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Posts posted by Loptr

  1. My guess is that you want to start a thread to bash Republicans since both sides have used the SS money for other things and both sides call SS an entitlement. This is the wrong forum though.

    You need to figure out how to slide your way into commenting on something on the World News Forum where it might be vaguely on topic. You will have lots of help trashing the Republican there.

    The reason I mentioned The Republicans is that in my previous thread about SS, one of the off topic ranters had a pretty long post about how it was Reagan who started depleting the funds for other purposes.

    True or not, I do not know.

    I did state that I was not an expert on S.S. history and was looking for input from those who know more than I.

    As for my dislike of republicans...

    I do not dislike them any more than I do the Democrats.

    It's really one party with two faces...isn't it?attachicon.gif10353192_851002651599484_7716881104291857807_n.jpg

    Reagan sold out to Wall Street to get the US out of recession... Just check the ramp in US debt after he took office...

    Read the book "The Man That Sold Out the World" for a better perspective...


    My posts might give some the impression that I'm a Republican... Nothing could be further from the truth as I hold both parties with equal disdain... They have both screwed the pooch since WWII and it galls my a## to think were the world would be today without all the paranoid power-hungry psychopaths that rule the world...

    • Like 1
  2. President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation by Executive Order to free US slaves and President Truman used Executive Order to racially desegregate the US armed forces.


    Clyburn on Immigration: "Lincoln Used The Executive Order To Do The Emancipation Proclamation

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    REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-South Carolina): [The Senate immigration reform bill has] been here in the House for 18 months. I think it's high time that the president were to act. As you know, I have been urging the president to use the executive orders to do this. I think it would put him in big company.


    If you do not see the difference between Lincoln's action to halt slavery and today's situation, there is no hope of explaining it to you... Nice way to parrot the talking points though, Nancy Pelosi would be proud of you...

    • Like 1
  3. “I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the (immigration) on my own. But that‘s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.”

    -Barack Obama

    And he only made that comment 22 times in public since 2006...

  4. President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation by Executive Order to free US slaves and President Truman used Executive Order to racially desegregate the US armed forces.


    Clyburn on Immigration: "Lincoln Used The Executive Order To Do The Emancipation Proclamation
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    REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-South Carolina): [The Senate immigration reform bill has] been here in the House for 18 months. I think it's high time that the president were to act. As you know, I have been urging the president to use the executive orders to do this. I think it would put him in big company.

    Lincoln use the executive order to do the Emancipation Proclamation. Truman used it on the armed services. I can go down and see where the presidents have used their executive authority to do some mighty big things that have very positive impacts on the country. So, I am calling upon the president to take his place among that group that I just enunciated. I think it's very, very important for him to do so.


    So you think it is a good idea for Obama, to grant amnesty to several million illegals. OMG!

    President Reagan issued an executive order in 1987 granting amnesty to illegal aliens with a great backlash, so no president has tried amnesty since.

    President Obama's executive order provides comprehensive immigration reform without any amnesty because the negative lesson of amnesty is a well learned one.

    President Obama's executive order is not an amnesty. It accomplishes its purpose without the mistakes of the past.

    To reiterate, everyone in Washington has learned from the Reagan experience that an amnesty for illegal immigrants is a no-win issue. So Prez Obama's executive order has nothing to do with any amnesty.....

    Only the Obama bashers and the immigration phobes are trying ever so desperately to say the president's executive order is an amnesty. Prez Obama has not issued any amnesty and will never issue an amnesty.

    Prez Obama accomplishes the purpose by requiring a 13 year process for illegal immigrants to legitimize their status. It is not an amnesty, it is a work and credits earned program, not a grant or an award or a recognition of illegality.

    Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

    President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent..

    Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing.

    There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

    A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JgxZDpJO


    "I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984.

    Typical liberal lies... Reagan did not sign an executive order granting illegals amnesty, he signed legislation that was passed by the House and Senate...

    You know hope is lost when the opponents begin to believe their own lies...

    The borders were supposed to be secured after the 1984 legislation, but we see how far that has gone... coffee1.gif

  5. I'm not sure about cold fusion (snicker, snicker) but liquid floride thorium reactors seem a no-brainer.

    The physics behind LFTR is well understood.

    Cold fusion, not at all. whistling.gif

    Politics of vested interests is the snag.

    Hey, is that Thor depicted in your avitar?

