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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. Thinking about it ....

    Free french fries in Burger King in Patong !

    That must be a first , cudos to the OP for getting anything free in Patong , let alone BK fries !

    Can u tell us all how you did it.


  2. Circle Bar @ Chalong Circle is listed on FB buisiness for sale @ 550,000.00thb !.

    And yup I checked it really is that much !!.

    Some one please explain to me how the frigg ??

    Its a bamboo shack with some shelves inside the "room" (building).

    If the owner is a member here , wish you all the best , but really what the...

    Puzzled..... ..

  3. Lol , I cut out the sunday roast promo above that includes the wine for xxx forget how much.

    But guess your post is tongue in cheek ,

    But well ,, no doubt someone would believe it included wine .


  4. Just a heads up for anyone thinking of buying a new car .

    The prices on the attachment are how much each car will be going up soon due to the government increasing the tax on new cars.


  5. You seem to be fixated on "the law", well the main problem with that is you whilst you may well find one, you then need someone to "enforce it", and therein lies your problem. Thailand has many laws, but no one really interested unless there is a financial incentive, to actually enforce them. This aint the west!

    Then you have another problem, you have gone to the Or ba tor?, so now the guy concerned "looses face" in his community, and not just him but his entire extended family may get really pissed at you, and next we hear, there's been an awful accident, or even a suicide, or maybe a damn Cobra got into your bedroom.

    Thais have "mai bpen rai" live and let live attitude, you would do well to remember it. Not become a victim of trying to change it.

    You'd better have deep pockets, because you are headed on a course of self destruction if not very careful. If you have a Thai wife, LET HER handle it.

    Not everyone has a Thai wife ( or even wants one ) yet I have gotten fake doctors charged, noxious fires put out, an impromptu sawmill shut down, ( and neighbors criminally charged for processing protected trees.) Dogs shut up, rooster fights stopped and have lived through all.

    Thanks for the advice though.

    Jesus , sounds as if your the neighbour from hell... you have nothing else to do with your time except complain , youd be better of moving to the moon , no one there to upset what you personally believe to be acceptable.

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