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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. You can always tell the farang houses: they always have lots of windows! If you have experience of hot climates, windows let in lots of sunlight and heat up the house. The locals dont bother with alot of windows. Thinking about our bedroom, which has a glass tinted window: we never open the curtains as the sunlight is too bright and that side of the house gets the sun in the afternoon.

    Put some solar / uv film on the glass and at least you cannopen the curtains :-)

  2. ^^ same yesterday .

    Arrived 10.30 , photocopies of pp to volunteer to collect number.

    Sat down , one number before me.

    5 minutes later in the motor driving away .

    But yes very busy , gold knows whatever they were all doing there

  3. If anyone has a samsung smart phone download the galaxy gift app.

    Quick look and they have a BK offer on now along with many more , inc most of the fast food chains in Thailand with promos , free donuts , discounted pretzels , stuff from 7 ( if thats your thing ) KFC had one recently for a combo meal @ 49thb.

    Download the app , choose your offer and show the counter in the store for the promo code and hey presto.


  4. But not on an investment of 1.5m thats for sure , CP All have many franchise options for 7/11 and 1.5 is for the lowest entry with minimal returns , they go up to considerable more than that and please note a foreigner cannot be franchisee

  5. You can get arabic subtitles on some english news channels .

    Yes its just a joke.

    Not sure if they have english subs on any news , however channel(3?) Has over dub in english on one of there news bullitens

  6. Lol the language of a 12 year old, you have brought nothing to this thread other than negativity and implications that the OP is not Thai.

    Jees you dont like me do you ?

    It seems your the odd one out in this thread in your opinion but hey thats what we are all entitled to isn't it ?

    I trust youve pm'd the OP and have reserved his services.

    P.S how did you know I was 12 ???

  7. Sceptical or racist?

    ^^^ Where did that come from ???

    Im Sceptical why the hell would you think im racist based on my post

    This is written like no Thai I know would write english thats why im sceptical.

    The nuances of English seem only from a Native English speaker not a European let alone a Thai educated here or even in the UK.

    But hey , prove me wrong OP.

    I can understand your scepticism.

    However I have had drivers speak exceptional English.

    Only ythe other day I approached a security guy started in Thai .then he spoke English better than some brits.

    He just moved back from abroad.

    Not every Thai only speaks Thai.

    Understand and I do agree ,

    However this is written English , I have many many western educated Thai friends and none of them would write like this thats all.

    His blog also started on the same day and his first post here , all very strange.

    OP if you could let me know why you would join an english speaking forum just to post about you being a Thai taxi driver and giving us standard info on rates etc I would be gratefull ,

    The curious side of me sometimes becomes synical and I would love to be proved wrong.

    Heck post your phone number and ill book your taxi to say hi , as im sure many other members would too.

    But as I say im synical and curious as the reason for the post.

    You could be a very busy Taxi Driver if you prove to be not a Troll.

  8. Sceptical or racist?

    ^^^ Where did that come from ???

    Im Sceptical why the hell would you think im racist based on my post

    This is written like no Thai I know would write english thats why im sceptical.

    The nuances of English seem only from a Native English speaker not a European let alone a Thai educated here or even in the UK.

    But hey , prove me wrong OP.

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