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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Walls have been proven useless at the southern USA border, and the guy who pushed for a wall said he was really good at building walls. Probably no better here.
  2. I agree. He has that impudent look. Nah, more like an EFF U look.
  3. A great pussy save. (in North America, cats are commonly called pussy).
  4. I hope that the park officials check the weather forecast before each tour.
  5. Targets are dreams. Projections are futile. As a banker would say to a business owner, "these projections are only your anticipation". Correct !
  6. That poor emaciated tiger in the article picture seems to have a headache, probably severe mental issues. Hopefully it will have a more pleasant future.
  7. Oh thank goodness. Just a Russian with mental issues. I was concerned at first that Putin might be extending his illegal invasion efforts across the ocean. Send him home and put him on the front line.
  8. Obviously the use of the term "John" was just my term for him. But it's okay, never mind, from reading your posts I see that you just like to be argumentative and contradictory. And you'd know a lot more about "Johns" and "brass?" than I would.
  9. Back in my day, we called 16 jail bait. This 'jail bait' was awfully naive and the 'John' was a fool. Bad combination.
  10. All well and good today but by mid January, all systems back to mode-lackadaisical.
  11. What now? The powers that be do an about face on the idea of Thailand thriving based on domestic tourism and go all in on catering to Taiwanese? At least the Taiwanese seem to be big spenders. Hopefully they won't be a victim of a hit and run, or other perils.
  12. That's a lot of new HUBS on the way. I hope at least one becomes reality.
  13. If the driver was a gentleman, he would not have had his wife accompany him on this delivery.
  14. For all the news items I read about damaging Thailand's image, this hospital blunder epitomizes 'image damage'. This will definitely attribute to some vacant plane seats (and hotel rooms, restaurants, bars, tourist hotspots, transportation business ...............).
  15. I have to agree with you. But it would be better if they were more honest about it instead of all the game playing. At present, this charade is not fooling anybody.
  16. These people don't give a dam about the word SHAME.
  17. And base level sentence composition at that.
  18. This story should give you your answer. Good luck.
  19. I recall on my first trip to Thailand in 2015, asking my lady friend, why are there mountains of rubbish at the side of many houses? Why are there appliances, bed parts, tires, PLASTIC BAGS in the creeks and rivers? Why do your country people toss their garbage beside the street bins instead of in the bin? And 8 years later, it's only gotten worse, not better. No doubt, this must apall many tourists, as it did me.
  20. Bad Decisions Make Great Stories. Perhaps it was a bad decision to give him super, extra special, unusual, controversial, VIP treatment upon his return by his private jet. There will be no end to the "stories".
  21. I'm not a drinker but it would seem to me that much more than an hour or two is required to sober up. That sounds like just enough time to wind down and then fall asleep at the wheel (or on the bike) on the way home.
  22. With all the infractions noted, this bar operator certainly pushes his/her luck.
  23. Agreed. I did it once. After that, I requested a Taiwan stop over.
  24. What's a million one way or the other! Yesterday (or the day before), I read an article here that the 25 million target would not be met, short by over a million. Today, the opposite.
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