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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. SO let me see... this guy is high or drunk or both, decides to ride a motorbike on the beach, gets stuck in the sand, up till now pretty believable. Now here's the dodgy bit, a group of THAI's try to help?? (not sit around and laugh), then from a clean beach (see photo) the victim finds a huge stick??? where?? and swings on a bunch not one guy in a half hearted manner (remember he is drunk and or high), so poorly that the Thai guy was able to not only get the stick off of him, but then able to smash him so hard in the head that it puts him into a coma, bleeding all over the beach, and then they walk away to leave him to die. Sounds about right for a Thai. Gang, beating, run away!


    You should be a screen writer as you have a vivid imagination... Now back it up with some evidence...

  2. the only reason why i have a (Thai)wife is to avoid paying tax and to manage the wealth

    Nothing like companionship, being together, building a life, possibly bringing up children, and dare I say love, hopdiggitty, I just said it!!!!
    ... real men dont need money - real men need love, companionship, children, music, beer...

    And pray tell how you achieve these things without money? Last time I checked, beer isn't free, nor is love, children, etc...

  3. People need to learn to vote for whom they believe is best for the nation, not the colour of their skin.

    The only problem with that scenario is that the best people for the job do not run for office, regardless of sex or race... IMO, the last real president in the US was Dwight Eisenhower... Everyone since has pandered to the MIC, bankers and foreign special interest groups...

  4. The only comment I have on this topic is about trust... Trust is a fragile thing that is offered too quickly by many from western backgrounds due to their culture and upbringing... Once your trust has been broken by someone that is supposed to be your closest partner in life, IMO it can never be regained... Not fully anyway... The OP needs to follow his own intuition in the matter, although mine would be to re-evaluate my choice in partners...

    • Like 2
  5. As much as some like to complain about Thailand, at least one thing is certain, they control the borders a helluva lot tighter than the US ever thought about doing... This immigration mess in the US has been a political football since the 1980's and nothing has been done about it... In the mean time, the population has become more diverse and the culture that built the country is changing... Some see this as a positive, others not so much... The question is, at what point does a nation lose it sovereignty and identity? When the borders are no longer secure or when the people of the country no longer sustain the founding principles? Both are under attack by this administration and they are doing a damn fine job of it...

    • Like 1
  6. Might have something to do with the fact that many sectors of the U.S. economy are reliant of low cost migrant labour.

    As much as you want to make this a conspiracy theory, more than a few republicans would love to see sort of migrant labor scheme.

    If there were votes in this, the democrats would have done this years ago.

    You may have a point if the BLS were telling the truth and the unemployment rate was really 5.8% in the US, but that is far from the truth... Which is that there are 93,600,000+ US citizens of working age that are unemployed... Couple that with over 43,000,000 on some for of public assistance outside of SS and you start to get the picture... There are more the enough able bodies AMERICANS for fill every open position in the US... We don't NEED H1B's and uneducated indigents from Central America...

    And for the loading the voter roles "conspiracy", that's what this is all about... Except is will be 3 - 5 years before any of these people are eligible for citizenship and eligibility to vote... I wouldn't be so sure that latinos / hispanics are going to vote democrat either... In the recent elections, 40% of the hispanic block in Texas voted for the GOP, which is a target state for the Dems to turn blue... They;re not as stupid as most democrats it seems...

    • Like 1
  7. CNN is still looking for MH370...

    Here is a recent Dish Network executive's comment on their dropping of CNN from the programming lineup in the US...


    "Twenty years ago, CNN was a must-have channel, but it's not a top 10 network anymore ... unless they find the plane, the Malaysian plane," Ergen said on a conference call, making a jab at CNN's seemingly round-the-clock coverage last spring of missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

  8. Republicans had a chance to beat Senator Obama in 2008 and they didn't. They also had a chance to beat him in 2012 and they didn't.

    But they've beaten him in a mid-term election in which he wasn't even on the ballot?

    Some posters are going to hurt their backs by setting the bar so low. giggle.gif

    Ah, but you see, his policies were on the ballot.

    It's clear to everyone how much you want to believe this, but this it's just not true. But feel free to prove me wrong and post all the federal, state and local ballots which explicitly show his policies on the ballot.

    And just so there is no misunderstanding, I didn't vote for Obama either. But he won twice, and rather handily.

    Since you are choosing to be childishly pedantic, let me add what "He who must be believed" said about his own policies.

    Oh dear, the liberals don't like it when you prove them wrong, then rub their nose in it... Something about harshing their mellow or some other nonsense...

