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Posts posted by lostoday

  1. Just because you can get away with insulting me is no reason to do so. He said "Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if you are a Christian then stand up and they would stand up. Hed say because you are a Christian youre going to see God in about one second and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people."


    Proving you have no comprehension yet again. He hated all organised religions. Not only christians. The facts are staring you in the face but your bigotry in trying to tie this into it being a muslim issue is out for all to see.

    Members of what organized religion and only that religion were identified and killed by the shooter in Oregon?

    Members of what organised religion were in that classroom?

    10 were wounded and not killed so perhaps 10 other religions. On the average

    31.19% of the people in Oregon are religious, meaning they affiliate with a religion. 10.62% are Catholic; 3.92% are LDS; 6.48% are another Christian faith; 0.23% in Oregon, Oregon are Jewish; 0.61% are an eastern faith; 0.10% affiliates with Islam. The majority of the people in the classroom were not Christians. He only killed Christians. Not Muslims.

  2. It's a good thing none of you gun control freaks are Americans.

    You would be living in fear if you were there...or ever went there.


    Why is a humanitarian who advocates for measure to lessen the deaths of innocent students a "freak"? That's just plain whacky.

    Why do you think any of them would be living in fear? It's the gun nutters that live in fear. Just look at one prominent voice here talking in support of guns: He wants his gun to be able to penetrate body armour in case someone with body armour attacked him. wacko.png . He also wants his guns to "play the long game" for when his imagined Islamists try to over-run the US. wacko.png . He also wants his guns to be ready in case the gummint gets uppity. wacko.png .

    Who's living in fear???

    Really, who? It's the gun owners who live in fear. That's why they have guns.

    I don't think there will be moves for a great firewall of America or the banning on Orwell's 1984. Now you may say but what about the UK or Australia? It should be pointed out that those places are quite small and easy to manage in comparison to America.

    Alaska does not have the same problems as NYC. America does not have national ID cards. Many things are different. If you live in many areas in the USA bears/coyotes/wolves steal your food and kill your dogs.

    Obama has polarized America. I have far more in common with a farmer from Issan than I do a member of the rainbow coalition from California.

    Gun owners aren't living in fear. I kept three legal guns at my business in America. I was in a war. I've used guns in combat and I would not hesitate to use them again if threatened. 21.9 million Americans combat trained veterans of the military all know how to use guns and are not afraid.

  3. Your lack of comprehension is astounding. It was not an anti christian killing despite your attempts to clutch at any straw to make this a muslim thing.

    The facts are that he was anti organised religion. Christians fall into that category, as do other religions.

    Just because you can get away with insulting me is no reason to do so. He said "Are you a Christian? he would ask them, and if you are a Christian then stand up and they would stand up. Hed say because you are a Christian youre going to see God in about one second and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people."


    Proving you have no comprehension yet again. He hated all organised religions. Not only christians. The facts are staring you in the face but your bigotry in trying to tie this into it being a muslim issue is out for all to see.

    Members of what organized religion and only that religion were identified and killed by the shooter in Oregon?

  4. “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

    yes we call them the police

    "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." - Clint Smith, former US Marine, police officer and S.W.A.T. team member. When asked why he carried a Colt .45 he answered "Because they don't make a .46".

    when we need minutes a psychopath with a gun is only seconds away

    and nine people run out of minutes, I hope soon we will also run out of clever one liners and do the right thing.

    Other countries have psychopaths , what they don't have is armed psychopaths,and one liner leadership.

    The Detroit Police Officers Association is warning citizens and out-of-towners that they enter Detroit at their own risk, saying that the "grossly understaffed" and overworked police force cannot adequately protect the public in the increasingly violent city.


    Average interaction between criminal and victim is 90 seconds. According to American Police Beat, the average response time for an emergency call is 10 minutes. Atlanta has the worst response time with 11 to 12 minutes and Nashville comes in at a lightning speed of 9 minutes.


  5. My banker at Bangkok Bank told me fixed accounts were fine for immigration. But what would he know?biggrin.png He only writes 20 letters a day.

