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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. The road show moves relentlessly on, and nowhere is to be found mentioned the MAJOR cause of excessive pollution- OVERPOPULATION.

    Even if "climate change" is a fantasy, overpopulation is destroying our civilization. Vast numbers of people from countries that cannot support their populations flood into countries with more advanced societies, causing increased use of fossil fuel, excessive degradation of arable land growing food, and like parasites, they will devour their hosts and destroy the very societies they want to help them.

    On a tv news item, I heard one such illegal complaining that he had had to arrive on a dangerous boat instead of being flown in- MIND BOGGLING. They destroy their own countries with unrestrained overbreeding, and then expect others to take care of them.

    Till politicians accept that overpopulation makes everything they do to control climate change irrelevant, they are merely Canutes railing against the tide.

    It's time to start getting serious about sending the illegals back, and only accept NEEDED immigrants, the LEGAL way.

    Global population control is a primary topic of the globalists who want to forge a future of sustainable development for the planet... Unfortunately, their plans call from a 4/5ths reduction in global population in order to achieve this...


  2. And here we have it from the co-founder of the Weather Channel on cable television...


    John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.

    Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.

    I have studied climate change seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid

    John Coleman, co-founder of the Weather Channel

  3. When I see an increase of "The USA is Doomed" articles, I start browsing the most beaten down (US) stocks and pick up some bargains smile.png

    Many are doing just that. Along with the likes of Warren Buffett. He's increasing his equity stake substantially.

    It wasn't so pretty Wednesday morning when the markets opened and the Dow dropped 460 pts in the first 30 minutes...

    All 3 indexes have broken their 200 day moving averages and are in bearish territory... The likelihood of a deeper correction warrants caution right now...

    Stock market corrections, although painful at the time, are actually a very healthy part of the whole mechanism, because there are always speculative excesses that develop, particularly during the long bull market.

    Ron Chernow

    America's future looks very bright.

    Do you consider it "healthy" that Central Banks are injecting $200,000,000,000 per quarter into the equities markets just to keep them from crashing? That's right, Central Banks around the world are now directly buying equities to prop up the markets and economy...



    America's future lay in economic ruin, borders overrun and a lawless government.... Hell, we're already there...

  4. The OP is just another scruff racing up and down hills and howling at the moon.

    The OP clearly endorses Putin's nuclear weapons threats against Europe and Nato countries which makes him as tightly wound as Putin and the local general are.

    He fails to condemn IS; fails to mention the many serious domestic and international problems of Russia, China, Thailand, the Brics and speaks of Ebola as god's gift to those who bash the United States.

    The Nation along with Thailand are developing into crackpot central, the hub of the marginal and the marginalized.

    I'd noticed some recent effort on the part of TVF to try to limit the latitude of the whacked out fringe lunatic posters so this thread topic is a setback in this respect too.

    You're still posting, so their jobs isn't quite done now is it...

  5. If it wasnt for the farangs,i reckon there would be no-one in issan,they would all be begging on the streets of bangkok

    Yeah, right. Without the superior yet ever suffering martyred farang, the natives would still be living in caves. Oh, dear St. Farang do get off the cross, the natives need the firewood to cook and keep warm.

    Oh dear, your Thainess is showing... 9 billion baht a year buys a lot of firewood, no?

  6. Not Trolling, it was announced today in the media that the US is sending aid to ISIS... So now the US sends $$$ to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Iraq, Syria, ISIS and Israel... Why not send SS payments to Nazis, the US gives money away like it's burning their hands?


    A guess: critical reading is not your strong suit.

    Call me clairevoyant.

    You will have to do better than that... I have another name for you, but my post would be deleted...

  7. With the economies of the EU, China, Russia and the US all in the toilet, plus the ME up in flames again, I wouldn't be getting my hopes up for a bang-up high season...

    The only thing in the toilet probably is your understanding of economics.

    You're going to have to do better than that...

    18 Signs that the Global Economic Crisis is Accelerating as we Enter the Last Half of 2014


    20 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Starting To Catch Fire



  8. Seriously now though - If they are all massive cons then we will give them a wide birth but some folk say they can be quite fun.

    We are not interested in prostitution just a group looking for a decent night out!

    Not in Pattaya... Just stay off beach road after the witching hour...

    If you want a tawdry couples night out, then hit a couple of the better show bars on Walking Street like Hollywood or Angelwitch, then go to a disco like Lucifer or Insomnia... Grab a bite afterward from a street vendor and head back to your hotel... You never know though, your other-half may find someone interesting to tag along sometime during the night...

  9. Israel has no right whatsoever to be in Palestine, period! it is an illegal occupation, lest not forget that Hamas was voted in to power by the Palestinian people, it is Israel that portrays them as terrorists using there zionist propaganda.

    Define Palestine. It's unclear from your rant whether you are a river to the sea man, or not (at least openly).

    Palestine = the entire region ceded to Israel by proclamation in 1948...

    Here;s a map from 1947 to refresh your memory...


  10. It is strange how these "nasty old Brits" almost colonised the world to make it into a better place.

    It is strange how the whole world is trying to immigrate to live with these"nasty old Brits"in Britain

    It is strange how these "nasty old Brits"invented almost everything from the jet engine to television.

    It is strange how everyone wants to speak English the language of these "nasty old Brits"

    Maybe the world would be a better place if we had more of these"nasty old Brits."

    Ah yes, british colonialism... Do you really want to go there?

  11. In financial debt/borrowing terms how much does america actually owe China ?

    Happy to borrow money but not happy to sell property ?

    The US doesn't "owe" the Chinese a damn thing but don't let hatred stop you.

    The Chinese HAVE TO hold US dollars because the dollar is the international unit of trade. NO ONE will accept Chinese money in exchange for Western or ME products be it food or oil or anything.

    The Chinese are cornered into holding dollars so they hold them in US Treasuries. They BUY treasuries to cover their dollar account needs. Then they can trade with paper backed by Treasuries (dollars.)

    Almost every country holds US dollars that way and that includes even Thailand.

    The rest of my comment which would be a personal attack I'll keep to myself.

    Not for long, but we've had that discussion...




    The USD simply cannot continue to devalue the USD, rack up debt, impose ludicrous sanctions, start war after war after war and expect other countries to accept it... Hell, they've been trying to start WWIII for the last 18 months, but Putin won't bite...

  12. When I see an increase of "The USA is Doomed" articles, I start browsing the most beaten down (US) stocks and pick up some bargains smile.png

    Many are doing just that. Along with the likes of Warren Buffett. He's increasing his equity stake substantially.

    It wasn't so pretty Wednesday morning when the markets opened and the Dow dropped 460 pts in the first 30 minutes...

    All 3 indexes have broken their 200 day moving averages and are in bearish territory... The likelihood of a deeper correction warrants caution right now...

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