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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. If you have LINE notifications that pop up. Send yourself a message in Thai offering a reward and it will pop up on the screen.

    Too late for you, but for others, put LookOut, or PreyProject on your phones and laptops. They can't be deleted by the thief. I gave my family the passwords. If Im murdered, theres a good chance the killer has my phone or laptop.

    Wow , thats some worst case scenario planning right there !

  2. Mobile phones, what's the point of them? More trouble than they're worth. Easy to lose. Easy to waste precious time looking at. I only use phone boxes for the past 8 years since I stopped using mobiles. Horrible inventions.

    What did you think about the invention of the phone box before that happened then ?

    Bloody horrible invention them phone boxes , im gonna stick to morse code ???


  3. Astromnical odds that a Bangkok Taxi could pick up a fare in the early hours ???

    Op you started this thread and alot of replies were trying to be objective , but honestly your sounding like a bloody jerk now.

    Let it lie here and just go and do what you seem fit please

  4. On my lock screen , which all smart phones allow you to do has a rolling message.

    20k to the finder of my lost phone thanks ,

    English and probably more important Thai.

    Thankfully never yet to see if it works or not , but hey its more than they could sell it for.

    Also say thanks for calling as have photos of the family ... etc .......

    And yes of course its a second phone and number I have for them to call.

    Don't know if it would work but gotta be worth a few seconds to set it on the lock screen on the off chance it did ?

  5. ^^ im with car on this one wilson ,

    Maybe your right he has no freinds on fb as doesn't have an account and unfortunatley he has to deal with the reality of having friends that dont exist in cyber space but are actually people he spends time with in real life rather than through some social app.

    But then again youve got lots of friends on your account so no need for you to be sad

  6. Confirm for booking dot com.

    Used it multiple times , one of the great features for me is the google maps interface to the hotel.

    Not sure where you are , scan through for a hotel close to your location , options come up.. choose one you like and hit the link , hey presto google maps kicks in and takes you straight there.

    Worked a treat today as im in Rangsit which is not exactly overflowing with "western" accomodation

  7. My wife and I have given up on pizza delivery here in the UK. Pizza Hut and Domino's got progressively worse with their delivery times and we were invariably having to warm them up in the oven, which is ridiculous when we've spent £30 on, so-called, fast food.

    My wife now purchases fresh pizza from Asda or Morrisons and there isn't a great deal of difference except that they're dirt cheap from the supermarkets.

    What the heck as that got to do about Thailand ? , you may as well be in Uzbekistan for what it matters for a delivery service here .

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