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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Its a dying or dead. I'm sure you can add Patpong to the RIP list.

    Nana died around 2005 and all of Pattaya a few years later at the latest.

    Only clueless dinosaurs visit these mafia clip joints any more. The brighter of you have found Internet dating and the genius among us saw the whole thing for what it was and got married.

    No suprise that the only way most of you can get laid is to fly half way round the world.

    You can add Thermae1, Thermae2 and Bucksin Joe's - three best joints in BKK ever.

    I often think, why doesn't he government just shut these rackets down? Skeezy mongers, gone. Problem solved.

    These joints are long done. Anyone still rocking up here deserves what they get. Overpriced drinks, sour princesses, danger, herpes and very possibly hiv.

    The born again Christians are in short supply in the current government. Why not try some place in a country more suited to your dark ages mentality.

    I'm not moralizing bro. My statements are quite objective.

    Many of the places that went under, especially those I mentioned as well as the demise of Pattata were all the best. What's left is just the shell of something great.

    Its no different than any other thing on the planet: music, food, travel, Internet... Once the idiots find out about it, the trendsetters move on - until the govt wakes up and ruins it somehow.

    Trouble is times have long, long ago changed. You never got the memo.

    Bro, Pattaya is not dead nor is Nana. The idiots in my opinion found out about Thailand in 1975 or so and it's been downhill since them. I imagine you were not born when I first came to Thailand but I don't really know or care.

  2. Whenever this is brought up its always good for a huge laugh. Usually, its frustrated teachers who 20-40 years ago would have been failing themselves. Thus may not be the op, jus sayin...

    In the US many, many students are passed thru levels who go on to graduate and are functional illiterates. Why not here? Judging by the genius UK teachers I've taught with only one graduated university, that's about 7%.

    So why the stress bro? Education isn't really important to you either.

    Further, how, where is this third world education system going to provide remedial services and whose paying? No one ever brings up this gem.

    Moreover, I hate blaming the system, I won't, but here I cut some slack. These kids have poor teachers, crap books, one hundred white faces, Filipino and N English accects, 40C heat in the class, poverty, family issues, peer pressures...and you want to shitcan their grade because they did not do X and Y in your class. Hope you have a ton of professional experience to make that assessment. Your tests and teaching, etc...not saying here it was you but maybe in part it was. First year teachers Im lookjng so hard at you. The tefl flunkies.

    Why NOT give them the minimum grade I mean you're not a real teacher? You never had a lick of interest in teaching until now. This is just some job that keeps you in Thailand. Pretty disingenuous really.

    Thailand wants them to pass. Pass them fools,

    Finally, the system allows you to enter a grade of 50%, how much more of a fail do you need to brand on these children dear "teachers"?

    Utter tripe from you as usual. Almost nothing you say is intelligent or informed. Your habitual attacks on native speakers teaching in Thailand are disgusting ignorant rants that serve to make things more difficult for everyone else, including the students. Thai education is all the better for every moment you keep your ill-informed mouth shut.

    I've been out here for decades, lived and traveled to tens of countries and spoken to ten thousand non native speakers of English. You know who are the worst? Those from Northern England, Scotland, N Ireland and East London. Its not just the pronunciation, its all the atrocious slang that they seem clueless to strip from their speech.

    When I listen to these plebs, I honestly have no idea what they are saying half the time and therefore if I have no idea, how possibly can their students?

    Its really no why American English is now target language choice from MENA to Korea and all nations in between, including Hong Kong which has forgotten the British entirely.

    As for my attacks on native speakers, if the shoe fits...

    1. I can think of no English person save one that I have ever worked with that has had a BA. All contractors or on a diy B visa.

    2. Most Europeans and even South Africans have a more lovely accent than those from UK I had mentioned. Ouch, sorry.

    3. I've always been totally unimpressed with the work ethic, but there are plenty of lazy teachers.

    4. I have never understood through other teachers, Thai teachers or students that these persons were good teachers.

    5. Government is starting to require background checks on UK individuals. Why? There must be a reason.

    At the end of the day, objectively speaking these people are not persons anyone should be modeling their speech on, quite simple really.

