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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. If they send reasonable bills, he will cooperate.

    If they send right wing garbage, he will veto.

    That's what I expect of him in this situation and so do the majority of Americans.

    Don't be deceived by the recent midterm elections ... it has nothing to do with the presidential elections coming up in 2016.

    No, I don't think Obama's overall performance has been great, but compared to the do nothing congress. he still looks RELATIVELY good.

    Condoleezza Rice for President 2016 intheclub.gif

    Dick Cheney in drag?

  2. Amazing! I thought politicians in the senate were paid by the people to help run the county for the people! I suppose in this case the "people " are both called Koch!

    I guess that's why Harry Reid shelved all 358 bills that the House passed and sent to the Senate for approval... Preventing them to be voted for on the floor of the Senate... One democratic candidates this election cycle had to answer why in the 6 years he has been in the Senate, he has never voted on a bill on the floor of the Senate... Yep, in your mind it's the Koch brothers and not Harry Reid...

    And while we're at it, Tom Steyer, the liberal billionaire that is standing in the way of the Keystone pipeline spent an estimated $74 million USD in this election cycle, only to lose to the GOP in a wave...


  3. Be careful to stay away from the standing water in the streets, if you can... I picked up a case of leptospirosis a few years ago by wading around in the streets of Pattaya...

    • Like 2
  4. Provided without comment...

    Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost TWO MONTHS


    Ebola can be transmitted in aerosols up to 20 feet



    Yep, gotta really love this part of the article cited:

    Ebola : Deaths 60% of 100% = 60% (4 billion people potentially , with many more due to war , famine , etc)

    . . .

    8. Small , tight , heavily armed , xenophobic vertically integrated communities will tend to survive . Virtual tourism and sex will become very big . Pilots will need armed escorts .

    The Internet will be the dominant force , overriding national concerns . If Governments were hoping to extend their control , they will find the opposite happening . After the Black Death , the social order in Europe collapsed . The Roman Catholic Church was nearly destroyed and endemic warfare and peasant rebellions bubbled up all over .

    . . .

    11. Flagellants , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisslerlieder Mass hysteria . Mass lynchings of politicians , doctors , scientists , pilots , bankers , the wealthy . Fundamentalism grows . Expect resumption of the Crusades . (Remember the 100 years War happened in similar circumstances) Good luck .


    Haha, all brought to you by the same guy who authored these fine writings:

    The time to panic is before the Titanic has left the harbour .See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/ebola-friendly-reaper_6.html

    If the Triffids don't get you, Ebola will : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/deader-guide-to-ebola.html

    Plants have been breeding humans . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/05/ebola-and-chocolate.html

    Further examples of the Plant-Herbivore Wars : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/04/garlic-and-plant-herbivore-wars.html http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/07/rabies-alzheimers-and-formic-acid....

    Notice the cute trick to penetrate skin barriers . Reminiscent of hemorrhagic diseases like Ebola and Especially SuperEbola . SuperEbola is Ebola on steroids , then add some . The Fifth Horseman on a Harley ! : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/01/training-immune-system.html

    for the desperate . : See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2006/03/training-immune.html or try hiding : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/03/monasteries.html Communication has tobe tightly controlled See what happened to death.html

    Try potatoes . It helped before . http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-and-bubonic-plague.html

    http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-ii.html Good luck ! Andre Xxx

    Why do you think I provided the links without comment? Because I knew some denier would take issue with the source... Thanks for not disappointing me...

    In a time when TPTB are obfuscating the truth due to political motives, you need to search near and far for the truth... But as an attorney, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

    I can say one thing for sure, I didn't know anything about plants breeding humans until your source opened my eyes to that fact.

    Perhaps you would like to cross-examine the same statement that was made by the CDC today, counselor...


    CDC admits Ebola can be passed to others by sneezing
  5. Provided without comment...

    Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost TWO MONTHS


    Ebola can be transmitted in aerosols up to 20 feet



    Yep, gotta really love this part of the article cited:

    Ebola : Deaths 60% of 100% = 60% (4 billion people potentially , with many more due to war , famine , etc)

    . . .

    8. Small , tight , heavily armed , xenophobic vertically integrated communities will tend to survive . Virtual tourism and sex will become very big . Pilots will need armed escorts .

    The Internet will be the dominant force , overriding national concerns . If Governments were hoping to extend their control , they will find the opposite happening . After the Black Death , the social order in Europe collapsed . The Roman Catholic Church was nearly destroyed and endemic warfare and peasant rebellions bubbled up all over .

    . . .
    11. Flagellants , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisslerlieder Mass hysteria . Mass lynchings of politicians , doctors , scientists , pilots , bankers , the wealthy . Fundamentalism grows . Expect resumption of the Crusades . (Remember the 100 years War happened in similar circumstances) Good luck .
    Haha, all brought to you by the same guy who authored these fine writings:

    The time to panic is before the Titanic has left the harbour .See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/ebola-friendly-reaper_6.html

    If the Triffids don't get you, Ebola will : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/deader-guide-to-ebola.html

    Plants have been breeding humans . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/05/ebola-and-chocolate.html

    Further examples of the Plant-Herbivore Wars : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/04/garlic-and-plant-herbivore-wars.html http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/07/rabies-alzheimers-and-formic-acid....

    Notice the cute trick to penetrate skin barriers . Reminiscent of hemorrhagic diseases like Ebola and Especially SuperEbola . SuperEbola is Ebola on steroids , then add some . The Fifth Horseman on a Harley ! : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/01/training-immune-system.html

    for the desperate . : See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2006/03/training-immune.html or try hiding : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/03/monasteries.html Communication has tobe tightly controlled See what happened to death.html

    Try potatoes . It helped before . http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-and-bubonic-plague.html

    http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-ii.html Good luck ! Andre Xxx

    Why do you think I provided the links without comment? Because I knew some denier would take issue with the source... Thanks for not disappointing me...

    In a time when TPTB are obfuscating the truth due to political motives, you need to search near and far for the truth... But as an attorney, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

  6. In case you folks have never noticed, Thailand is a racist country and they have no qualms about showing it... I know it's not in vogue to point this out, but the truth is the truth...

    As far as the OP's experience, I would have to say that you have no one to blame except your distant relatives that have made this impression upon the Thai people... Sad, but true...

  7. ..... Or bababaaaaam

    Conspiracy and imaginations......

    Power struggle at the top etc

    At least this guy didn't top himself with a nail gun...

    JPM and Deutsche Bank are into the Libor / Forex / Metals price-fixing scheme up to their eye balls and they are removing those that can testify against them... Not sure why they are going to the trouble as it is obvious that the regulators are owned by the banksters...

  8. Arabs with Australian passports.....will they never stop?

    Please tell why Australian let so many in?

    Why does EU United and Australian accepted the people that want to destroy the White Christians

    Mate, you sound like Pauline Hanson. But back then the migrant whipping boy was Asians who were going to swap Australia ans destroy the australian way of life. She was wrong then. You are wrong now.

    That said, this boy is an idiot looking for trouble and if he doesn't get shot, a bomb will probably get him if he doesn't come running home to mummy first. At which point he's gooing to be locked up for a long long time.

    I would dare say that the "terrorists" have already changed civilization more than you realize... Much like placing a frog in a pot of water, then putting it on the heat, the change has been subtle and taken time, but if you compare your life before 9/11/2001 to the ludicrous BS we put up with today, I think you will agree with me...

    As for your assertion that radical islam will not destroy your native way of life, I contend that it already under way and will continue to do so... Now that young, impressionable, deluded kids like the numpty in this video continue to find guidance from radical islam, isolated random attacks will only get worse... Just look at the increase in the number of one-off attacks by lone fanatics in the last few months...

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