    Admittedly they are fine, but now KCI want to see an ordinary account book with movement of money, as well as 800,000+ in a fixed term account. If that is how you do things.

    I guess the biggest hurt for immigration officers is to sit there day after day reading bankbooks of farangs that are earning 10 times a month than them and are retired? It must get right up their noses? bananaman.gifbananaman.gifbananaman.gif

    I think it is only one or two offices out of 50. Not really a problem except in the pages of the INTERNET. My experience in 50 visits to Thai Immigration all over the country is they hardly notice my presence.

  6. There have been reports from other sources of this happing at Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Amnat Charoen, Rayong, All Division 4 offices, 11 answers to Korat.

    Not true. Never happened for Retirement extension in Rayong.

    It did happen to me back in February this year at Rayong, the first time in 4 consecutive years of getting retirement extensions. I understand the reason was that at the time the officer authorised to sign off the applications was away. They phoned me after a couple of weeks to go back, and very quickly endorsed my passport (for a year from expiry of the previous extension), as well as doing the 90-day report which was not due for several weeks.

    So, no big deal.

    The big deal for some is that they have to make an unnecessary trip,300 klm for on bloke i met.

    300 miles for Rayong?

  7. Sinbin, think you will find money in fixed account is not accepted anywhere. Also don't imagine it's about movement. It's about having ready access to an amount of money they deem you can support yourself while on 12 extension of stay

    Since when has this changed.

    My banker at Bangkok Bank told me fixed accounts were fine for immigration. But what would he know?biggrin.png He only writes 20 letters a day.

  8. For all my frugality, I have never wanted or coveted others material possessions. When I decides to retire at 40 I knew there would be sacrifice and it was no problem bcz Id already made so many getting to that point.

    I enjoy the contest: My ability to get the absolute best and highest quality, for the best price.

    For me, a life not shackled to a lifestyle tethered to job, to be a free man - has been worth whatever rich, creamy food I cannot consume or some high bed I cannot place my head upon. Some ridiculous car...

    The only material possessions that are worth paying dearly for are those that both hold value and last a lifetime.

    I gave up on material possessions early in life, the pursuit of which and the people caught up in all of it was just an unhealthy scene.

    I choose as my wife to spend on experiences, not that a lovely country home in Issan or Ranong largely off the grid, growing things and living free as many of you do is not one of thise unique, quality experiences.

    If you are some single/divorced guy shoveling 40k in a flat, out in fancy overpriced restaurants and clubs. Low quality, ephemeral existence. Not seen much of the world, nor care to. Relocated from home directly to Thailand. Barely stepped foot in neighboring countries. Have no love in your life. Every woman is a chunk of meat to be weighed and assessed. I see that as a very empty life. I'm also throughly unimpressed with your fancy car as well, do the world a favor - take public transport. That is if you can stop thinking about yourself for a moment.

    When the British housing market tanks and the gbp goes south, will be interesting to see how many of these jetsetters are left here.

    What a crock...what gives you the right to judge how other people live their lives....


    what give you the right to judge people who judge you? smile.png

    Order of judgement. It's like, I'm just sitting there minding my own business and you come along and hit me. So it's OK for me to smack the living crap out of you.

  9. I can't say much about the sources, but the general consensus is that he worshipped the devil.

    But I think that's actually irrelevant, because it's fairly obvious that he was out of his gourd.

    The Satan-obsessed gunman who singled out Christians during the deadly shooting spree at his Oregon community college left a hate-filled manifesto saying he would be “welcomed in Hell and embraced by the Devil.”

    Just before Thursday’s attack at Umpqua Community College, Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, handed papers and a thumb drive to a person at the Roseburg campus, sources told ABC News Friday.

    “He said he had no life,” one official told NBC News.“He felt the world was against him.”In the notes, Harper-Mercer, who was biracial, spewed hatred toward black men and society at large, the sources said.

    A manifesto with “666” scrawled across it revealed his obsession with Satan, a source told People magazine.

    The notes describe his desire to “serve darkness.”