    Funny, because Thailand throughly does not understand English, it hires these people thinking they are getting a Welsh accent but alas, its just "Brummie". Everything spouted from their mouths is some sort of indecipherable regional slang spoken with with this atrocious tongue. They simply cant help it, no education, no clue.

    I'm calling bs on it.

    Did you know many English persons also go to English language schools to reduce their insufferable accents so they may obtain employment in greater England? No joke. So why are you in my face about pointing this out?

    The lovely accent that used to be known as the Queen's English is now known in the gutter as "posh English" - the plebs berating their own offical, proper langauge. Again - posh...slang. The slang is just absolutely never ending with the lower classes in this country. It spews forth endlessly, they can't even contain it in an office environment even when the office is dedicated to the English language.

    Given the general lack of diploma, speech, criminality, drinking issues its only a matter of time before Thailand wakes up.

    Yeah, the Visayan Filipino accent is awful and what Asian wants to be taken for a nation commonly referred to as the "sick man of Asia".

    Does anyone think that a Thai student speaking with an Cockney, Birmingham, Liverpool or Manchester accent could be a good thing? Ever? Ever? No. Not ever.

    Although I agree with you, your post has nothing to do with the topic. If I graded I'd give you an F.

  3. Do you know anything about American gun laws? NO. Why talk about something you have no knowledge? I know Aussie and anti American. OK I get that. Why do you care? Are you worried about American lives? What is your motivation posting all the anti gun stuff? Do you think Americans will listen to you? I would but you have no in depth knowledge about the subject.

    You don't like Americans and are using this tragedy to spew venom about an area that you have no knowledge. The only reason I write that is so you will know how your views are perceived by an American.

    You don't help the issue you only serve to cement the pro gun lobby in America.

    A hate crime was committed in Oregon today the perp happened to use a gun. Others have used box cutters or fertilizer with far more tragic results. I am saddened by the crime. Hate crimes are such that if the perp did not have a gun he would have used a bomb or some other tool of destruction that is the nature of those who do such things.

    America has a lot of gun laws. The students were killed in a gun free zone as that is one of the laws.

    Its a forum for people to discuss things. If you dont like people discussing things them perhaps you are better doing other things.

    I trust you will not be posting on forums about refugees in europe as that doesnt concern you. No posting about thai politics as you cannot make a difference. Just restrict yourself to US forums, you will feel better.

    Anyone that thinks fertilizer and boxcutters are a bigger problem than guns should not be allowed to own guns as their mental faculties are obviously not all there.

    Im sure the poor victims would be better off if fertilizer was thrown at them.

    And yes, i do worry about American lives. I worry about all lives and its a tragedy the gun lobby dont care.

    I didn't say not to discuss things that don't concern you. I said not to discuss things you don't know anything about like guns and America. America has a problem with hate crimes. Black people were shot because they were black and students were killed because they were Christians. What killed them is a minor issue. Why they were killed is the major issue.

    An American dentist killed a lion in Africa. No one cared about the rifle he used or the fact that he was a dentist. He killed a lion with a collar on is what they cared about as they should.

  4. Well they cant shoot them if they dont have a gun. Its hard to run from a gun, you dont see too many mass stabbings. Id prefer my chances running from a guy with a knife instead of a gun.

    Australia has more people than in 1996. They also have very strict laws on who can have them and, just as important, how they are stored. But the US doesnt seem to want that. They prefer to just accept he constant mass shootings.

    Do you know anything about American gun laws? NO. Why talk about something you have no knowledge? I know Aussie and anti American. OK I get that. Why do you care? Are you worried about American lives? What is your motivation posting all the anti gun stuff? Do you think Americans will listen to you? I would but you have no in depth knowledge about the subject.

