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Everything posted by newnative

  1. With Thais buying used properties, or anyone else for that matter, I think it's more a case of the condition of the property, pricing, size and layout, and its location, among other things, that determines whether a Thai would be interested in buying it. My partner and I have sold nicely renovated used condos in great locations to Thais and we just sold an older house, also in a great location, that we had totally renovated to a Thai buyer. The house had a number of other Thai buyers that also viewed it, undeterred by 'ghosts'. Now, had there been a new housing project with similar pricing, land, and house size near the house we bought and renovated, likely many Thai buyers might have gone for a new house vs. an older one--but, likely we might have, also.
  2. 'Performance'--dismal on everything. End of 'Review'.
  3. As always, and with everything, the PM is 'pleased' with dismal results.
  4. So the attacker is a 'menace to society' according to the police but, yet, they released him, even after he confessed.
  5. What a bunch of bull releasing the suspect because the victim 'couldn't provide testimony'. Suppose she had died--she couldn't provide testimony then, either. No case because she's dead? Absolute nonsense saying a case can't 'properly go through the Thai court system' unless the victim provides testimony. How about a victim left in a coma? Sorry, guy! Wake up and 'provide testimony' or you're out of luck getting any justice! If that were actually the case, it would be a huge incentive to kill any witnesses to a crime so they could not 'provide testimony'--that way you'd apparently be home free even if you confess, like this utter lowlife did.
  6. Should be a great asset to the north Pattaya Beach part of town, which has been very popular with domestic tourists. My partner and I were at T21 the other day and it actually felt busy for maybe the first time since covid hit. Lots of people around, most of the restaurants doing ok, including one we noticed that had people waiting for a table. Food court was busy and almost all the tables were occupied. More people seemed to be out and about on Second and Beach Road. Nice to see some signs of revival.
  7. I don't know why--especially at night--she picked this off the main path section to jog in in when the main jogging path is better lit and has more people on it.
  8. Correct, I am not a day trader and, yes, I buy and sell stocks for a stock portfolio I have of currently 30 US stocks. I do not pay a monthly maintenance fee nor a commission for non-broker assisted on-line transactions of US listed stocks.
  9. I haven't bought any of my stocks in 100 share lots, including Amazon.
  10. The Chinese are still buying, even now. My partner and I recently sold a house by Lake Mabprachan--an area that is getting very desirable. We had at least two showings every week it was on the market. A number of the potential buyers were Chinese. Of these, three or four of them were not here in Thailand and they viewed the house through video calls with the agents, as well as videos the agents made. We actually almost sold the house to the very first buyer we had, a Chinese who was one of those that viewed the house first by a video the agent made and then by video call. We couldn't agree on price and ended up selling to a wealthy Thai buyer.
  11. I though they were doing something 'soft' with tourism.
  12. Condo owners without dogs, including me, thank you.
  13. Maybe widen your horizons a bit. Not every condo is 'a high rise box'. One of the favorite condos my partner and I owned a few years ago in Wong Amat was a large 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo on floor 4 of a 6 story oceanfront building. 25 meters from the ocean and perched on a small cliff, you don't need to be high up to have beautiful ocean views. Only a handful of units on each floor with open walkways. Regular front door with a mailbox like a house--it even had a screen door. Window boxes for flowers by the front porch windows. The 'back porch'--the large balcony--overlooked the pool and ocean. It was like living in a bungalow by the sea.
  14. Greater Pattaya. Huge choice of housing of all types and at all price ranges. Big choice of areas to live, whether it's city center or outer areas. Good health care and choice of hospitals. Two airports less than 1 1/2 hours away. Bangkok 2 hours away for getaway trips. Good shopping choices for all your needs. Pattaya and Jomtien beaches being widened and improved. Movie theaters in English. Entertainment events scheduled throughout the year by the city. Large, diverse expat community. Lots of golf courses and some biking trails. Large choice of restaurants. An interesting, growing area to live with new things coming in all the time.
  15. I don't think it has ever flooded. Several years ago my partner and I viewed a large table map at City Hall that showed 3 underpasses to be built. I don't know if it is still there or not--or if the other 2 underpasses will ever be built.
  16. Makes absolutely no sense and adds yet another complication, as well as resentment, to the process.
  17. The wildest, most pie-in-the-sky predictions I've seen for international tourists for this entire year were in the 10 million range. For him to be thinking 20 million in the 4th quarter shows what a poor job he is doing with managing things and making important decisions. If he believes 20 million international tourists are coming in the 4th quarter, that very wrong information will likely mean bad decisions on both tourism and other things related to tourism. To make good decisions you need to at least start with good, accurate information.
  18. Ridiculous to make the poorly-paid pump attendant have to pay for a customer breaking the law. I worked at a college library. Luckily, I didn't have to pay if a student stole a book. I doubt store clerks have to pay for merchandise customers steal.
  19. Had to click on the article 'cause I had no idea what in the World 'leveraging soft power' was and couldn't imagine how it could possibly relate to tourism. I needn't have bothered. What a load of useless drivel.
  20. I doubt a neighbor would be complaining if the sound was just in the hallway--and I think it's highly unlikely the sound is just confined to the front of your particular door in the hallway. Sound travels and hallway noise can often easily be heard in the condos on that floor--but luckily the noise is usually only temporary, such as a door closing or people talking while they wait for the elevator. I would be objecting, too, if I had to listen to someone disturbing my peace by practicing trombone for several hours--or likely most other musical instruments. Your landlord giving you the 'green light' is meaningless unless he owns the entire apartment building. If you are renting a condo, you need to abide by the condo's by-laws--which usually have a rule about excessive noise. As others have said, you should be practicing somewhere else.
  21. Curious which point of yours I'm 'missing'. The first point you made in your post was: 'Tourism is Thailand's number one cash cow...'. I pointed out that this is incorrect. Can't see what I'm missing there. Your other point was: 'Thai tourists are not going to solve the problem.'. That point I agreed with in my post--having said essentially the same thing in my earlier post. So, I see a correction and an agreement. Have a nice day, too.
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