    The source added Mercer writing, ‘I am going to die friendless, girlfriendless, and a virgin.’

    Need I say more?
  10. Ho hum.

    The American mass shooting of the month club with obligatory Obama gun control plea that will go nowhere.

    No, I'm not minimizing this tragedy for the people involved.

    I'm just facing the reality that Americans are going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent such events in future.

    They really are like clockwork now and nothing is ever done as far as changing the gun crazy culture. Pathetic.

    Now we will hear the predictable ... but guns are in the constitution. Yeah for a militia. Not for shooting up schools. only

    Thank you for sharing that tid-bit of info. Do you have any new, alternative solutions to post to the forum? If so, then please do share that info, as well. I'd certainly appreciate it.wai.gif

    Sure. Do what Australia did.

    Why? Australia has more guns now than before the ban. And more crime. http://louderwithcrowder.com/australian-gun-ownership-rises-gun-crime-remains-low-america-still-at-fault/

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9cNtrrCP0E

    Anyone know what Hastings refers to? I think I know but I'm not sure. Thanks

    Anyone know what Hastings refers to?

    Yes, the clue is in the name of the musical this song comes from, think Chess.

    And no, I didnt need to google it.

    Ya that's what I thought. I googled it and the google reference got the Yul Brenner thing wrong and Hastings is also a well known area of prostitution in a large city but Iceland does not match so I guess it is the chess tournament.

  12. There are new witness reports saying he said stuff like ... do you have religion (in general) as well as the Christian thing. He was being efficient in a heavily Christian area. Yes it seems he was going after any kind of believers but knew that most or even all who were in that area would be Christian. Trying to paint this guy as an Islamic Jihadist is just STUPID.

    No reason to turn it into a flame (all caps STUPID) thread and have it closed just because it does not fit your ideas of a hate crime.

    The gunman then entered the Snyder Hall classroom and told people to get on the floor, she told the Roseburg News-Review newspaper. He told people to stand up and state their religion before opening fire.

    “‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and ‘if you are a Christian then stand up’ and they would stand up. He’d say ‘because you are a Christian you’re going to see God in about one second’ and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people."


    If after reading the above you don't know the guy was out to kill Christians I don't know what else to say. crying.gif

  13. Because there were not any muslims around.

    Just look at the stats and the number of gun deaths. He managed to buy a great number of guns, so yes, it was really easy for him to kill with guns, it would have been much more difficult to hijack an airplane and fly it into the school.

    Muslims don't look any different than another American so impossible to tell if any Muslims around. It is easy to make a bomb that could kill hundreds in fact less expensive than buying the guns he had.

    I look at the stats and guns have killed less Christians than swords. This was an anti Christian killing.

    Woods then pointed out that President Obama's potential reaction had much to be desired: "Now that it is recognized that the terrible Oregon tragedy was an assault on Christians, will the President still sing Amazing Grace there?" Finally Woods tweeted a picture of the president with the comment: "Hate crime massacre of Christians finally silences Obama.


    Your lack of comprehension is astounding. It was not an anti christian killing despite your attempts to clutch at any straw to make this a muslim thing.

    The facts are that he was anti organised religion. Christians fall into that category, as do other religions.

    Just because you can get away with insulting me is no reason to do so. He said "‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and ‘if you are a Christian then stand up’ and they would stand up. He’d say ‘because you are a Christian you’re going to see God in about one second’ and then he shot and killed them. And he kept going down the line doing this to people."


  14. went through this for a small mount of time at Phitsanulok, it turned out no superior Imm Off in the building to sign off the retirement extensions. It's back to normal now, all done on the day.

    I know a lot of elder ex-pats here who use the Embassy (UK) proof of income letter, often they are asked to provide evidence of actually spending money in Thailand..

    Plus they can ask anything they like, I live in an area famous for its roadside grilled chicken stalls, once asked "where's our chicken?".

    I know a lot of elder expats (embassy letter) and I don't know any who are asked to provide evidence of actually spending money. As that would be impossible because no one in Thailand gives receipts.

    You don't have to show you actually spend the money. Just some king of proof you are bringing it into the country.

