Reports indicate that over 50 Kuwaiti men attacked a single Thai man, prompting the Thai men to retaliate, which led to the viral confrontation.
Well, these are the same Arabs that that sat in 5-star hotels and watched as an international coalition took back their country for them.
Nigerians up to no good again. Just one post, just one, about an honest nigerian here, please
I thought they were all in the UK clogging up the jails & making a mockery out of the justice system, as if the British penal system needed any help.
He certainly doesn't look like somebody who's ready to take any flack. Maybe there's a little more to this story. Let's hope we here from the other side before the stories binned.
There's no excuses for the owners of these type of dogs when this kind of tragedy happens. It's impossible to forecast for what, where or when these animals turn. The owners must take full responsibility for whatever happens. No excuses, get rid or take the rap.
Thailand anticipates a record influx of tourists from Taiwan and India this year, thanks to its recent visa-free policy.
"Anticipate" or in other words "hope" that these tourists will arrive is grabbing at straws again. The same as the figures or data given in the rest of the thread. Big advertisement campaigns have gone out around the western world, but as yet with very little response. Stick hold of the pensioners & retirees already here, if you want the Baht to hold up in the coming future.
I'm always at a loss when this booze ban comes along in the name of religious respect. Wouldn't it be better if the monks asked for a total cease in crime on these days. i.e.- NO murder - No theft - No scamming etc. etc. Even the government & lady boys could join in. Out of shear respect of course.
Everybody's jumping around picking straws to get information. There's plenty to be had, but the RTP have been told to keep stum for the time being.
Plenty more to come.
He anticipated that the conflict might be related to the late salary payment or physical punishment as the Iranian man usually beat Min for being slow at work.
Looks like one beating to many?
Police officials stated that they could not proceed with the case unless the Chinese tourists file a formal complaint.
Where does this BS stop & the law start to take over.
So, the Thais getting a little fussy. Maybe they should clean up their own back yard first & make sure their own finances or sustainable if they want to keep traveling.
Let's see - sexual assault, impersonating a police officer, fleeing the incident seen, just for starters. Should be at least THB 1000 plus fine.
Probably cost her more getting the police off their arses.
Banglamung District Chief Weerakit Manarojkit convened an urgent meeting yesterday, July 4 to tackle the escalating issues
The only thing to come out of these meetings is the date & time of the next meeting.