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Everything posted by newnative

  1. Ha. That's rich--'acted on instantly'. If justice were swift, Trump would be wearing prison orange.
  2. None of Harris's proposed programs require voter registration. Nor are they limited to people in the 7 swing states. Yes, Musk is 'using his own money'--to buy the election.
  3. Not 'random people'. Only registered voters in the 7 swing states. That's paying for voter registrations, as it's a requirement to enter the prize drawing. Illegal. Even worse, in Pennsylvania he is paying $100 if you sign his gun petition. Again, you have to be a registered voter to be paid the $100. So, he's paying unregistered voters in PA $100 so they will register to vote and then be eligible to sign his petition. Also illegal. But, as I said before, even if it wasn't illegal, it would still be despicable that he is blatantly trying to buy the election for Trump by buying enough voters in the swing states for Trump to carry them. Republicans are always spouting election integrity--while always actually being the ones stomping all over it
  4. It's illegal to pay someone to register to vote. Musk is paying voters who register to vote in Pennsylvania $100 to sign his gun petition. By requiring voter registration to participate, he is paying for voters to get registered. Illegal. Does he care? Not likely. Like Trump, he has no respect for the law. He's trying to illegally buy the election, simple as that, by concentrating only on the swing states--everyone else doesn't matter. Imagine the outcry from Republicans if Taylor Swift did the same thing; announced that she would give free tickets to her Eras Tour, plus $100, to everyone in the 7 swing states who registers to vote and then signs her petition to keep abortion legal. Neither of these, even if they weren't illegal, would pass the smell test. They both stink to high heaven.
  5. The majority of Chinese tourists to Thailand are independent travelers, not in tour groups.
  6. The one calling Trump Hitler is none other than his VP candidate, Vance. Correctly, too.
  7. It's not 'feigned outrage'. There is genuine outrage and disgust but there's much more sadness for me, as an American, at what Trump has done to my country. Sorry if I find no humor in it.
  8. The fact that there is even a discussion of the amount of time Trump spent in an important presidential campaign spouting penis envy of Palmer's 'driver' size shows the depth Trump has sunk American politics. I mean, seriously, talking for any length of time about someone's penis size to a crowd that I assume included women and children in such an important election? Am I the only one feeling I am getting deeper and deeper into the Twilight Zone? American voters should be outrageously offended by his crude, grossly inappropriate, and totally unpresidential remarks and behavior. Instead, we've all become numb to this disgusting creature and his supporters end up, not outraged, as they should be, but focused on the length (small pun) of Trump's bizarre comments. Well, it wasn't the whole speech, so what's the big deal? I'll focus, instead, on all his big, beautiful lies that make me feel better. Go away and let me stick my head deeper in the sand. Sad.
  9. High floors can have louder road noise than lower floors since, in many cases, there are no buildings to help block the noise. I've been 30 stories or more up in Bangkok and still heard road noise from loud motorcycles, ambulances, and trucks.
  10. Room with a view--sea view preferred--would be my first choice. Fortunately we were able to have both view and relative quiet a number of times.
  11. Musk is literally trying to buy the election. In the swing states, but only the swing states, he is giving away a million dollars a day to a lucky winner. The catch? You have to be a registered voter. Never mind if you live in a non-swing state--he could give a rat's ass if you register to vote. His focus is buying the election for Trump by insuring Trump wins the swing states. He is also paying $100 to registered Pennsylvania voters who sign a Mickey Mouse petition he's ponied up. Again, no voter registration, no $100. With both schemes, he hopes to attract voters who like him and like his conservative agenda, and his support of Trump . Sad--and disgusting--for America that a billionaire in a close election could buy himself a president. Yet another reason to ditch the Electoral College--which has become a nasty farce that completely ignores the majority will of the voters and can be manipulated in a sick, perverted way such as this. Is the million dollar giveaway legal? One legal expert consulted in the article I read said the voter registration requirement makes it illegal. Does Musk care? Absolutely not. By the time he might get his hands slapped by the courts the election will be long over and the damage done. With the election so close and likely a few thousand votes making the difference in some swing states, he could succeed. I find it telling that, once again, it's a Republican presidential supporter, closely linked to Trump, trying to subvert election integrity--as Trump illegally tried to do in Georgia. At the same time, its Republicans always loudly complaining about election integrity, as they stomp all over it.
