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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. If the USGovernment is in fact presently approximating 1 billion oz of gold and it revalues the dollar to $3000 oz, which is the scuttlebut in circulation, then its gold reserves will be valued at $3 Trillion, or half of the public sector debt which is the real debt factor. Your Roman Empire would then be newly secured, but the Roman Empire the US is not because history is history, which means we have electricity to name one modern invention and development the Empire did not have.

    While revaluation based on gold is not the gold standard, it does provide a concrete basis of a currency and of debt to include stealing the thunder from cranks who keep cheering on their apocalypse and it pulls the rug out from under them besides.

    I discussed the analogy of the shale producers and the auto manufacturers of a hundred years ago which some people here seem to have missed or chosen to ignore due to its inconvenience to their flawed theories and paradigm. That is, regardless of the price of oil or energy in general, a number of startup shale ventures will inevitably go bust, which is to say most of them. It's the natural order of things. Do try to keep up on these things thx.

    Is that a serious question?

    With the same money it used to bail out the 'too big to fail' banks. Same source as the UK bank bailout for that matter.

    Foisting debt on the populace is a given right of government regardless of the political doctrine in play. What one hand giveth, the other hand taketh away. Obama and the EU talking heads make very public 'We feel your pain' statements as they plunder your wallet. Putin just mugs you in broad daylight and takes the whole wallet.

    Do not know if to laugh or cry at your ignorance.

    Putin "mugs" flat 15% personal tax, remind me again how much tax is charged for US or UK citizens?

    And you do realize baling out an oil company with this kind of prices will take a little more than a few days money printing.

    Bu then again, whats another trillion? after all no one has any intentions to repay it.

    Half of Americans pay no personal income tax, which is a feat and a luxury Russia cannot afford and which moreover would never occur to the Russian oligarchs to be a good public policy.

    As i mentioned again above, no bailing out will be necessary, desired or acceptable. A good number of the shale startups are destined to fail and everyone from the shale industry to students in school know it. But not everyone in the world knows the fact however, which is not the fault of the US nor is it our responsibility to rectify. .

    I agree with you that there will soon be a reset in the price of gold and silver, but I do not believe the US will benefit from it... To benefit from the reset, you must first be holding the commodity...

    The same scuttlebutt and analysis from investors such as Eric Sprott state that the US no longer has gold reserves of any significance, sans the 6,000+ tonnes held at the Fed in NYC, which doesn't belong to the Fed, but is re-hypothecated "synthetic" gold belonging to others, such as Germany... The Dutch just withdrew 122 tonnes from the Fed, yet the Germans eventually gave up having their bullion repatriated... Now the French as making noise that they want their gold back too, ironically much like they did in 1971... The US cannot benefit from the reset in gold prices because it is the western banking cabal suppressing the price in the first place...

    As per Sprott, global gold demand has exceeded supply for the last decade while the Comex and JPM manipulate the markets lower with naked paper shorts... This is to drive out the weak hands and to free up supply at lower prices because they know if anyone demands delivery on a sizable futures contract then the game is over... Some are predicting this event as early as next month in the silver market...

    The reset in gold and silver is already taking place in the east and is de-coupling from the paper market by the west... India just lifted all importation regulations on gold also, only exacerbating supplies...

    • Like 1
  2. Lovely thai people at their best.....outstanding once again....and again...

    ...and your post is disgusting Thai-bashing at its worst.

    These were a few slime-bags working a tourist trap... not the Thai people in general.

    ok so you were there ?? so you must know all about it then go bishop bash

    No I wasn't there. I spend most of my time in Chiang Mai among family and friends. I avoid tourist areas like the plague.

    I've spent most of my adult life among working class Thais - chow ban - and when people gratuitously insult them I get pissed-off.

    No one is naive enough the believe that all Thais are fine, upstanding people like your neighbors in CM, especially those in tourist traps like Patpong...

    And while you are being smug in your little corner of paradise, how do you think the lady that was scammed feels about Thailand after this incident and what do you think she will tell her friends and family when she gets home?

    • Like 1
  3. Greed begets greed you cannot cheat an honest man or woman.

    Ho Ho Ho. I laugh on you.

