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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Jesus wept. All this effort for a measly 150,000 vaccines??? Pity the same effort is not being spent on ordering millions of vaccines from other sources. Spend the effort on faster processing of paperwork and get the orders finally actually ordered. Spend the effort on changing the asinine policies and allow the hospitals to go get their own vaccines.
  2. Terrible. I loved those beautiful old trees. A nice visual break from all the endless, common, boring palm trees and much better shade.
  3. Lucky you. I ended up with 2 doses of Sinovac and I would have liked to have had AZ as my second dose.
  4. My partner and I have lived in various parts of Jomtien--from the Dongtan Beach area to the south Jomtien Beach area. We are now in the north Pattaya Beach area. Both Jomtien and Pattaya have their advantages and disadvantages. We moved to Pattaya because we found with our lifestyle we were spending more time in Pattaya than Jomtien. I would look at how you spend a typical week and that may help you determine which area would best suit you.
  5. I voted no. Instead, speed up the purchases of other vaccines and do more Sinovac/AZ mix doses to get the AZ to more people.
  6. I think this is not all that uncommon--although perhaps not as bad as this. My partner and I had to clean out a rental condo for a friend who was out of the country. The tenant was a young, single Thai lady who absconded. We filled a dozen or so very large garbage bags--and it was a small studio condo. Food left everywhere, maggots in the fridge--which was left open. Disgusting. Some of the clothes she left behind were very nice--so she looked great when she went out but left her home a pigsty.
  7. I guess you missed the video someone posted of the QE2 stopping in Pattaya years ago. Pre-covid, there was a cruise ship that docked at Laem Chabang.
  8. Well, this is simple. If it is truly just for health care workers scratch everyone else out. End of controversy.
  9. Plus, his 'No' is not nearly as clever.
  10. Yes, you keep saying that. 'There is nothing on offer to attract enough tourists to fill them...'. Yet, over 9 million visited in 2019, according to Mastercard. Probably key in your post: 'IMO'.
  11. Of your list, I think only Soi 6 might be endangered at some point. It is inconveniently close to a lot of both empty land and large tracts that are slated for redevelopment. The north Pattaya Beach area has really undergone a transformation in the past few years and that is likely to continue south towards Central Festival. Discovery Beach Hotel is about to finish a new, large highrise third wing; a sign of that expansion, improvement, and development.
  12. Looks horrible--and not a lick of shade even in the fake artist rendering. My theory on why they only use palm trees is because they are high-maintenance vs. regular trees. Likely a lucrative, expensive contract to maintain them. Quite often a crew seems to be out chopping at all the dead palm branches. The shade trees just need trimming once in a blue moon--where's the money in that?
  13. Wrong. Pattaya was doing very well, pre-covid. If you were actually here in 2019 and here today, you could easily compare then with what we have now. And, the visitors were not all package tourists from China. But they, and all the other visitors, certainly did 'spread the wealth'. 2019 did not have hundreds of people lining up for food handouts on Pattaya Beach. If nothing else, the pandemic has put paid to the totally ridiculous notion that so-called 'zero dollar tourists' contribute nothing to the local economy. Pattaya was, and is, still popular with farangs. They are just a lot more spread out as Pattaya has grown so tremendously. Someone will be along to say his favorite bar in Pattaya, even pre-covid, wasn't as busy as it used to be. But, is that because of fewer farangs visiting or, perhaps because there are just a lot more bars all over the place--such as the big bar complex that opened some years ago next to Kiss in Jomtien. And, with the advent of Airbnb, visitors are also staying, in condos and villas, all over the place, as well.
  14. The article says 'accounts over 1 million baht continue to rise'. So, if that is the case, why shouldn't they be protected? I know money can be spread over several banks but if accounts of over 1 million baht are rising, clearly some are not doing that. I million baht protected seems very low--better to have settled on an amount perhaps between 1 and 5 million. If someone sells a property and nets 7 million, the money would have to be spread among 7 banks--seems like a lot of needless paperwork--for both the banks and the individual.
  15. Agree. I think an Asiatique Prime was being planned for Pattaya, pre-covid--hopefully it will still go forward at some point.
  16. Nothing was stopping them; the Chinese were buying, pre-covid. My partner and I personally sold 4 condos to Chinese buyers in Pattaya, and 1 in Bangkok. (No, we're not realtors.) The first Bangkok condo my partner and I purchased (the one we later sold to a Chinese buyer) was a new project from a very large builder and we bought off-plan. When we went into the sales office there was a second entirely separate sales team, in their own designated area, that spoke Chinese and had brochures printed only in Chinese. You don't make that sort of effort with few buyers in mind. Just as an aside, that second sales team seemed busier than the regular sales team the day we visited.
  17. My absolute favorite is the opening to The Sound of Music. Love the slow panning shots, the slow music buildup, and then the zooming in to Julie on the mountaintop. Superb.
  18. Well, we know where all the fake news is coming from . . . Meanwhile, still doing absolutely nothing to stimulate the economy. Spending too much time on petty stuff like this.
  19. Months too late but at least it might offer a little embarrassment--although with this amnesty bill they seem to be pretty much beyond being embarrassed about anything they do.
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