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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. An Old man has 8 hair on his head.

    He went to Barber shop.

    Barber in anger asked:

    shall i cut or count ?

    Old man smiled and said:

    "Colour it!"

    LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you, keep smiling.

    If you feel STRESSED,

    Give yourself a Break,

    Enjoy Some..

    Ice cream





    STRESSED in reverse Spelling -

    DESSERTS !!!

    Alphabetic advice for you:

    A B C

    Avoid Boring Company..

    D E F

    Don't Entertain Fools..

    G H I

    Go for High Ideas .

    J K L M

    Just Keep a friend like ME..

    N O P

    Never Overlook the Poor n suffering..

    Q R S

    Quit Reacting to Silly tales..

    T U V

    Tune Urself for ur Victory..

    W X Y Z

    We Xpect You to Zoom ahead in life

    If you see the moon ..... You see the beauty of God .....

    If you see the Sun ..... You see the power of God ..... And ....

    If you see the Mirror..... You see the best Creation of GOD .

    So Believe in YOURSELF.

    Our aim in life should be

    9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

    9 - glass drinking water.

    8 - hrs sound sleep.

    7 - wonders tour with family.

    6 - six digit income.

    5 - days work a week

    4 - wheeler.

    3 - bedroom condo

    2 - cute children.

    1 - sweetheart.

    0 - tension !

    if u like pls send to all people who are important to you.....

    This is one of the Beautiful Message I came across, I believe you will like it !!

  2. Before you go forward, ask yourself few questions.

    What is the use for the phones?

    How the kids life will be affected when they have phones?

    The cost of owning a phone?

    What happens when the phone is lost or broken?


    Pretty obvious 1.

    Affected ?. Jees its a phone 2.

    Ergh .. depends on how much they use them ? 3.

    Then its lost or broken ?. 4

  3. Hi all ,

    So the brother in law has a friend at Samsung and has these phones for sale very cheap so I was thinking to take 50 or so and give them to a kids charity perhaps ?

    No chargers or sims unfortunately but if anyone is connected to a charity or can recommend somewhere that would find them useful please post here.


  4. Why do so many posters state how long they have been here? Is it the same as my one is longer than yours?

    Personally I don't think the time spent in any country has anything to do with practical knowledge about the local customs,culture or prevent fom pitfalls.many posters ( long timers) don't know much about our host country except the way from their preferred watering hole to their home...

    Though why people always mention how long they've been here???

    When Im asked , standard reply is a couple of months. :-)

  5. ^^ but if the asset lets say is a house that he owned through circumventing the law and utilised thai nominees in his "company" I guess they suddenly own what might be a very nice chunk of real estate ?

    Or more likely the accountant / law firm he used to set it ull up.

    ! Ah a lightbulb moment !

    Everyone be carefull of your accountants / law firms , :-)

  6. All the expats we see in the news ( again today ) pass away under whatever circumstance it may be.

    What the heck happens to their cars , motorbikes , houses , bank accounts etc.. etc...

    Of course some are married , long term relationships and so on , but what about the miriad of single guys.

    Speculation welcomed :-)

  7. Same happened to me some time back , put in a couple bottles no worries. But if your still uncomfortable why not.drive the motorbike to the garage fill up a jerry can and take that to your car

  8. This has become an issue for me. I have been here one year and my Thai is getting to a point where I can have decent conversations. However, all my friends are female and I am getting overwhelmed by not being able to talk about guy stuff, go to guy places, etc. I can easily make Japanese or Korean male friends here, but Thai is elusive, and Chinese as well. If anyone knows a bar where you can make Thai male friends in Bangkok I would be very interested. I think culturally there may be no Thai bar where you can socialize individually at, and even better with an international vibe. This is very common at for example Woodball in Bangkok but they have no Thai songs, which is interesting too, it's just Japanese, Korean, and English.

    Plenty of places around Thonglor ,

  9. ^^ and thats why I love statements like yours ,

    Wife 11 years

    Son 9 years

    Buisiness, turning 1m$ per anum with healthy net margins

    House ( morgaged ) costs less than renting a similar property.

    So they must be 4 of the 6 , as to the fifth must admit you got me ,

    Should I not have friends or the correct Visa ?.

    And congrats for keeping TV up to scratch , couldnt have a thread without input like yours , thankyou

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