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  9. Edison Research did national exit polling for the NYT and here are some of the findings.

    In even this election voters aged 18-29 voted for Democrats, 54% against 43% that voted for Republican party candidates.

    Voters aged 30-44 voted for Democratic candidates by 50% to 48% that voted for Republicans.

    Blacks voted 89% Democratic and Hispanics voted 63% Democratic party.

    Of the voters who said Obamacare was "just about right" as it is, 80% were Democrats, 19% were Republicans. Among the voters who said Obamacare "did not go far enough," 78% were Democrats, 19% Republicans.

    Forty-six percent of Tuesday's Republican party voters actually approved of the job Congress has not done. blink.png


    You just invalidated any credibility these polls might have had since they were for a biased entity, the NYT... You know how this works, you're people lie for the Dems and the GOP pundits lie for them... Anything else is pedantry...

  10. The US and Saudi Arabia deliberately attacked Russia's economy by pumping oil to drive the world price down. The mainstay of Russia's economy is its rather recent oil boom and if powerful enough, other countries can attack Russia without firing a shot.

    Publicus is dead on right. China is next.

    If we play along with your fantasy for a few moments regarding the demise of these 2 large economies, then which country or entity has the genuine economic clout to step in to reorganise things? I mean, we could be looking at over one third of the world population descending into anarchy because at this stage I can't see who is left anywhere in the world with any real means or credibility to launch any kind of rescue package. Everyone is broke. Even the IMF is broke?

    Anyone arriving at Paramount sees that the existing global order and system of international law and rules have brought global peace and expanding prosperity to a billion previously dispossessed or smothered peoples. Russia and China have been invited repeatedly into the existing world order but have instead gone their separate ways, as in the Ukraine, as in the Brics, to identify just two instances.

    Neither Russia nor China -- or the two combined -- are central to the 70 year old international system. China contributes mightily to the lower end of it, in manufacturing nonsense items, and Russia supplies energy, but neither are the present and historical locus of the existing successful international system. North America and Europe with Australia are its locus, to more recently include Japan. Neither Russia or China, or both, will be missed.

    Russia and China are being precluded in the design to create a Mad Max collapse of the existing international system. Instead of inflicting humanity with their apocalyptic destruction of the existing international system, Russia and China are rather suddenly plunging into their own apocalypse, each presently occurring or developing within the borders of each. Brazil continues to sink deeper into recession, India remains India.

    Each Russia and China are going to be awfully busy and tied down by their own domestic Mad Max chaos from the present time indefinitely forward. The global markets have priced this in. The shock is expected so it is being absorbed with minimal disorder and no global anarchy. It is fact the shock and awe now breaking in Russia and in China have been in the offing for a dozen years -- a dozen years at the least.

    People such as you or I, to include Thais we know and care about, are not in any danger. I can deal with that.

    Publicus please elaborate by what standards you describe the existing scenario as “existing successful international system ”. if you consider the existing system as representing success I dread to think what failure would look like? And what on earth is wrong with China and Russia choosing to go it alone?

    Can I ask you to put your cards on the table? Because I was reading the comments under the heading “Are The Russians Coming?“ on ZeroHedge ( you know the website so many love to disparage) and there was a post from a person named and spelt exactly the same way as yours assuring everyone that the New World Order will save everybody. Is this everything that you wish for? And what gives anyone or any group the right to impose this type of paradigm on everyone else to give them the opportunity to dehumanise everyone even further?


    Now you've done it again, posting a link to zerohedge... Everyone knows that site is nothing but fear-monger BS... wink.png

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  11. The US and Saudi Arabia deliberately attacked Russia's economy by pumping oil to drive the world price down. The mainstay of Russia's economy is its rather recent oil boom and if powerful enough, other countries can attack Russia without firing a shot.

    Russia is also attacking without firing a shot. Russian hackers have recently infiltrated JP Morgan and other large financial institutions in the US.

    It was the NYT that broke this story, with zero evidence to back it up...

  12. If you chant Free Palestine river to the sea you're supporting genocide of Jews. That's pretty darned antisemitic..

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Oh my, I guess the poor, defenseless Israelis will just have to live with the derision of the rest of the world...

  13. But seriously, if you don't think international bankers and markets were just as selfish as American bankers and markets during subprime . . . They all profited and knew what was going on.

    Still, it is bs to attribute this to the average American who was also harmed.

    Until collusion between the DOJ, NY Fed and JPM surfaces...


    Too big to jail? I guess we'll see now that the obstructionists are out of the Senate...

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