    You don't like Americans and are using this tragedy to spew venom about an area that you have no knowledge. The only reason I write that is so you will know how your views are perceived by an American.

    You don't help the issue you only serve to cement the pro gun lobby in America.

    A hate crime was committed in Oregon today the perp happened to use a gun. Others have used box cutters or fertilizer with far more tragic results. I am saddened by the crime. Hate crimes are such that if the perp did not have a gun he would have used a bomb or some other tool of destruction that is the nature of those who do such things.

    America has a lot of gun laws. The students were killed in a gun free zone as that is one of the laws.

    Why are posters referring to a "gun free zone"? The school was NOT a gun free zone and there was a student with a gun on campus at the time. He didn't try to take out the nutter himself as the SWAT might have mistaken him for the shooter and killed him.

    The facts are easily verified with a simple google search.

    Oregon has a law allowing guns on campus, one of 7 states that do.

    During an October 1 appearance on CNN’s Newroom, former US Marshal Art Roderick said the gunman at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College probably chose his target by knowing it was as gun free-zone and therefore “an easy target.”


  5. Well they cant shoot them if they dont have a gun. Its hard to run from a gun, you dont see too many mass stabbings. Id prefer my chances running from a guy with a knife instead of a gun.

    Australia has more people than in 1996. They also have very strict laws on who can have them and, just as important, how they are stored. But the US doesnt seem to want that. They prefer to just accept he constant mass shootings.

    Do you know anything about American gun laws? NO. Why talk about something you have no knowledge? I know Aussie and anti American. OK I get that. Why do you care? Are you worried about American lives? What is your motivation posting all the anti gun stuff? Do you think Americans will listen to you? I would but you have no in depth knowledge about the subject.

    You don't like Americans and are using this tragedy to spew venom about an area that you have no knowledge. The only reason I write that is so you will know how your views are perceived by an American.

    You don't help the issue you only serve to cement the pro gun lobby in America.

    A hate crime was committed in Oregon today the perp happened to use a gun. Others have used box cutters or fertilizer with far more tragic results. I am saddened by the crime. Hate crimes are such that if the perp did not have a gun he would have used a bomb or some other tool of destruction that is the nature of those who do such things.

    America has a lot of gun laws. The students were killed in a gun free zone as that is one of the laws.

  6. may be his new boss told him to get more on the ball, so Somyot's ex secretary had to come up with some BS.

    By the way are they messing with skype? Anybody?

    Asia Bureau Chief

    • HONG KONG – Chinese authorities Thursday confirmed that they have blocked use of foreign-owned Internet messaging services including Line and KakaoTalk.

      China’s State Internet Information Office said that the move was designed to help fight terrorism. Messaging and video services have been used to spread information on bomb making.

      Both services are Korean-owned, with Line developed by the Japanese subsidiary of Korea’s Naver Corporation. Korea’s Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning said that it had been informed by China of the block. Users have reported disruption for over a month.

      Other services named by the SIIO notice include Didi, Talk Box and Vower. It is unclear whether WeChat is also affected.

      The move quickly sparked online comments suggesting that China is further attempting to quash public dissent on issues as various as democracy in Hong Kong and separatism in restive Xinjiang province.

      While not confirming the detailed purpose, the SIIO itself said that only [Chinese-regulated)]media agencies are allowed to carry current affairs news.

      China has long banned Facebook, Skype, Twitter and Google Talk, blocking them by means of its so-called ‘Great Firewall.’

      Assume Thailand would be the same.


  7. News is reporting shooting at an Aussie police station right now.

    Children were earlier locked inside the centre as police investigated the crime scene.

    Father Dennis Entriken told The Daily Telegraphthey all hoped their kids had been spared the sight and sounds of the horror.

    Unfortunately the children are still inside - we cant get access to them and they cant come out, he said.

    Because one of the bodies is quite literally on the ground at the entrance to the childcare centre.


