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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. I like world class French food and Swiss chocolates, Japanese steak, Chinese Xiao Long Pao preferably at a Michelin starred restaurant eaten in the company of beautiful Thai women. I'm happy here. I would not be here without the things I like. Each to their own.

    But didn't you also write this:

    I had a picnic on the sidewalk in front on Nana Plaza at 4AM me and 4 ladies and a dozen entrees including bugs. We all sat there right on the sidewalk no chairs on bamboo mats and ate all drunk as lords. Right there in the middle of the sidewalk. Where else could you do that?

    You're certainly a man of varied tastes!

    Renaissance Man
  2. From my understanding, part of that change involved the remuneration and position in society accredited to teachers in Finland. They are well trained, closely mentored in their early career years and have a respect level of other professionals.

    The people who own and run the private schools in Thailand won't make that sort of change. The public sector squanders and thieves too much cash from the budgets as it is.

    Thailand could learn a lot from countries like Finland, South Korea, Italy (early learning), and the US and UK tertiary sector. But there has to be a willingness to change quite fundamentally and a desire to accept the learning.

    D.C. public schools are violent, chaotic places that have among the highest dropout–and the lowest graduation–rates in the country. In 2007, D.C.’s fourth- and eighth-grade students scored lower than children from all 50 states

    Obama acting like the the rich guy that he is chose to send his own daughters to Sidwell Friends, a private school among D.C.’s most exclusive institutions whose annual tuition runs around $30,000.

    And at the same time canned a voucher program that was working to get students a decent education in the DC area.

    In America the problem is rich people and teachers unions and Democrats (teachers unions big contributors) http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/16/school-voucher-washington-dc-teacher-union-opinions-contributors-obama.html

    Finland eliminated all private schools. Thailand if it wants a decent education system has to do the same thing.

    Simple really. A general in charge could do it in a minute #44. No more private schools. Done. The schools would be better in short order.

    Mr Rich Somchai is not going to let little Lek go to a bad school. Same thing happened in Finland.

    How on earth did Finland eliminate private schools? Gosh that is a great move for a quality education.

    America can't do it. Too many teachers unions guarantee bad teachers jobs. Thailand has no teachers unions.

    There are only two professions left where results don't matter, teachers and weathermen.

    And American universities occupy most of the top 10 places in the various recognized rankings.

    UK private schools are mainly excellent, misleadingly called public. The state schools are highly variable. Although UK second best for universities after US. The old UK grammar school system was excellent - but the loony left were bent on destroying that, whilst still sending their kids to private schools of course!

    Finland is a small country, with a small population and therefore easier to standardize and increase those standards.

    I don't think they are teaching college professors. They should but I don't think that is the thrust of this conference. So American universities would not matter. American education is not good and ranks 23 in PISA science scores.

  3. Lostoday,

    In other words, you have no evidence other than your own prejudices. Prejudice which causes you to ignore the known facts.

    Would a Muslim say "We will all be meeting soon" to Christians as he killed them?

    No; not even if he intended to kill himself as well. A radical Muslim would believe he would be going to heaven, whilst the Christians would be going to hell.

    He'd be wrong, as the Koran forbids murder.

    I'm not a Christian nor Muslim unlike you I have no dogs in this hunt. I'm only an impartial observer. What groups in the USA kill white/other/but not all black, Christians?

    Tell us who?

    Then provide evidence to show why this guy did it.

    When people talk the first one asking the question is answered by the second person. If I knew I would tell you. I asked the question first now it is your turn to answer.

  4. I can guarantee you that the S5 wasn't. Jumped into my pool with it one day, bought a new one the next day.

    Te S5 is waterproof if you just hold it down under water, not if you jump in the pool with it .

    Then the pressure is to high.

    Used mine during Songkran and even put it in a fish tank to show my friend.

    No problem !

    My S5 is waterproof too. That is one reason I bought an S5 instead of S6 and of course the USB 3.0 instead of 2.0 and I can change the battery.

  5. Fail to see what any of this has to do with the COD aspect of the service, if the goods were faulty they would presumably still be faulty if prepaid and sent in the mail or by other delivery method.

