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  1. And thank you newbee for your instant solution to being in Thailand for a whole dog-watch and deciding that British people should have their visas changed. You're just what this country needs! Well done little chappie - your views are eagerly being implemented. what a clever popster you are So holier than thou!
  2. Your Generation Lay-Z is the most selfish, incompetent, uneducated and Tik-tok watching worthlessness syndrome, ever to have existed on this planet. You sold out your own future with your unearned arrogance, selfishness and work-shy practices. Reap what you sow!
  3. Which police Officer are you looking at?
  4. 'Puffing' is a more appropriate term. And if they aren'[t - the good 'ole USA is going to be embroiled in another disastrous defeat result - just like Vietnam! Trump is all puff and gaiters. Still, he can always send his own 2 'warrior' sons to fight on his behalf, can't he?
  5. Oh dear - another armchair dictator .........!
  6. Only gullible goof in this country who believes this silly fantasy tale.
  7. I'm sorry, but I find this hard to believe. The very posturing photo tells a story; this guy has a sly, 'I'm the man' look and his account is everything but the reality of Thailand. I know the police aren't as helpful, effective and trained as our western police are, but in 20 years of living here, I have never heard such nonsense. Now this 'person' is back in UK - I think he has embellished his story and the family 'go fund me' attempt is just another way of recovering their costs. I also have been around Asia over the last 60+ years. In all that time, I have never heard of anyone complaining that they didn't receive water to drink after his 'cell' was contaminated by flooding and that he was forced to drink his own urine.
  8. Me too - I'd be happy to give all and every one of them a good rogering, Gerfurgling and rug-munching time. Telephone numbers please? Oh, and bareback only!
  9. I have news you old fella - CM doesn't have a beach. Do you really need to come here? Could you go someplace else? Thank you.
  10. And it would be interesting to know if the parents of this bully, 'Lek', are people of 'importance or wealth' wouldn't it? Which also might explain why he wasn't expelled.
  11. It doesn't help when a Thai minister is caught on video vaping in parliament either, does it?
  12. But what if ...... it isn't 'just one'?
  13. Typical low-class British scrounger. Too lazy to work, too lazy to look after her numerous brats, (different fathers)? Fraudulently cheating the UK government and ugly to boot! I can't stand the present British government, but I do support the current plan to weed out the tens of thousand, similar spongers claiming benefits in the UK, like this female toad. Particularly as I still pay UK tax - which is then squandered on these grifters..... totalling some 26 billion GBP - and rising. The problem is that the UK government is doing the same, from the odious Starmer, most of his cabinet and, according to the UK news, the Parliament Speaker , 'Long-Haul Hoyle' - spending vast sums of taxpayers money on luxury trips abroad and goods to pay for their extravagant lifestyles. A spell in a Thai jail wouldn't harm any of them. It's good to let off steam on a peaceful Sunday morning here it exotic Thailand...... and the coffee tastes exceptionally good this morning, as well! Now for a spot of gardening.
  14. Natural. Face like a bulldog chewing a wasp!
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