    Yes police knew something was going to happen as they intercepted some 'chatter' and police at that station were told to carry their firearm at all times. Which disproves the hought that carrying guns for defence works.

    2 people killed and it is huge news in oz, thats how rare it is. 2 people shot and killed in the US wouldnt make a local paper.

    Imagine what would happen if the killer asked the people if they were Aussie and only killed the Australians. Would you say that crime was due to gun ownership?

    Yes of course. If he didnt have a gun he couldnt shoot them could he. His reasons would not matter to the victims. The intent was to kill them, and it was by shooting.

    It does not make sense to me. Australia has more shooters, and more firearms now than before the ban in 1996 but fewer crimes.

    That would not seem to fit your attitude. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-01-14/australians-own-as-many-guns-as-in-1996/4463150

    I think the motive or intent of the crime is of prime importance. The Oregon guy was an anti Christian nut. I don't know why the Aussie guy shot the police worker. But I'm sure the prime reason was not because he had a gun.

    People don't shoot people just because they have guns.

  8. Somalia must be a very peaceful place with all those guns.

    It s no use having cities banning guns as people can still get them elsewhere and keep them at home.

    Guns are dangerous things to have in the home, kids have found ways to get to them with tragic consequences. Also very dangerous in domestics, lose your temper and it can escalate to a shooting if a gun is available. If one isnt available then the instant anger may be a beating instead of a shooting.

    I dont hear of many school shootings in australia, glad we never had the gun psych when I went to school.

    News is reporting shooting at an Aussie police station right now.

    Children were earlier locked inside the centre as police investigated the crime scene.

    Father Dennis Entriken told The Daily Telegraphthey all hoped their kids had been spared the sight and sounds of the horror.

    Unfortunately the children are still inside - we cant get access to them and they cant come out, he said.

    Because one of the bodies is quite literally on the ground at the entrance to the childcare centre.


    Yes police knew something was going to happen as they intercepted some 'chatter' and police at that station were told to carry their firearm at all times. Which disproves the hought that carrying guns for defence works.

    2 people killed and it is huge news in oz, thats how rare it is. 2 people shot and killed in the US wouldnt make a local paper.

    Imagine what would happen if the killer asked the people if they were Aussie and only killed the Australians. Would you say that crime was due to gun ownership?

  9. I think probably just another gun loving nutcase looking for eternal glory. He was probably trying for a kill record but failed. I don't see any hard evidence that it was particularly ideological for anything in particular. He obviously had realized his life wasn't going to amount to anything and this was his play to be somebody. I understand the local people who say don't say his name but that really can't be helped.

    Serious question. I'm not trying to be rude. Would you say the same thing if the perp asked if the people were Jewish and killed only the Jews? Would you say the same thing if the perp asked if the people were gay and killed only the gay people? No I don't think so. I'm with you I would not either.

    Hate crimes are defined as race religion sexual orientation and so on. I don't think you have the right along with all the other folks in this thread to exclude Christians from Hate Crimes.

  10. Somalia must be a very peaceful place with all those guns.

    It s no use having cities banning guns as people can still get them elsewhere and keep them at home.

    Guns are dangerous things to have in the home, kids have found ways to get to them with tragic consequences. Also very dangerous in domestics, lose your temper and it can escalate to a shooting if a gun is available. If one isnt available then the instant anger may be a beating instead of a shooting.

    I dont hear of many school shootings in australia, glad we never had the gun psych when I went to school.

    News is reporting shooting at an Aussie police station right now.

    Children were earlier locked inside the centre as police investigated the crime scene.

    Father Dennis Entriken told The Daily Telegraphthey all hoped their kids had been spared the sight and sounds of the horror.

    “Unfortunately the children are still inside - we can’t get access to them and they can’t come out,” he said.

    “Because one of the bodies is quite literally on the ground at the entrance to the childcare centre.”


