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Everything posted by parafareno

  1. and i was today freaking out about pqyoneer security issues....i am glad they are so strict...you cant pay anything without confirming pin on your phone.....so nobody can steal your money without your phone
  2. i think they pigeons smell leftover vodka gorbatchev and their flight abilities were impaired....so they moved to your part which is easier to <deleted> on without any alcohol vapors
  3. why dont you give some free vodka to russian neighbour and he will watch out for any pigeons...they have nothing to do anyways
  4. i cant believe you can get infection like this in thailand....i thought thailand is not India for god sake
  5. i went to hospital jomtien and he said drainage if the antibiotics will not help, did you have fistula yourself?
  6. ok istarted taking amoxyclin today...
  7. chat gpt is the new god...
  8. i had one between the crack...it went away on its own too....but this one is outside the crack.... why does this stuff happen= I am sure it is about water....or massage uncleaniliness....something
  9. first time i came to thailand i met 2 african guys.....I could see they did not shower for few days...they invited me to play pool and i said ok....but then they came with this crazy story....about a suitcase that I should go pickup for them in some room....it was really crazy idea....they wanted me to do it,,,they tried liike 2 hours to talk me into it....i still dont know what is the scam about though....something very dangerous..so I split....never turned back....it was somewhere around asok nana...12 years ago
  10. is it possible that a ladybody witchcrafted me?
  11. i will just ride through it....i cant tolerate antibiotics at all
  12. yes there is a lump inside in the asscheek..i can feel it with my fingers....i went to hospital...he gave me some antibiotics that I refused....and I was out of 2700 bht....for 10 minute appointment..... i think it will go away on its own
  13. the russians probably spotted a borscht and vodka place near the road so he was screaming to stop....to fill up on "medicine"
  14. the problem with that is with Indians, when 5 guys on 1 girl dont pay, she will have a legal reason to persue the payment
  15. but they dont necessary change the towels....i saw it myself...they just keep same towel there....once in buakaw i saw it
  16. it is painful a little bit....also it happened after a rough van ride for visa run, my body was jumping up and down on its ass a lot during crazy road encounters in thailand it happened to me few months before here in thailand, but it was before inside the asscrack...and it was not after a van ride i suspected something i have not done in europe, like drinking diet sodas...maybe it is from aspartame allergy.... because i never had this before..... pretty scary or it might be unclean water from toilet pressure hose? or too much pressure when spraying with hose?
  17. i can send you pm if you want 55
  18. i have never had this in my life...so first thing is it from massage parlors, where you lie naked on who knows how many naked falangs lied there before and you get some kind of infection? Because I never had this. It is quite big, like a walnut, i google it and it says it is from inggrown hair, i guess it is full of bloody puss....it does not come out, only little bit
  19. Is it boring? Interesting? I guess the beach is cleaner than in Pattaya... I need some advice thank you
  20. i go to the shop near friendship market....she said 200, i bargained to 150... i hope it will be a good fix...she said come back 2 hours
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