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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. i have never heard a thai say : 'dumb farang'

    but ive seen farangs say : dumb thai' one million times on this forum

    whos the racist?

    Thai isn't a race, it's a nationality.

    Insulting Thais may make you a bigot, but it certainly doesn't make you a racist.


    White people are not a majority in the USA, not sure about the UK.



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  2. Once you get past all the hysteria surrounding the Brown and Garner cases, the one thing that is evident is that the US has a police brutality problem... A big one... In both of these case, deadly force could have been avoided through tactics... Had the officer in the Brown case waited for backup, the situation may have ended differently... In the Garner case, there were plenty of officers to subdue the man without having to use deadly force... They could have tazed him, then subdued him... All conjecture though as that is not what happened... Yes, cops have a tough job, but it appears that they are no longer on the street to "protect and serve"...

    At 1:00 minute into this video the police shoot and kill a person that was handcuffed and in custody... He was forced to the ground face first and shot in the back... There is 1.5 hours of this type of behavior on this one video... The point is that this is not a racial issue, which sadly those in power and the media are trying to make it... It is a problem of unrestrained aggression against the very people these "officers" are employed to protect... I'll take the BiB groping me along Asoke any day as opposed to the police state that has become the USSA...

  3. I would say that the drop in tourists is based on two factors, the Som Nom Na factor and the state of global economies...

    It was only a matter of time before the stories circulated wide enough about the scams, robberies, druggings, murders, extortion by the plod, etc. and scared off a segment of tourists...

    As much a factor is the state of global economies, which have been in the toilet since '08...

  4. Lived in Udon 2 years..Never been stopped by police for anything..Stopped once in the car for a license check. Showed It, and that was that. Just had a week in Chiang Mai..Same. Is this only a Bangkok thing? Don't see any complaints from residents of Phuket, Pattaya, Issarn etc.

    It's a Thong Lor BiB thing... They've been doing it for years, although it appears they have ramped up random searches lately... Not sure which is worse around the Asoke / Sukhumvit intersection at night, the BiB or the ladyboys trying to pick your pocket...

  5. Okay, so now I'm getting a bit concerned. I've spent my whole life living in Asia as an expat, and when living in Japan in the 1980's as a teenager, we were told we had to carry our "Alien ID card" (love the wording!) at all times. So we did, and we got used to it - it was not our passport, but rather a separate ID issued to all foreigners living in Japan legally. Now I live in Bangkok, between Phrom Pong and Thong Lor. I'm on a non-immigrant B visa, which I got legitimately through one of the wonderful legal firms advertising on this forum (I'm a freelance consultant, so have no other choice w/re to visa). I have no problem carrying a photocopy of my passport and visa page, but I am NOT about to start carrying around my actual passport. Why should I? Are the Thai police going to pay for my new passport if my bag gets snatched in a robbery?? Some people seem to think this whole thing is a joke, but I don't think it's at all funny. Whether they're short on tea money, trying to catch actual criminals, or whatever - I find this all pretty disturbing, especially in light of the current state of government here since May....would really appreciate some hard facts and actual answers on this issue rather than some more BS stories about how this is all a joke. It's certainly not a joke to those who have apparently experienced it....

    Show them your Thai driver's license... That shows that you are not a tourist and should shut them down...

  6. Care to explain this?

    So witness 10 is credible (by the way- I never disputed, that there was a struggle in the car) but these guys, who were not even aware that were filmed, are not!

    Mind= blown!

    And you are proof positive that this scene it valid ? I do believe if it was - it would have been introduced into evidence at the Grand Jury hearing... --- I have never seen or hear mention of it ... even with articles done by the NY Times or other major media source.

    Some vetting would be helpful as it is just a youtube video...

    It's CNN... Zero credibility...

  7. Seriously, if US is so racist and bad, please, and I welcome, those who feel that way to get the f out and move to other countries. Thailand, will you please take all of our unhappy Ferguson protestors, including those from Chicago that like to set fires, and give them a good home, a food card and free health benefits.

    Here is a serious question...

    Why are you on TVF? Do you have any ties to Thailand? From your recent avatars, you are pictured with a farang woman and have a farang child... Just what is your attraction to TVF? You never post anything positive and IMO are nothing but a troll...

    Let's hear it big guy, or are you going to use me as a punching bag for one of your workouts...

    • Like 1
  8. Yep. Washington also invented the flu, the plague and radical dictators that slaughter hundreds of thousands of their own for shhyyttes and giggles. While we are at it, we also invented aliens and Bigfoot for reasons that yet remain unknown.

    Yeah, right... Perhaps you would like to explain WHY the CDC holds patents on the Ebola virus....


    Haha, the voice of reason speaks up.

    Does the CDC hold a patent on Ebola or not?

    You can't deny it because it is true...

    Too bad your ego won't allow you to admit it...

  9. Illumanati. Yeah right that's the ticket. Does Thailand attract the tin foil hat set at high rates or is it just internet forums in general?

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

    Here are the cliff-notes... You want more detail, dig for it...


    1776: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Adam Weishaupt with its organization and development.

    Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine, which it is claimed is nothing less than a new order for the human race under the domination of Lucifer and his followers.