    Laugh as much as you like your friend was suckered into a cheap Rolex deal and paid the price.

    As the head of blah blah she should have gone to Siam Swiss and bought a real one.

    What a load of cobblers.

    She didn't buy anything... Since when is browsing in a tourist market and being scammed by locals a reflection on the victim?

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry, but it's still waffle and hardly a sensible point for discussion.

    Be honest, you want to antagonise people and start a bust up.

    I'm up for a fight, but maybe the old man needs to take his medicines to make his little man wake up, something he's no longer naturally capable of. He's just, in reality, a giant dildo stashed with cash.

    Never forget that old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance...

    If you're lucky, one day you too shall be old and infirm, but somehow I don't think you'll make it to old age...

    • Like 1
  5. Ron Paul's newsletters.

    A number of the newsletters criticized civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., calling him a pedophile and "lying socialist satyr".[2][15] These articles told readers that Paul had voted against making Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a federal public holiday, saying "Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer, Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a Congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day."


    "reveal decades worth of obsession with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and deeply held bigotry against blacks, Jews, and gays"


    Come on JT, you are actually citing Wiki as a reliable source?

    Two can play that game...

  6. I know that some here would like to bash Obama, but Secretary Hagel was most likely not suited for this position. This is what the information coming out seems to suggest. This without insulting a man who has served his country honorably in uniform, in politics and as Secretary of Defense.

    Yes, he was the only cabinet member that was a Republican...

  7. Michael Brown protests are scheduled for 83 cities in the US... There are those that are hell-bent on creating racial division in the US, the more violent the better... They foster it, feed it and hope it takes hold like some kind of Arab Spring movement... TPTB didn't get their way with the Trayvon Martin case, so they move on to Michael Brown... If they don't succeed here, next it will be an unarmed, illegal, pregnant latina that gets shot down in the street...

  8. Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

    had enough of " great president"

    let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

    that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

    have aspirations to become one....

    I don't agree he has hurt the chances of a future African American president at all. But probably the next one will be a republican and have a LOT more experience before the presidency, or BOTH. Also not a senator.

    I concur. An experienced, black Republican would have a good chance. My number one pick - black or white - is Codi Rice, but I doubt if she will ever run.

    Dr Ben Carson seems like a nice guy and I agree with him on some things, but would never vote for him for president, because of his lack of political experience.

    Condi Rice is nothing but a neocon mouthpiece for the MIC / CFR...

    Ben Carson is a viable candidate but will never get the nod from the GOP when it comes down to it...

    As far as your Ron Paul is a racist comment, care to back that up? I've heard Ron called many things, but never a racist...

  9. If you examine Mr Obama's recent comments on what voters "want" in 2016, it doesn't play very well for the Hillary camp... Once again, an endorsement from the Obama administration will be the kiss of death...


    "I think the American people, you know, they're going to want -- you know, that new car smell. You know, their own -- they want to drive something off the lot that doesn't have as much mileage as me," Obama told ABC News Chief anchor George Stephanopoulos.

    The subtle implication of this comment is comedy genius... If Obama is high mileage, then Hillary is on the scrap heap...

    • Like 2
  10. 1 solution, clean up this beach and

    do not allow thai ,nor chinese ,korean...people to come close of the clean beach .

    Give them another beach ,where they can create a dump for themselves and enjoy it.

    Just a racist comment.

    There is that knee-jerk response, much like calling someone anti-Semitic... Please up your game...

    You have obviously never seen the way some asian cultures dispose of trash, which is to simply drop it where they stand...

    • Like 1
  11. Oh, god. Is that going to be the excuse for not taking this court? It will take too long? giggle.gif

    For God's sake, just admit its within his authority as president and move on.

    There are so many outstanding scandals with this administration that the GOP has to pick it's battles while not playing the Dems game... Obama even baited the GOP with government shutdown during his amnesty speech on Thursday night... You know, the speech that was only carried on Spanish speaking channels and not on any English speaking network channels...

    News released just yesterday that 30,000 emails from Lois Lerner were recovered after the IRS repeatedly testified to Congress that they were unretrievable...

    The next 2 years will be interesting if nothing else...

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