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Everything posted by newnative

  1. The right turn from the Motorway was STILL closed the other day--this after weeks and weeks of being closed. Unbelievable it is taking so long at such a key intersection.
  2. Thanks, Sheryl. I had no idea there were different Aprils. I checked my original policy documents and I have April International Expat, a subsidy of April International. It seems to be run out of the AI Paris office, and my dealings have always been with the Paris office--and my billings always in Euros, with documents in French with English translations. I could not find any reference to an underwriter in any of my paperwork and it's been so long that I can't remember how I learned of, and got signed up with, AI Expat in the first place. I used to have to fill out paper claim forms but now I have a phone app to use, Easy Claim. There are 3 zones with AI Expat. A, the most expensive, covers the US, Switzerland, Japan and a few others. B zone, a long list, is mostly other 1st world countries, including GB, Germany and a number of other European countries, plus others scattered around the world. Zone C, the least expensive, is every country not covered in A or B, including Thailand. I guess in a few months when I get my renewal notice I'll see if Thailand will be bumped up to Zone B. Hopefully not. I think in the meantime I will check with Paris to see if I can switch over to April Thailand, if it would be cheaper and with no wait periods.
  3. Nonsense. It's what works for the individual. So what if he has 'NO property to go back to'. Neither do I. It's not like you lose your citizenship if you don't own a property in your native country. Why keep a place--with all the expenses--if you are not there and have no intention of being there--or being an absentee landlord? If I ever return to the US--doubtful--I'll just buy a property at that point.
  4. Thanks for sharing--so interesting to read!
  5. It's all up to the individual. I retired at my regular job at a college library in my early 50s and then worked part-time at the same job until age 59. Then it was off to the races to do something completely different--fixing up a condo, living in it for awhile, and then moving on to the next one. Did that in the US, starting when I was still working at the college, and now here with my Thai spouse since 2010. We've since moved on to houses in 2020 and are currently on our 4th one. I'm 72 but I still like to keep active and engaged in what interests me--it's whatever works for you.
  6. Yes, a man should know how to use a drill, and all the other basic tools.
  7. Yes, and the tax cut for the hyper wealthy was all he accomplished. Everything else was just housekeeping--and bad housekeeping, at that.
  8. Hi, All. I've been following this thread and I wonder if anyone has April Interntional insurance like mine, which seems to be somewhat different than what is being discussed--which I did not realize until I started reading this thread. I have had April insurance since 2011 and my plan is Ambassade Essential. When the thread started to discuss the change from Zone 3 to Zone 2, I decided to check what zone I was in, only to discover I am in Zone C. Not a typo, a letter rather than a number. At least not the Twilight Zone--yet. With my plan, I am also unable to add a deductible, which I checked on in 2023 and got this response from April: Dear sir, If you choose to be covered ofr Essential Hospitalisation only 100%, your premium will be 1 492?,00 € / trimester. We also remind you that you cannot select a deductible on your contract as this is the Ambassade offer from the 3rd generation 2011. I have no idea what exactly the '3rd generation 2011' is, nor exactly how it differs, but apparently that's my plan. As you can see above, I was paying 1,492 Euros (disregard the question mark typo) a quarter or 5,968 Euros a year, about $6,487 a year, for 100% hospitalization in 2023. This year, it's 1,666 Euros a quarter, or 6,664 Euros a year, about $7,243. I am 72 and male. When I signed up in 2011 my only health issue was elevated cholesterol and I have just had routine medical expenses since then. No big health bills for anything. It looks like most of you have a much better April deal and plan. At this point, at my age, and since I have been with April so long, I will likely bite the bullet and not try to change to something else. I have not heard anything about any upcoming change of zones for my policy but my renewal is not until October.
  9. Can't they run his fingerprints to identify him? I've lost count of how many times I've given mine going thru the airport.
  10. Great, but let's get same-sex marriage already. Taking forever.
  11. Like you, here 14 years, too. Have experienced no crime here whatsoever. In the US, my car was broken into and another time all 4 tires were stolen--and, no, it wasn't parked in a high-crime area. I feel much safer here than the US.
  12. 37 countries breathing a collective sigh of relief.
  13. I had a bad experience this past December, as well, and this was on my 3rd tourist trip to China--this time to the Hunan area. I have a 10-year tourist visa but I was stopped at arrivals and taken out of the line and into an office where I was interviewed by two Immigration police. They first pointed out that my 1-year China tourist visa had expired. I then showed them the other page in my passport that had the 10-year unexpired visa. This part of China apparently does not get many Americans and I rarely saw any westerners the whole trip--although it was off-season. The officers were rather hostile and clearly didn't know what to do with me and they started asking all sorts of ridiculous questions, like what college did I go to and what did I major in. Mind you, my college days were over 50 years ago! Finally, after about a half hour, they told me to get back in the Immigration line but when I got to the officer at the booth I was taken out of line once again and sent to another office, to talk to a more senior official. There was also one other American that was having the same problem as me. This official looked through my passport again for a long time, made a call to someone else, and finally stamped me in. All in all it was somewhat scary as I was being treated like a criminal and I wasn't sure I would even be allowed in. I like visiting China, there are lots of places still to see, but I didn't feel very welcomed this last trip.
  14. I'll stick with the google figures I found. But, even using yours, 46,400 vs. 50, 000 baht would not qualify to be called 'much less' spending by 2023 tourists vs. 2019 tourists.
  15. Actually, if you google 'spending per tourist in Thailand' for 2019 and 2023, in 2019 it was 48,580 baht vs. 50,900 baht in 2023. So, I think it's incorrect to say that the 2023 tourists were spending 'much less' than those of 2019.
  16. Was it the SUV model or the sedan? We want the SUV. Thanks.
  17. Yaa! Hope the judge runs the 34 convictions consecutively. Trump is the new orange. Lock him up. Worst president in history and now a convicted felon. Do Republicans really want this as their candidate?
  18. Agree, you're definitely exuding something.
  19. Airbnb is not illegal. Rentals of less than 30 days are.
  20. Spouse and I are waiting for the Seal U hybrid to arrive.
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