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Everything posted by neeray

  1. This story defies any reasonable explanation.
  2. So much for Good Guys in, Bad Guys Out. Perhaps From Russia With Love needs to be re-thought. Putin will welcome these two fodder-candidates back home.
  3. He'll be wishing that he'd chosen scam school in Nigeria instead of mule school. Butt it's too late now..
  4. A "hub". What a novel idea. There's nothing like fresh "new" thinking. Hub, hmm !
  5. The list of riders reads more like a mini-meeting of the UN. Probably accomplished just about the same.
  6. The unfolding of a high-level power play. Not as high level as a criminal in a long-term hospital stay but still high.
  7. A classic case of "he said, she said". Or, "there's his side, her side and the truth".
  8. I wish I could read minds, but no, I don't have that talent. But I do follow a sh*t load of news on this topic and can utilize rationale.
  9. "Tell us why o learned one". I'm not quite certain what the question is but I'll take a guess and answer (always happy to address a trumper). Trump voters only ever did comprise slightly less than half the vote and half of them were hard core MAGAts, AKA, cultists. That's 50%, but the ones that weren't cult have seen the light and won't vote Trump. That leaves only the MAGAts at 25% of the total, likely voters, but even that number is reducing as time and Trump troubles go on. Therefore, mathematically impossible. Some former Trump voters won't vote for him again, but they won't vote Biden either. They'll just stay home.
  10. Such a meltdown will be nothing as compared to what the meltdown will be in USA, especially when Trump loses. But mathematically speaking, Trump can not score a win in 2024.
  11. Thank you for your excellent post. May a hundred million American voters read and understand your reasoning (I know, some of them can't read).
  12. Note tp Alena: I'm not a gynecologist but I'd be happy to take a look (*_*).
  13. The perp certainly won't have to worry about making baht for the next 20 to 40 years. As a child molester in jail though, he'll have lots else to worry about.
  14. To take the chance of selling this sh*t in an Asean country, he must be thoroughly addicted to it himself.
  15. "Woke or wokism" can be on any page, IMO, best if on no page at all.. The word is now meaningless as it has being overused. It's generally used now by people who aren't able to express their thoughts using a greater vocabulary, or they think they're being trendy.
  16. They didn't like being behind the Brits for outlandish episodes.
  17. Despite all the sh#t they're going to end up in, had these two crazy KIWIs pulled this stunt in USA, they'd probably be going home in cargo, and in coffins.
  18. They DID ONCE TALK ABOUT banning Thais, as I recall (maybe I recall wrong). If they give Thais a free hand (pun intended), the loan sharks, which I read recently they are trying to reign in, will have a field day. Pawn shops will be overfilled, evictions will sky rocket, starvation will increase, crime will increase, the temples will need new rules to turn down loans, prostitution will increase (if that's possible). The downside of letting Thais play (and lose) in casinos is endless. Everybody knows already how Thais think they will get rich by playing the lotto and other gambling games.
  19. I recall once reading in a previous iteration about casinos in Thailand that locals would be barred from play/entry. I should hope so. At the one near me in Toronto, Canada, there have been a number of suicides by "addicted" players. One sad story worthy of mention is, a frequent player took her savings for her daughter's wedding to the casino on her final occasion thinking she could increase the $10,000 wedding fund. Subsequent to losing it all, she hung herself in the casino washroom. Others have offed themselves in the parking lot after a bad loss. I would hate to think of poor Thais losing the rent, mortgage or grocery money at the local casino.
  20. I totally agree with you Bangkok Barry. (Mother taught me, if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all).
  21. I wouldn't believe anything that I read on LinkedIn anymore than I'd believe a sexy little Thai girl that I met in Pattaya who whispered in my ear, "I LOVE YOU LONG TIME". They're both out strictly for themselves.
  22. Only a "tool" would financially back a girl, who he'd never met, in the auto parts business.
  23. Ahh, you've noticed that too. I thought it was just "angry old man's disease".
  24. I totally agree, from first hand experience. On my many trips to Thailand, coming from a country where we drive on the right, I had great difficulty adjusting. Fortunately, on several occasions, I encountered polite Thai drivers when I did something stupid while on foot.
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