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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. The police culture of protecting their own...even when they cause an unnecessary civilian death...using cover-ups and insider bargaining is causing a backlash...not just in the black community...but some members of the black community have decided to do what the Justice Department is failing to do...punish the police for their brutality towards civilians...

    Please you ex-law enforcement officers do not try to justify these crimes...there is amply video evidence of people being stomped and beaten with clubs while down on the ground and handcuffed...women included...should make you proud...hum?

    this is true.

    there is extreme behaviour on both sides......the cops as you have mentioned & the thugs refusing to obey orders.

    Oh, the new normal is you have to obey orders or get killed? Put that into law please, would make it so much clearer.

    "Oh, the new normal is you have to obey orders or get killed? Put that into law please, would make it so much clearer." Obeying lawful police orders are already "into law." It's common sense to follow a policer officers lawful instructions don't you think? What part are you having trouble understanding?

    Except when you obey their orders and get shot anyway?

    The US has both a race problem at the lower end of the economic scale and a police brutality issue... Excuse the pun, but there is no black and white solution to the problem and it is only made worse when TPTB fuel the fire with their rhetoric...

  2. Been here for 14 years. There is no Thai logic, mate! coffee1.gif

    i agree with you been with the wife for 10 years she works hard and when she come home through the front door you never know what to expect one day happy next moody then ok then problem then wont talk then dont shut up then loveing careing next could not care less what i do but thats women i think half the time they dont know what they want so how the hell we meant to know and for being in thailand for 14 years think i go mad

    You have just described practically every woman I have ever known, regardless of country...

    Men are from Mars and women are from some other <deleted> universe...

  3. I just checked what LGBT means, so now able to respond to the OP`s inquiry.

    As I have mentioned many times here in the Chiang Mai forum, the Chiang Mai nightly entertainments scene is abysmal. Besides a MacDonalds and perhaps a few Thai noodle stalls I doubt that you will find much else open after 10.00pm The Red Lion pub and restaurant used to open into the late hours, but have no idea if that is still the case?

    LOL! It's one thing arguing with you when the topic is limited to 'the tourist scene' or just Loy Kroh Road wpecifically, but now it it's Chiang Mai as a whole that's abysmal, presumably including Boon Yoo (pics below), Nimmanhaemin, Santhitham, etc, etc? biggrin.png

    You love slamming the tourist bars, (to each his own) but do you ever make it out to Nimmanhaemin / uni area / Canal Rd, or Santhitham or anywhere else?

    I can assure you it goes on DEEP into the morning.

    Enjoy the rest of your retirement. From a guy who did not have to look up LGBT. tongue.png




    As for lesbian-specific.. From time to time I hear places mentioned on Nimmanhaemin or a bit further out, but I think most lesbians visit the same places everyone else does and that applies to Thais and foreigners alike. Mostly because Thailand in general is open minded enough to not require gender-specific ghettoisation of nightlife, but also because most people prefer it that way, enjoying all the nightlife the city has to offer, over just one or two places that are more lesbian-dedicated.

    Anyway, as others have said start at the Boon Yoo area. (a.k.a Reggae Bars though there's much more than reggae these days, a.k.a "Zoe" a.k.a. "Yellow".) After 10pm at the earliest, preferably after 11pm. Some lesbian girls I know also visit Spicy afters, though that's a bit of a scene. wink.png

    As for Night Bazar area, there is relatively little of interest there when it comes to Nightlife, perhaps with an exception of Bubble Disco late at night, and the adjacent Hot Shot (slightly earlier). Both located at the Porn Ping Hotel.

    I was elbow deep in that scrum at Zoe Yellow on New Years Eve with friends... Lots of fun and there were many couples of all flavors in attendance... Chiang Mai is too small for niche clubs of any one genre... Enjoy, live and let live as life is too short to pick a side... wink.png

    • Like 1
  4. Meh, at this point, who cares... The 2016 elections are setting up to be another set of dynastic candidates that will do nothing for the average American and everything for the elites and banksters...

    Clinton vs Bush... It's enough to make one want to puke...

    All part of the reason I left the USSA as the political system is a joke...

  5. The OP might find more like-minded folks in the clubs on Nimmanhaemin Rd as opposed to the area of Loi Kroh or the Old City...

    As narkeddiver stated, the Toms in CM do have a certain look, typically with the "bowl on the head" haircut look...

  6. I didn't bother reading the first 300+ posts on this thread as it was obvious the direction it would go... Little did I know it would digress into a race discussion... It appears that the more things change, the more they stay the same, again and again and again... Sad really...

    Certain TV members find it necessary to judge others, when they should in fact be looking in a mirror... Who started this hot mess anyway? Oh snap!!!!! coffee1.gif

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  7. So what sets this guy apart from the thousands of other motorbike riders (farang and Thai) on the roads in Thailand every day? At least he is wearing a helmet which puts him in the upper quartile of riders in and around Pattaya. And he is wearing tennis shoes and not thongs, another plus. So, put a shirt on him (he definitely needs that, but not really for safety), and I would give him a B-/C+ on "around town" motorbike attire (and, yes, I did notice that he is on Hwy 7, but who know for how far/long).

    He kind of looks like me, except that I always wear a shirt and I never ride pillon (and he has a much better tan).

    Perhaps you would prefer/be happier if everyone on a Honda/Yamaha 125 was dressed like the guys below for their 2 km/10 minute ride down to the local 7/11. No road rash for them.

    Time to focus on "trip planning", don't ya think?

    MC Body Armour.jpg

    A bicycle helmet is going to do f-all if he has a off'r. I am guilty of wearing my Adidas sandals occasionally while riding so the comment about his footwear was just to complete the sardonic tone.

    Your snide attempt to bait me with the underhanded comment failed. My trip planning is know on this board and I would like to think respected. I've put major amounts of km under my belt with various boardmembers.

    Can you say the same? Or are you pissing on my leg and trying to say it's raining?

    Your snide attempt at a troll thread has also been well noted...

    If it doesn't effect you, why do you care?

  8. One infallible rule, if any investment promotion says "Risk Free", don't listen to another word!

    Turn and run.

    There is no such thing as "Risk Free".

    An acquaintance of mine who was teaching in Thailand pretty much went bust. The usual reasons: too many girlfriends, too much booze, living outside his income.

    He's a glib talker...can be very convincing when pressing his views on things.

    Last year, he returned to Australia and landed a job selling "Retirement Plans" to elderly citizens, his commissions are huge and he's making a bundle. He returned to Thailand not too long ago for a 2 month "holiday", living large and tossing money all over the place.

    "I'll make it all back in a few weeks!" He told us.

    I can't help thinking of all the poor retirees who invested in his product and are funding his happy lifestyle out of their pockets. Any plan that pays commissions as outlandish as what he gets has got to be as dodgy as a game of "Three Card Monte".

    When I asked him about it, his reply was simple: "Not my problem."

    I've reduced your advice down to one simple factor... If I am approached by a farang, any farang with investment advice, I run away as fast as I can... Too many horror stories out there, ranging from the CM Expat Club to the likes of real estate moguls in Pattaya / Jomtien... As the old adage goes, if it appears to be too good to be true, it usually is...

    • Like 1
  9. I like Thailand but don't fail to spend a month in the Philippines. Visa rules and business rules much easier. 90% of the people you deal with on a day to day business speak English. I think if you want to live in Thailand you had better learn Thai and live in non-tourist areas.

    Since when, yesterday?

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