    This concept spreads and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.

    • Like 2
  10. Yep. Washington also invented the flu, the plague and radical dictators that slaughter hundreds of thousands of their own for shhyyttes and giggles. While we are at it, we also invented aliens and Bigfoot for reasons that yet remain unknown.

    Yeah, right... Perhaps you would like to explain WHY the CDC holds patents on the Ebola virus....


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  11. I thnk he's confusing the word scam with expensive.

    No he isn't. That was an obvious scam. If they weren't scamming they would both put the weight policy in LARGE print, not tiny print and if they were decent they would be sure to verbally inform customers as well.

    What percentage of their customers would stay for dinner if they knew the real price? I doubt very many.

    For that price you could probably eat multiple times at the best restaurants in Bangkok, and it's obvious a scam operation like that isn't one of them.

    Is it not industry standard for seafood to be quoted by weight?

    Also, clearly this is a very high end joint. They would never advise their customer that stuff is priced per kilo, as this would risk offending their hiso customers who like to portray that they don't care how much they spend.

    Depends on where you are in the world... Most places in the world I have visited, you order a dish that has an advertised price... It's only been in SEA where I have found seafood prices changed by the gram on menus...

  12. Gold prices closed at 1,167. Nuff said.

    Really? Perhaps you should check the charts this morning...

    What transpired on Sunday, Nov 30th in the silver and gold markets was the same scenario that metals investors have been screaming about for the last 2 years... Some one or some entity dumped 100,000 gold / silver futures contracts on the market at a time when there was zero liquidity and low volume in the markets... A move designed to drive the price of the commodity down, not to liquidate a position for profit... The exact same scenario that has taken place with increasing frequency... It appears from today's price action that this was seen as a BTFD event and prices are back up...

  13. I agree. I live in a Muslim area of Phuket and get along very well with my Muslim neighbours. Having said that, you only must cast your glance further South to see how Muslim dominated areas feel no compunction against shooting student nurses in the head in a market place in broad daylight. There have been problems in the West with Muslims long before ISIS. The US and Bliar could share some of the blame.

    Various religions have been hijacked by nutters throughout history. Doesn't mean they're all nutters.

    With respect MJP, we're not talking about the Spanish Inquisition, merely the FACT that the majority of today's problems are exactly coming from nutters of one particular 'religion'.

    Yes, those pesky Christians are up to their antics again... The USA has only been bombing Iraq for 20 years now...

    • Like 1
  14. Sorry, mate, can you repeat that? You paid 3 baht for a trinket and the immigration back home asked you for 780 euros? Is there some reason why you didn't just leave it with them?

    A 3 baht gold necklace does not mean it's only "3 baht" worth of gold... It refers to the weight of the item... In this case, 3 baht of gold is roughly 45 grams of gold...

    • Like 1
  15. Really???

    That being said I would totally understand why British ladies would go to the US. 4 times more Brits go to the US but Thailand has 5 times the number of rapes. The US would need to have around 45 British female rapes just to be even with Thailand.

    Just from my experience with Brits in the USA they were almost always couples and/or families as opposed to single men who were not the creme de la creme of posh British society vacationing in Thailand.

    My point was that it is not Thailand that is dangerous but the tourists who come to Thailand that are dangerous.

    so let me get this right.... The majority of Brits who come to Thailand are male but yet the number of rapes are 5 time more than in the US. So you are saying that many British men get raped in Thailand?

    That's their story and they are sticking with it... thumbsup.gif

  16. What many people fail to understand when it comes to Thai food cooked elsewhere is

    first of all the availability and the authenticity of the fresh ingredients, herbs and veg

    grown in Thailand have a similar but unique flavours and characteristics to the same

    grown outside of Thailand, second, the cooking utensils, the wok, the burners, and every

    other utensils use in here to cook Thai food add a lot to the flavour of the finished dish,

    last but not least, the cook, nothing will compare to an Issan hands cooking the dish...

    +1... This is my experience... The ingredients do not have the same flavor as ingredients in Thailand... Couple this with food prep methods (hygienic or not) and the dishes just don't taste the same in the west...

  17. People of the Austrian school of apocalyptic economics who want to believe the United States and Europe are suicidal, i.e., sitting around doing nothing, or that the US and European elites of government, finance, economics are just plain stupid, instead reveal much about themselves.

    The Mad Max syndrome people who want Beijing and Moscow to dominate if not control the world are in for the same shock and shocker other followers of ruthless and deranged dictators experienced.

    The world is very likely headed for a Global Great Depression but the outcome of it will be the opposite of that which the Austrian school rightists with their disciples here and elsewhere foresee. The dollar, the capital markets of the United States will remain intact and in their present position. The only question is whether the devastated Putin and his demolished Russia will start pushing red buttons.

    It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of fact... The only statistic that really matters is external debt... Russia and China have zero external debt... The USA, EU and UK, not so lucky...

    The only ones that are crazy are Keynesians, believing that economies of the world can be based on debt growth and fiat currencies backed by the "good faith" of the issuer... When you consider that every fiat currency ever created in the history of mankind has failed and that EVERY currency in circulation today is a fiat currency, then who is crazy?

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