    Prophetic!! clap2.gif

    Some people read... Others piss in the wind.... coffee1.gif

    Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline


    From the referenced article:

    "The researchers are very careful about not actually saying that cold fusion/LENR is the source of the E-Cat’s energy,"

    & "...in serious scientific circles, LENR is still a bit of a joke..."

    Not one thing in the article contradicts anything I posted,...

    ...so be sure to let it go downwind so as not to get any on yourself.

    (snicker, etc.)

    Generating 1 millions times the energy density of gasoline didn't even peak your interest... Congratulations on being a luddite...

  6. I'm not sure about cold fusion (snicker, snicker) but liquid floride thorium reactors seem a no-brainer.

    The physics behind LFTR is well understood.

    Cold fusion, not at all. whistling.gif

    Politics of vested interests is the snag.

    Hey, is that Thor depicted in your avitar?

    Prophetic!! clap2.gif

    Some people read... Others piss in the wind.... coffee1.gif

    Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline


  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I don't hate Thailand...but I do hate the buffaloes that run the country and educate the population. If only they had been colonised..... alt=whistling.gif>

    Damn I hope you're joking

    You're not seriously suggesting that colonisation is a good thing are you?

    Yes I am. Thailand demonstrates over and over again that they are incompetent at doing anything. Colonise, set them up, show them how it's done...then leave.

    Thailand should be colonized by who, the UK or the US, or perhaps even China? clap2.gifcheesy.gif

  8. Just think of all the material you will have after another year in amazing Thailand.

    Not much truth in advertising in this part of the world. Check the fuel pump sometime, I had 55 liter show on a pump one day with a vehicle where fuel tank capacity is 42 liter (manufactor measurement) Even warrenties can be misleading, battery for vehicle may say 2 year free call out if battery fails to start vehicle but battery itself only 1 year (not mentioned on warrenty card. I normally have any pre wieghed/marked meat etc at mackro weighed on meat counter scales, both probably have a thumb added to actual weight.

    You tank size doesn't include the filler neck which is several litres and your fuel lines all the way from the front to the rear of the car, there are several if injection, fuel filter , accumulator and fuel distributor as well. Also you are trusting your manufacturer to be precise to the litre.

    Petrol stations are randomly checked, the allowable error is negliable on a single tank. If you believe what you say then call the authority.

    But as for scales, the markets all seem to be wrong and only one way by at least 100 grams/Kg.

    13 liters for the filler neck to the tank and the volume in the fuel lines? You're taking the piss, right?

    • Like 1
  9. Some posters here are seriously overestimating the power and influence of Russia and underestimating the power and influence of Germany on a global scale.

    Perhaps you would like to share with other TVF members how Germany is more powerful than Russia on the global stage... Please, do tell... coffee1.gif

    The German economy is larger, even more so when you include them in the EU. Plus, Germany is in better standing with the rest of the world. Russia is counting on some dodgy partners.

    Do you consider the BRICS to be "dodgy company" or is it Germany's association with the non-elected munchkins in Brussels that you are referring to?

    You may also want to check your claim that Germany's economy is larger than Russia's, because it is not the case...

    • Like 1
  10. Some posters here are seriously overestimating the power and influence of Russia and underestimating the power and influence of Germany on a global scale.

    Perhaps you would like to share with other TVF members how Germany is more powerful than Russia on the global stage... Please, do tell... coffee1.gif

    As I never stated that Germany is more powerful than Russia, I see no reason to doing that what you ask. Learn to read....

    It appears I read just fine... What part of your original post that I have highlighted are you denying?

  11. Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

    As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

  12. Many people get excited and pay for lifetime membership, but the truth is, it is not YOUR Life time, but CLUBS life time,

    Change of owner can be translated into a new "life" therefore your membership is no longer valid.

    They could argue its the same club, but all new owners have to do is change one letter in the spelling and its a new different club

    Do not have to agree with this or like this, its just how it is and how it works.

    Are you a Thai attorney practicing law in Thailand? If not, then this is your opinion, not Thai law...

    As usual, the only people that will profit from this legal matter will be the lawyers...

  13. Women are the same to world over, just like men... Once in a committed relationship you share everything and hope for the best, until things go pear-shaped... When things do go oblong, women can be very vindictive and will apply as much pain as possible on their former lover... Broad strokes, I know, but deny that it happens... In Thailand, the ladies have the upper hand in that the assets are in their name, UNLESS the foreign hubby protects himself... Trust is a wonderful thing, until you get your ass handed to you and all your assets are gone... No one is going to look after your best interests more than you...

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