  11. Motive and intent is the same thing in all but a court of law. For TV purposes there is no difference between motive and intent.
    Umm ok if thats what you want to think.



    noun: motive; plural noun: motives

    a reason for doing something.

    "police were unable to establish a motive for his murder"

    synonyms: reason, motivation, motivating force, rationale, grounds, cause, basis, occasion, thinking, the whys and wherefores, object, purpose,intention

    Use google to search motive and intent difference. Motive is the reason, the thought. Intent is the action. They are not the same so stop trying to say it is.

    In law, to be convicted of murder intent must be proven. Motive does not.

    It is that simple. Move on

    You wrote, "No, in US criminal law motive is not an essential element." What is your motive for trying to say the man's motive is not important in the killing of 9 Christians?

  12. I am not being silly, yes i agree it can and usually is of prime importance but it is not an essential element for guilt. That is the law. Motive is necessary in the sentence faze if you want to prove a hate crime. Motive is not an essential element to prove in trial. If you cannot prove motive the person can still be found guilty.

    Your point about dropping a gun has nothing to do with motive, but intent. To prove murder there must be proof of intent, not motive. Though motive is a very good thng to have, by law it is not an essential ellement for guilt.

    Motive and intent is the same thing in all but a court of law. For TV purposes there is no difference between motive and intent.

    Umm ok if thats what you want to think.

    noun: motive; plural noun: motives
    a reason for doing something.
    "police were unable to establish a motive for his murder"

    synonyms: reason, motivation, motivating force, rationale, grounds, cause, basis, occasion, thinking, the whys and wherefores, object, purpose, intention

  13. Chinese whispers or spin going on.

    He did not ask for Christians, he asked people to stand up and asked what their religion was.

    He did not target Christians, he shot indiscriminately.

    How many people go around shooting groups of Christians??? You have a short memory of a confederate flag waving white guy in a black CHRISTIAN church recently.

    (yet another mass shooting!)

    I daresay most of the mass shootings between blacks or between Hispanics or between each other are Christian-on-Christian.

    It appears the Chinese whispers are you.

    The Confederate flag guy shot black people it was a racist hate crime.

    The Oregon shooting was a religious hate crime.

    “[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.


  14. The first paragraph is wrong. Motive does not have to be established.

    The rest of the quote pertains to sentencing, not trial, where motive must be established to render it a hate crime. But that is on sentencing.

    Sorry but you are being silly. Motive is of prime importance. Look at estblishing accident vs on purpose. I can drop a gun and it may go off by accident killing a person. I can also point it his head and yell, "take this you Christian person." Two entirely different things.

    HItler's motive for killing people was genocide. Churchill's motive was to save people from genocide. Both killed but motive made the difference between madman and hero.

    I am not being silly, yes i agree it can and usually is of prime importance but it is not an essential element for guilt. That is the law. Motive is necessary in the sentence faze if you want to prove a hate crime. Motive is not an essential element to prove in trial. If you cannot prove motive the person can still be found guilty.

    Your point about dropping a gun has nothing to do with motive, but intent. To prove murder there must be proof of intent, not motive. Though motive is a very good thng to have, by law it is not an essential ellement for guilt.

    Motive and intent is the same thing in all but a court of law. For TV purposes there is no difference between motive and intent.

  15. I have never set foot in the Nana hotel, just 10 beers at the golden bar watching the fruit cakes go by .........

    I wouldn't be game to see what the room mattresses look like .... sick.gif

    I'm sure the glory days have passed but I owe my life to the Nana Hotel/Golden bar/and Plaza. I arrived there more than a decade ago with heavy heart and ready to end it all because of a failed marrige in the West. After a week of Nana therapy I had lost ten years of age changed my attitude and found a new lease on life. Thanks to the girls and the parking lot and the staff. wai2.gif I've been happy ever since.biggrin.png

    good to hear. so did you remarry ? did you move up country ?