    A Thai bank book showing transfers into the country is the best proof.

    That's what I thought. I wonder why the above poster wrote, "often they are asked to provide evidence of actually spending money in Thailand." Do you think he was making it up?

  15. He was most likely not anti christian but anti organised religion, if he had found muslims he most likely had killed them all.

    And yes, easy access to guns makes these things happening more likely.

    If he was most likely not anti Christian why did he ask, "are you Christian" and then killed the people who said yes?

    He didn't ask if anyone was Muslim. The Muslims who killed the most Americans (Killed 3000) didn't have any guns so I fail to see the logic in your statement that access to guns makes it easier.

    Because there were not any muslims around.

    Just look at the stats and the number of gun deaths. He managed to buy a great number of guns, so yes, it was really easy for him to kill with guns, it would have been much more difficult to hijack an airplane and fly it into the school.

    Muslims don't look any different than another American so impossible to tell if any Muslims around. It is easy to make a bomb that could kill hundreds in fact less expensive than buying the guns he had.

    I look at the stats and guns have killed less Christians than swords. This was an anti Christian killing.

    Woods then pointed out that President Obama's potential reaction had much to be desired: "Now that it is recognized that the terrible Oregon tragedy was an assault on Christians, will the President still sing Amazing Grace there?" Finally Woods tweeted a picture of the president with the comment: "Hate crime massacre of Christians finally silences Obama.

  16. And the guy asking has no chance of going there because he is in the Middle East. Why would he care?

    Because when he is in BKK he enjoys the place? Dohhhhhh !!!!facepalm.gif

    Well, when you get to town stop by and see. There are hundreds of other bars in the area that are exactly the same so what the heck is the difference?

    Such a simple question that instead of a simple answer we get simpletons who'd rather trash posters about being sexpats,losers,whatever else as opposed to just saying "yes, it's still there". Thanks for nothing.

    It's different because it's nostalgic, if you don't understand then yes, go to that lame Man U bar across the street.

    I lived in the area for years and only went there a couple of times. I liked the Cat House because of the all you could drink special from 6 t0 9. When that went out of business I moved my trade to a different area of the city.

  17. US prison pop, baby shooting mom, cop shoots self in leg; what does this stuff have to do with an anti Christian nut asking people if they were Christian and then killing them? If the guy really wanted a gun and they were not available in the USA he could go to Australia and buy one and sail back to Oregon with it. You think every boat docking in Oregon is adequately searched?

    My point is how he got the gun has nothing to do with the murders.

    He was most likely not anti christian but anti organised religion, if he had found muslims he most likely had killed them all.

    And yes, easy access to guns makes these things happening more likely.

    If he was most likely not anti Christian why did he ask, "are you Christian" and then killed the people who said yes?

    He didn't ask if anyone was Muslim. The Muslims who killed the most Americans (Killed 3000) didn't have any guns so I fail to see the logic in your statement that access to guns makes it easier.

  18. whistling.gif Some "minor" immigration offices must go through a review process for applications as they are in effect subsidiary offices of another immigration district office.

    Don't worry about the 30 day "review" process.... if you get the 30 day wait stamp, you are practically guaranteed to get your extension.

    It is just that the "boss" back in the corporate headquarters must approve the field offices' travel expense accounts for routine travel requests.

    Well this is the first under consideration stamp I have received at Kap Choeng for an extension.

    Even though the extension was approved by Korat I was grilled by the boss there for 20 minutes.

    He really had no idea about the current requirements for an extension.

    Marriage or retirement extension? If it was a retirement extension what did he ask you?

  19. Amazing, a troller's delight thread on sexpats,scumbags, "I'm so high-so and mighty I wouldn't set foot there" Bangkok expats but we can't get an answer to this simple question......

    And the guy asking has no chance of going there because he is in the Middle East. Why would he care?

    Because when he is in BKK he enjoys the place? Dohhhhhh !!!!facepalm.gif

    Well, when you get to town stop by and see. There are hundreds of other bars in the area that are exactly the same so what the heck is the difference?

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