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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Yes, she has a book to sell and these videos will no doubt contribute to sales revenue. But there is also the possibility that he paid her to be vocal, thinking that it would help his losing campaign. By now, we know for certain that DJ Trump is not opposed to paying women for "services rendered".
  2. She's been put up to this. I wonder how much she charged the liar-in-chief for "services rendered".
  3. This is 2024. Trump's time has come and gone. He had his chance. Game over now.
  4. She mopped the floor with him (that implanted rug is good for something!)
  5. He's just a whacked out old man who's struggling to win a second term so that, as he thinks, he can pardon himself from much of the crime spree that threatens to put him in jail. He doesn't really have any interest in governing. It's all just one big ego trip.
  6. From what I understand, many of these "mishaps" that take place by CONTENT CREATORS are staged, or intentional.
  7. Those subject to deportation shouldn't be losing too much sleep over the issue. The chances of this crazy old dementia-candidate gaining the title of President again become more limited every time he opens his lying, threatening mouth or tweets another incoherent message. The upcoming debate with Harris will just shame him all the more and cost the party that he ruined a few million more votes. The world is watching and laughing.
  8. Encouraging a riot and inciting violence while attempting to overthrow the results of a free and fair election is hardly within such rights. There goes Trump again, twisting things to meet his cause.
  9. There's a common expression in North American English, "whore mongers". Enough said (if it doesn't get deleted". There's a strong defining clue for you.
  10. There's a common expression in North American English, "whore mongers". Enough said (if it doesn't get deleted". There's a strong defining clue for you.
  11. I would agree. I was trying to figure out if I had failed to keep up to date.
  12. Mother raised me that if I have nothing good to say, say nothing. Thus, concerning Trump, I will heed her advice.
  13. So that means "no consumption whatsoever". 😂
  14. RFK is only interested in power. Although Trump will use and then abuse RFK, they make great bedfellows in the meantime until they get the heave ho in November. RFK has just sided with the rapidly sinking ship.
  15. The Kamala Harris trajectory will be all positively uphill heretofore, whereas the Trump trajectory will be akin to a slippery slope, a muddy one at that, as he runs his dirty campaign.
  16. So says Bubba. Bubba is anxiously waiting for him.
  17. Protocol ! What's that ? Trump never gives a rat's axx about protocol.
  18. Same old, same old. Nothing new here.
  19. Very well stated in just a few words.
  20. Ahh Mommy, she's got more marbles than I do, her marbles are nicer than mine, more people are cheering for her than me and many people think that she is much friendlier than me. It's so unfair because I thought I was going to compete with another team member and now I have to compete with her. Mommy, please change my diapers.
  21. "written by the veteran journalist Craig Brown," How appropriate, Trump made it onto Craigs List. And we all know what that was famous for.
  22. I just so appreciate it when The Donald and company pull these stunts. Chunk after chunk of Trump voters must surely jump ship with every stunt. Geez, he must be in great pain what with getting hammered by the daughter of mixed race immigrants and seeing his lead flushed away.
  23. Socialist perhaps, definitely NOT communist. Just more Trump twisting and squirming. Squirm baby squirm !
  24. I would like to see many debates Walz/Vance and Harris/Trump because every debate will cost Republican votes.
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