    Yup.biggrin.png I learned everything I needed to learn about Thailand in the lobby of the Nana Plaza hotel watching the punters file in for breakfast in the morning. It was like an advanced masters on Thai culture. The parking lot at night and the "all you could eat breakfast" in the morning. The university of life. thumbsup.gif

  16. No, in US criminal law motive is not an essential element.

    In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.


    The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, enacted in 28 U.S.C. § 994 note Sec. 280003, requires the United States Sentencing Commission to increase the penalties for hate crimes committed on the basis of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender of any person. In 1995, the Sentencing Commission implemented these guidelines, which only apply to federal crimes.

    In both crime and law, hate crime (also known as bias-motivated crime) is a usually violent, prejudice motivated crime that occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group.

    The first paragraph is wrong. Motive does not have to be established.

    The rest of the quote pertains to sentencing, not trial, where motive must be established to render it a hate crime. But that is on sentencing.

    Sorry but you are being silly. Motive is of prime importance. Look at estblishing accident vs on purpose. I can drop a gun and it may go off by accident killing a person. I can also point it his head and yell, "take this you Christian person." Two entirely different things.

    HItler's motive for killing people was genocide. Churchill's motive was to save people from genocide. Both killed but motive made the difference between madman and hero.

  17. *Deleted posts edited out*

    In respect to not grading Thailand may have a head start on many Western education systems. I have found it is mostly inferior teachers who are hung up on giving grades. My suggestion to the OP is to use the no fail system to his advantage as many advanced school systems use the no grade system as does Finland. Not grading just gives him an advantage over many primitive education systems are still struggling with grades.

    If you would like any other hints on improving the Thai education system and cutting costs feel free to ask.

  18. No, in US criminal law motive is not an essential element.

    In U.S. criminal law, means, motive, and opportunity is a common summation of the three aspects of a crime that must be established before guilt can be determined in a criminal proceeding.


    The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, enacted in 28 U.S.C. § 994 note Sec. 280003, requires the United States Sentencing Commission to increase the penalties for hate crimes committed on the basis of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, or gender of any person. In 1995, the Sentencing Commission implemented these guidelines, which only apply to federal crimes.

    In both crime and law, hate crime (also known as bias-motivated crime) is a usually violent, prejudice motivated crime that occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group.

  19. For all you experts. Finland is in the top 1 to 3 education systems in the world.

    Finland does not give their kids standardized tests.

    It is not mandatory to give students grades until they are in the 8th grade.

    Finnish schools don't assign homework, because it is assumed that mastery is attained in the classroom. thumbsup.gif


    Thought this is the Thai Visa Forum? Sorry, logged into the wrong forum. My mistake.

    No problem. I'm used to teachers with low reading skills. The topic is no fail grading system and a sucessful example of no fail grading in fact no grading at all is Finland. wai.gif Thailand could learn a lot from Finland as they went from a poor to a great education system and one of the tools used was eliminating grading.

  20. For all you experts. Finland is in the top 1 to 5 education systems in the world.

    Finland does not give their kids standardized tests.

    It is not mandatory to give students grades until they are in the 8th grade.

    Finnish schools don't assign homework, because it is assumed that mastery is attained in the classroom. thumbsup.gif


    Top Education systems

    1. South Korea
    2. Japan
    3. Singapore
    4. Hong Kong
    5. Finland


  21. I have never set foot in the Nana hotel, just 10 beers at the golden bar watching the fruit cakes go by .........

    I wouldn't be game to see what the room mattresses look like .... sick.gif

    I'm sure the glory days have passed but I owe my life to the Nana Hotel/Golden bar/and Plaza. I arrived there more than a decade ago with heavy heart and ready to end it all because of a failed marrige in the West. After a week of Nana therapy I had lost ten years of age changed my attitude and found a new lease on life. Thanks to the girls and the parking lot and the staff. wai2.gif I've been happy ever since.biggrin.png

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