    Personally I think the COD aspdct is great, as you have no worries after paying 35k (example) that it doesnt get lost in the delivery process.

    The issue appears to be a faulty product not the delivery service or method as stated in the title.

    Generally it is the buyers responsibility and cost to return items, however IF a fault is found then those costs should be refunded, unless its being returned as unsuitable etc and there is no fault.

    Thats my understanding.

    No, they arrive in a big van with Lazada written on the side. Once I ordered something and was out when he turned up. I actually wished I hadn't ordered it so when he called me on my mobile I said I had made a mistake on the order. He said no problem and that was that. Never heard anything more about it

    Most of mine (20 packages) came from a shipping company Kerry I believe was the name. 3 or 4 were mailed.

  6. Thais are poor. Falang rich.When Thais go to Falangland, Thais always get charge expensive Falang price.So when Falang in Thailand, they should also pay expensive Falang price.This is the universal law of same same no change.If falang want to pay thai price in thailand, falang should also charge cheaper thai price to thai people while in falangland.

    typical attitude of the thai scammers,but so wrong. Go to Uk/London and everyone can go to museums free, masses of foreign tourists, and of course churches and cathedrals are free to go inside.

    They should have two tier Farang pricing. Let the Brits in at a Thai price because they are so poor and charge the Americans double.

    Britain Is Poorer Than Any US State: Yes, Even Mississippi


  7. No matter who benefits on the political spectrum from Government statistics, one is a fool to believe any statistic, number or statement from any Government Agency any day of the week. Opinion polls are, of course, the most risible. So just know if you believe anything this dyscalculiac government states, you're a simpleton. That's good for sainthood, not good otherwise.

    Why would a military government that has banned negative polls report a negative unemployment rate unless the agency responsible was not reporting to the military? I agree in principle with what you are saying but in this instance you have to be wrong.


    "I must be missing something. What does it hurt to turn on a kettle to see if it gets warm and then turn it off after a few seconds when you know the heating element works?"

    Thats just bordering on stupidity. You may feel the urge and the right to test out a 300bht appliance so what about people getting 55 inch tvs? it takes 20 mins to unbox the damn thing and then root around looking for cables.These drivers are flat out all day so a 3 hour back log means end of the day they still have a 1/4 full van .... Seriously what a silly post

    The day I feel the need to 'test out' a 300 Baht purchase, is the day I leave Thailand,.

    I bought a 50 baht cable. I didn't test it. It would have been easy to test. Plug it into my phone. It was raining. I slogged home in the rain. Changed my wet clothes. Sat down to connect my phone to my computer and nothing. I had to get dressed and get to the store again in the rain to get another cable. I think you are a person with no empathy who likes to brag " The day I feel the need to 'test out' a 300 Baht purchase, is the day I leave Thailand."

  9. Her blinding naivety and stunning incompetence is equalled by almost every other member of the junta. So why are we wasting our time and energy making comments?! Time will judge this authoritarian cabal for ther inability to run a country. There are many more choices for tourists looking for Asian culture and enjoyment. Thailand is past it's sell by date and no longer has what many travellers want. Decline is inevitable.

    Because her stunning incompetence and blinding naivety is only equaled by posters who waste time posting about her stunning incompetence and blinding naivety.

  10. @ LOSTODAY

    "I must be missing something. What does it hurt to turn on a kettle to see if it gets warm and then turn it off after a few seconds when you know the heating element works?"

    Thats just bordering on stupidity. You may feel the urge and the right to test out a 300bht appliance so what about people getting 55 inch tvs? it takes 20 mins to unbox the damn thing and then root around looking for cables.These drivers are flat out all day so a 3 hour back log means end of the day they still have a 1/4 full van .... Seriously what a silly post

    Tesco Lotus a few weeks ago I bought a new big screen Samsung TV. They un boxed and plugged it in to make sure it worked. Home pro a couple of weeks ago I bought a hedge trimmer. They unboxed it and plugged it in and revved it up to make sure it worked. A month ago bought a new computer they un boxed it and hooked it to a monitor and made sure it worked.

    I've lived in Thailand for a long time. What do you think they have all those clerks around for?

