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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. Bit of Information here. Go for the 3.0 if you like performance and budget is not an issue. Hilux revo is worth a look too. The fast one is the 2.8 low floor but it has no vsc. Would be "fun" in the wet!
  2. I think Thai teachers, in general, don't like to answer questions. This is why you see in many government schools, the students will rarely ask questions of the teacher, especially in the class in front of everybody. Do you understand? "yes teacher". But actually many of them don't, and they don't like to ask. Good teachers should never ask that question. I asked one of my m3 students who went to a new Thai school wheter she can ask questions of the teacher - she said yes, but they don't like it. I guess its to reduce the chance of loss of face for the teacher when they cannot understand. S0 I think it's not so much that they would get angry, but really its not a cultural thing. They may approach teachers outside of the class or online if they want more help. Or end up in cram schools as they don't learn a lot is regular school.
  3. Certainly NOT all work permit holders have Thai social security. Not one teacher in my private school has it, as they don't need to get it for us - even when we offered to to pay their share they refused. Fortulately, my wife is a civil servant and I'm covered under her scheme. If people have to leave, it's not likely they will return, as the insurance fee will be too much for many of them.
  4. My landlady's 60kg rotweiler was very protective but a lapdog (no need for a blanket when watching the footy in winter!. They need to be well trained, and preferable neutered.
  5. Tell us about this universal health care you are gushing over....oor do you mean only for those who can afford it. LOL You are a joker.
  6. The vast majority will charge at home, daily, or quite often. It's appropriate for those that live in the city and use it for daily drives to work and back.
  7. Probably would fare a bit better than a Chery Transcab at 0 stars lol
  8. GWM use NEDC to rate their range of their vehicles. This has been replaced by WLTP. It gives a more realistic measure of range. I found onlne that the WLTP for the65kwh battery is 420km and 336km for the lower spec cars. Still, it's quite a good number and is only surpassed by 5M+ baht electric vehicles. The lack of rear wiper is a major oversight for a hatchback. Better keep a bunch of wet wipes in the car for rainy days.
  9. There is no NCAP rating as yet.
  10. Yes some good questions here. I think until EV's bcome widespread, you will likely be tied to that manufacturer. Does anyone beside a MG dealer work on MG's? Perhaps some owners can answer that. For their range, you would have to wait for real world information from owners. The goodcat (officially) gets with 400-500KM on a charge - some new reviews have been getting less than those number, but that is to be expected, as the cars are reviewed and driven at high speeds in different conditions. It would depend on your driving style. For the battery - I think it would be expensive to replace - I gues one could ask the replacemnt price at the dealer. Perhaps drive it then sell it before the battery runs out of warranty. Where would one get non-OEM parts for new imported EV cars? I think there will be body kits, maybe wheels and brakes you can get, eventually. I think the goodcat has some services like pickup the vehicle on a flatbed. My concern is the lack of safety data for the goodcat. No NCAP rating yet.
  11. They are alreaqding gathering at friend;'s houses already, And unmasked. Our school is shut until at least late Nov. as many teachers still need to get their second vacc. Probably a good idea to wait and see how things pan out for schools that will be opening Monday. As teachers, we will need an atk every 2 weeks. No idea if the students will do the same. It seems they think kids will catch virus from teachers, and not the other way around!.
  12. Does "gatherings" include pubs and clubs, concerts, football games, etc? I would say unmasked partiers indoors are more likely to spread virus than masked protesters outside. Why don't they just "ban protests" and be done with it.
  13. Our swift has a jatco. No problems after 100K kms. Just need to service it and do the fluids regularly. Many swifts have run over 300K kms with no problems, according to a swift mechanic I know. But the swift has somewhat been left behind in terms or performance by honda and nissan and their turbo engines. But let's see how those engines hold up over the long term.
  14. Too expensive here - in China it ranges from 536-745K baht. Many Thais who reserved it are now complaining online.
  15. Probably referring to this pre-peer reviewed paper. Howver it is based on US veterans, so is not applicable across the entire population. It is well known now that older persons are less protected by vaccines than younger people. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.10.13.21264966v1.full-text
  16. Try the honda city hatchback. They also have the similar "magic seats" found in the jazz. The city should be fast enough and good fuel consumption - as long as you are not on the boost all the time.
  17. Yes it is...and those of their parents age (kids bringing it home and infecting their parents. Older people are infected at much lower rates now.
  18. You can remap it for 200HP/400NM torque. Not done i myself yet, as mine is still under warranty. I have also seen the turbo unit replaced with a single turbo from a 1.9 isuzu. That significantly increases performance also. But the crv is not a race car by any means and it's not exciting to drive. But I like it for the comfort and good ride height, and the fuel economy. There may be a a new hybrid crv next year..but that date seems to keep getting pushed back.
  19. That's a bit rough. We are giving 5-6 periods online each day, which is hard on parents with young kids. Some schools are doign a full 8 period schedule online each day. How much of music or PE you can do online escapes me lol.
  20. My wife went to a temple school in Ratchaburi. Later a local high school. She has to travel to Bangkok every weekend to learn englsh froma foreign teacher, as there were none locally at that time. She got a degree, then masters, then went to Australia to do a PhD. She saw how hard her father worked as a farmer and didn't want to follow that path. Now she is a C9 government officer. Where there is a will there is a way.
  21. Has she been learning online with the school since it closed? It so, that is the normal operation of schools during the pandemic. The refunds at my school have been minimal - they kids are mainly missing out on activities and formal assessment as they cannot attend school.
  22. Because Haval has only been on sale a couple of months!! Haval outsold cr-v by a large margin in August. I expect that trend to continue.
  23. Wait a sec.... https://www.headlightmag.com/sales-report-compact-suv-aug-2021/ MG HS second...China China China!!
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