thais saw her doing that they would blink.png . But some birds don't care cos of future "millionaire" taking care of stuff.

    Sorry if I sound a bit "off", but have seen similar stuff and the outcome....

    yeah that's what worries me, I don't want Thai birds to see me as a walking wallet.

    As for what Thais thought, I don't think she gave a shit, we were seated in an open plan restaurant surrounded by Thais and she was feeding me.

    It's a bit funny though. "lose some weight, stop smoking and only THEN will I start taking your money"

    wut? blink.pngblink.png

    I am sure you know what a fishing lure is....It is something that is not "real" but catches fish.............

    Some are just more patient than others in their tactics... All the dating website ladies are fishing, although some use a hand-tied lure to attract their prey delicately, others use a stick of dynamite and a net...

    I was chatting with an attractive thai lady on one of the dating sites recently... After a day or two of this, she dropped the bomb... "How much for a nice lady like me"? A bit aghast, I replied, "How much would make you happy"? Her reply, "100,000 baht per month would make me happy"... Given her tactics were about a subtle as a slap in the face, I had to politely decline her kind offer and wished her well finding a farang worthy of her company...

    It's a jungle out there, be careful...

  6. Depicting images with the sole intent to upset followers of a religion rather than make a stand for freedom of speech.....

    Here's the deal about free speech and freedom of expression. You have free speech only if you can create speech that upsets people. Otherwise you wouldn't need the right of free speech.


    I've read some drivel on TV over the years, but this takes the biscuit,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Total freedom of action demands total responsibilty for the consequences

    As opposed to what, religious fanatics that are encouraged to travel the world and murder anyone that disagrees with their version of reality in a religious context?

    Of the over 5200+ deities worshiped on this planet today, name another religious group that executes anyone that does not believe in their doctrine?

  7. I've been here nine years this October and have already purchased my ticket for Mexico. I could be perfectly happy for the rest of my life in Thailand if it weren't for the present government. My little inner voice is saying "get the heck outta Dodge," this man is not playing with a full deck of cards and that will eventually trickle down to all facets of life. It's already bad enough - as a musician it is illegal for me to play UNPAID in public, but the harassment from the BIB in Bangkok described by an earlier post can get worse as they grow bolder when the PM gets cemented into his position. And there are other circumstances we can't even mention on this forum that are going to cause a great upheaval. I don't want to be around for ANY of that. I arrived when Thaksin was ousted, and not a THING was noticed by me or my friends. THIS PM is making serious waves felt by all!

    Funny, I was chatting with a foreigner last week that moved to Chiang Mai last year from Mexico after living there for many years... His reason, safety.. The cartels of narco trafficantes have all but taken over the country, even down on the Yucatan peninsula... I know folks that retired to Monterey 10 years ago and have since moved on, either back to the US or to Costa Rica and Panama... Living in Texas we used to cross the border into Mexico on weekends for holidays... Not anymore considering that hundreds of Americans have disappeared after crossing in Mexico over the last 10 years... Good luck and take care to keep your head attached living in Mexico these days...

  8. I guess that you renting people do not buy a 5mb car right?

    Why a 5mb car, you can buy a truck for 500k :-)

    i still wonder whyyou are working in this life ?

    It has nothing to do with the ability to purchase, it is about not tying up capital in a country where you have zero rights, cannot own the dirt a house sits on, are subject to dodgy management once you've purchased a condo, the ever-changing political landscape, the changing attitude toward you by your lovely teerak after you have built the house, the chance that your neighbors may start a casino or cock fighting ring or karaoke next door and on and on and on... Once you purchase, you are stuck with it unless you can sell...

    I rent because I like the flexibility of being able to up-stakes and go where the grass is greener without having capital tied up that I may or may not get back... I don't care that I am not building equity by not purchasing... I know several expats in Costa Rica that have been trying to sell their properties for years... One guy I know paid over the top for a condo in Jaco prior to 2008, then his attitude soured about Costa Rica after a run-in with the local constabulary... The up-scale property market crashed in CR after 2008... He has been trying to sell the condo at a 66% discount and has had no offers in 4 years... I know Costa Rica is not Thailand, but the same logic applies...

    The rule of thumb still applies, no matter what country you are a resident as a expat, which is, never invest more than you are willing to walk away from at a moments notice... If you want to invest 5+ million in a house, go for it... Just don't come here and whinge when your situation changes and you are forced to either flee or liquidate in a fire-sale...

  9. I guess both sides, the ladyboys and the homophobes, should learn to exert some restraint.

    Wishful thinking I know.

    No if you refuse to have sex with another man, than you are not gay, but not homophob

    mind that also gay can refuse to have sex with another man laugh.png

    Someone really needs to publish a manual on the rules of engagement these days... This adding of a 3rd sex has screwed up relationship dynamics to the point where you don't know whether to defend yourself, accept the offer or run...

  10. I'm doubtful about those who stated a number below 300 though.

    Why doubful ? It's all in datasheets on my computer , I can prove it.

    Some of the low numbers given here don't include : soap , shampoo, medication, clothing , shoes, shavingstuff, toiletpaper,....retirement extention & 90 day report costs,....car cleaning & polishing stuff , a little dog & cat foot for the locals, batteries,....

    My 185B/day includes everything , but not the rent , like you asked.

    Even in the states while working out did not spend 1000 baht a day on food and incidentals. Thats $900 a month. Whats all the money being spent on?

    It's about average daily spend, not daily spend... It's not hard to average 1000 baht a day... Some days I spend 5000+, other days nothing, some days I play golf, some days I have to put gas in the car or bike, some days I need a haircut, other days it's off to the movies, dinner out with friends, need something for the house and it goes on and on and on... The closer you live to the bone, the cheaper it gets... It is one thing to live a minimalist lifestyle because you want to and quite another because you have to... Either way, folks on a tight budget are usually better off here than in their homeland...

  11. If you are on Windows, it saves everything you browse on the internet in temporary cache in case you want to access it again at a later date... That way it is cached and you don't have to download it a second time... You can delete your browser history / cache manually and / or set it to delete every time you exit the browser... You may want to read up on clearing temp files, browser cache and history settings for whatever browser you are using...

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