  12. In an election this close, likely nothing will be decided 'about 10pm Nov 5th'. That was Trump's problem on Election Night in 2020--he was too dumb to realize that tons of mail-in ballots still had to be counted. If I remember correctly, Pennsylvania, a key swing state, could not even start counting the mail-in ballots until Election Day. Trump stupidly thought he was winning because he was getting more election day votes in some places, since he had even more stupidly told his supporters to not vote by mail.
  13. Ah, yes . . . 'the new tap from Thaiwatsadu was faulty.' Dollars to donuts, it was not faulty, the installation was. We just finished building a new house. When the plumbers installed the outdoor shower, it did not work. Water came out of the shower and then didn't. Brand new shower, supposedly 'faulty'. No, it wasn't, but bought a new one anyway. Likely problem, the initial water was full of debris and clogged up the shower when the water was first turned on and ran through it. 5 identical bum guns installed in the 5 bathrooms, 3 or 4 leaked. 'Faulty'. (If I had ten cents for every bum gun I've had to replace in the 20some properties we've had I'd be rich but still cursing the damn things.) Back to Boonthavorn to have them checked. Nothing wrong with them. Reinstalled, not leaking--so far. 5 toilets installed, 3 leaked and various parts of them had to be reinstalled. 2 of the 4 identical indoor showers leaked and needed to be fixed. At that point the 'plumber' had stopped calling all the hardware faulty.
  14. You're not confused. Trump is still America's Hitler. Just ask Vance, who called him that yet has so little in the way of morals and integrity that he went to work for someone he views as America's Hitler. How could anybody do that and look themselves in the mirror? I've posted several times that Trump is a dead man walking. Hugely overweight, he is a very old 78, way overdrawn on borrowed time. I doubt he'll see 80, which leaves the super-scary thought of Hitler-worshipping Vance as president at some point should Trump win. Voters need to recognize the danger of both Trump and Vance anywhere near the presidency.
  15. We were told that we could have a model in black by the end of this month--apparently we were one of the early bookers in Pattaya--but we like the higher end model that comes in gray so we will likely wait for that model and color. No word yet on when one of those will be available.
  16. I think good movies are still being made, you just need to look for them. In the age of streaming and Netflix, though, some stories that might have been two hour theatrical movies are now, instead, being made into limited series and given an expanded treatment. Chernobyl, for example, could have been a movie but I thought it worked very well expanded into 5-parts that allowed extra time to delve into the story. Ditto for others such as Godless, Band of Brothers, Catch-22, Fosse/Verdon, The Queen's Gambit, Dopesick, All the Light We Cannot See, Lessons in Chemistry, and many others.
  17. Total liar--just like Trump. Ridiculous to boldly lie and say the 2020 election was swayed by the Hunter laptop, of all things. What rot. Trump lost by 7 million votes. Nobody gave a rat's ass about the laptop and Hunter wasn't running for anything. Scary this lying jerk could be a heart beat away from the presidency if dead man walking Trump wins.
  18. Starting to hear some thunder.
  19. Nothing on the important issue of health care in that long list--guess he's given up on his mythical 'beautiful' health care plan--which never got done in his first term in office, along with most of the above that isn't focused on lies in the first place, such as 'secure elections' and 'end weaponization of government'.
  20. Beat me to it. The actual voters in 2016 rejected Trump for president. They didn't want him. No way, no how. The Electoral College thought otherwise and awarded him the presidency, going against what the actual voters wanted. The actual voters wisely chose Clinton by 2.8 million votes but were ignored. 2020 election. After the worst presidency in history, Trump is once again rejected by the actual voters--this time by 7 million votes. Actual American voters are smart enough not to want Trump--and have loudly said so twice at the ballot box. 2024 election. Likely the actual voters will once again prefer the Democrat candidate to Trump. Once again, the actual voters will likely be smart enough to know what's best for the country--as they also did in 2000 when the actual voters wanted Gore, but the EC appointed the Cheneybush disaster. My fear for 2024 is a repeat of 2016. 63% of Americans prefer to get rid of the cursed Electoral College. But, as with too many presidential elections, their preference is ignored.
  21. We've been getting plenty of rain in my area of the Darkside--especially late afternoons and several in the middle of the night. Nice to get to skip watering the garden on the days it rains.
  22. On the plus side--being a glass half-full guy--they'll die nice and clean after all that water has cascaded over them.
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