    If you had read the post I was replying to (me stupid eh? cheesy.gif) the fellow was talking about a kettle he bought at home pro and a clerk wanted to test it in the store it was not a delivery.

    If you are a gentleman you would say you are sorry for not reading the post before you called me stupid and silly. wai2.gif

  11. I purchased a computer tablet from Lazada using the pay when received option. It turned out to be faulty but Lazada told me that it was my responsibility to return to the seller direct"lazada not being the seller" They were not interested in the problem. Clearly without paypal or credit card protection a buyer is screwed on Lazada!

    I had the exact same problem, but luckily the third party reseller was all too willing and replaced the item. As far as customer service is concerned, Amazon they are not. I decided in future that I would test the item before handing over the cash to the delivery driver, and if that wasn't acceptable I wouldn't take it.

    Could you imagine if everyone was dicking around trying to fire up all sorts of electrical equipment without reading the manual, the drivers would be sitting in the vans for long periods..aint gonna happen

    How long does it take to flick an on switch? Reminds me of the time I bought an electric kettle from Homepro and the girl insisted on testing it for me. She took it out of the box and was just about to plug it in when I screamed out, it's got no water in it! So I just said forget it, give me another one in a sealed box and I'll take my chances. I enjoyed watching her climb up the ladder to get another box.

    I must be missing something. What does it hurt to turn on a kettle to see if it gets warm and then turn it off after a few seconds when you know the heating element works?

  12. Lostoday,

    In other words, you have no evidence other than your own prejudices. Prejudice which causes you to ignore the known facts.

    Would a Muslim say "We will all be meeting soon" to Christians as he killed them?

    No; not even if he intended to kill himself as well. A radical Muslim would believe he would be going to heaven, whilst the Christians would be going to hell.

    He'd be wrong, as the Koran forbids murder.

    I'm not a Christian nor Muslim unlike you I have no dogs in this hunt. I'm only an impartial observer. What groups in the USA kill white/other/but not all black, Christians?

  13. To those few who are still attempting to make out this was an Islamist terrorist act.

    If he were an Islamist terrorist of some sort, if he specifically targeted Christians because of this; why no mention of it by him anywhere?

    Not at the time, not on his blogs etc., not in the letter her left behind?

    Why no cries of "Allah Akbar!" so common in actual atrocities carried out by Islamist terrorists?

    Also, why target just Christians? If indeed that's what he did; eyewitness accounts do not all agree on this point; hardly surprising, I doubt anyone was taking detailed notes!

    Why not target Jews as well, in fact all non Muslims?

    Why have an obsession with the IRA and not ISIS?

    In reality, everything points to Harper-Mercer being mentally unbalanced man with an obsession with firearms, shared with his mother, who should never have been allowed anywhere near a gun.

    Gunman in Oregon college massacre committed suicide

    Maybe I missed it but who in this thread wrote the shooter was an "Islamist terrorist." I said he may be Muslim based on the fact that Muslims have been killing Christians since 1095 but I certainly didn't mean to imply he was an Islamist terrorist like the Muslims that have killed thousands of Americans in the past 15 years. I agree with you if an Islamist terrorist he would have been asking for Jews too. Makes no sense to me that he has an obsession with the IRA all of the IRA supporters I know in America are Christian.

    Why are some people still, despite all the evidence to the contrary, desperately trying to 'prove' he was a Muslim?

    The implication is clear; it is because they are also, for their own reasons, desperately trying to 'prove' that his horrific crime was motivated by his being a Muslim and thus he had a desire to kill Christians; i.e. he was some sort of Islamic terrorist; even if acting alone.

    Muslims have been killing Christians, and Christians have been killing Muslims since well before 1095. Read some history.

    But that, and the current activities of ISIS and others, does not, of course, mean that all, or even a significant minority, of Muslims and Christians today have any desire to continue the mutual slaughter; they don't.

    Even though America illegally invaded Muslim states and in the course of those illegal wars killed far more Muslims than Americans killed by Muslims.

    As you are so certain that Harper-Mercer was a Muslim; provide some evidence other than that he asked some of his victims if they were Christian.

    I guess you don't read so good eh? You wrote, " i.e. he was some sort of Islamic terrorist; even if acting alone" I wrote, "I said he may be Muslim based on the fact that Muslims have been killing Christians since 1095 but I certainly didn't mean to imply he was an Islamist terrorist like the Muslims that have killed thousands of Americans in the past 15 years."

    You wrote, "As you are so certain that Harper-Mercer was a Muslim;" I wrote, "I certainly didn't mean to imply he was an Islamist terrorist like the Muslims that have killed thousands of Americans in the past 15 years."

    When and if the authorities release the documents he provided before killing himself we shall see what his motivations were. Now the best we can do is ask who would likely be killing Christians?

  14. I would bet the letter totally refutes the "war on Christians" label that right wing Christians are trying to paint this mass shooting as related to. Remember, it's an election year.

    Either that or it totally refutes the Obama gun control thing and it's a Christian hate crime. Remember it's an election year.

    But it is nice that we both agree that the truth should out and the information be released.

  15. I am hearing there really was a letter that the shooter left in the killing room but now I'm wondering why the content of the letter hasn't been released. Keep in mind the local top cop there has some pretty bizarre right wing politics and doesn't even want the name of the shooter broadcast. Is it possible this letter is being suppressed? It's not exactly a murder mystery. We know who done it.

    Surely the content of that letter would have strong evidence about the shooters motivations and more about the details of the nature of his definite insanity.

    You would think someone in the media would have the brains to be asking the same thing. Or someone in an online blog or some alternative news source. But I can find nothing. Not even the question of why it has not been released.

  16. To those few who are still attempting to make out this was an Islamist terrorist act.

    If he were an Islamist terrorist of some sort, if he specifically targeted Christians because of this; why no mention of it by him anywhere?

    Not at the time, not on his blogs etc., not in the letter her left behind?

    Why no cries of "Allah Akbar!" so common in actual atrocities carried out by Islamist terrorists?

    Also, why target just Christians? If indeed that's what he did; eyewitness accounts do not all agree on this point; hardly surprising, I doubt anyone was taking detailed notes!

    Why not target Jews as well, in fact all non Muslims?

    Why have an obsession with the IRA and not ISIS?

    In reality, everything points to Harper-Mercer being mentally unbalanced man with an obsession with firearms, shared with his mother, who should never have been allowed anywhere near a gun.

    Gunman in Oregon college massacre committed suicide

    The New York Daily News reported that the gunman's mother, Laurel Harper, had stockpiled firearms, fearing stricter gun laws and had sought out a shooting range that would let her and her son shoot without supervision.

    Shelly Steele, who hired Harper, a nurse, to care for her own son, told the newspaper Harper "said she had multiple guns and believed wholeheartedly in the Second Amendment and wanted to get all the guns she could before someone outlawed them."

    Harper also told her Harper-Mercer was "sickly" as a child, had "mental problems" growing up and suffered from Asperger's Syndrome......

    .....Late on Friday, it emerged Harper-Mercer was once turned away from a Los Angeles-area firearms academy by an instructor who told Reuters he found him "weird" and "a little bit too anxious" for high-level weapons training.

    Maybe I missed it but who in this thread wrote the shooter was an "Islamist terrorist." I said he may be Muslim based on the fact that Muslims have been killing Christians since 1095 but I certainly didn't mean to imply he was an Islamist terrorist like the Muslims that have killed thousands of Americans in the past 15 years. I agree with you if an Islamist terrorist he would have been asking for Jews too. Makes no sense to me that he has an obsession with the IRA all of the IRA supporters I know in America are Christian.

  17. If you bought a Dell you are in luck because they are very easy to work with in Thailand. Go on line speak to an English speaking tech and they will solve problem and have it delivered to your house. I was very happy with service. I bought local new but preferred to work with Dell than local company.

  18. "the reason the markets aren't going lower is people are holding and hoping,"giggle.gif Gundlach told Reuters in a telephone interview that "the market bottoms out when people are selling and sold out – not when they are holding and hoping. I don't think you've seen real selling in risk assets broadly. Markets need buying to go up and they need volume to go up. They can fall just on gravity."


    SET has gone from 1500 to 1300 in the past year. Next year it will be at 1100. That is lower.

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