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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. Vaccines do not wane. The antibodies produced wane over time. However memory B-cells can last for decades. You certainly don't want neurtalising antibodies circulating for years. It is not necessary.
  2. What is a "large number" of nurses. What is that of the total percentage of healthcare workers?
  3. How are her grades when she is in school? I have a few like this - a few kids handing in work that they have had a week to do, and handing it in withing 10 mins of the due time (probably copied off of someone else). Yet I have a handful of students who do the work (several pages of it) and hand it in the same day that I assign it. It takes quite a bit of self discipline on the child's part to do the work. Hopefeull kids will be back in school sometime in November - I dread meeting them and fould half the class haven't learned anything all year. It's very hard to assess understading via zoom.
  4. Not all schools allow kids to have phones in class. Mine hasn't for several years.
  5. ...and less that 10% of those in Australia hospitals are vaxxed. They remainder are unvaxxed or have had one shot (which is close to useless for Delta). Saying that its mainly vaxxed that are sick in hospital is plain wrong.
  6. In the UK, the largest proportion becoming infected now are teenagers. Thanks to schools opening. Not sure on their vaccination rate.
  7. Some doctors? Got a link to that? I'm pretty sure this has already been tested and shown to be false. Regular surgical masks won't affect o2 saturation.
  8. I will ask about this when I do my extension on Monday. My 90 day is due mid November. I have only done 2 online extenins that were both successful. I will ask if/when my data will be updated in their 90-day system. It may be I will have to report in person in mid november, but can do the remainder online.
  9. I, for one, rebelled and did my research. Then I got the jab. Having a PhD in biology helps navigate and absorb the maze of research articles.
  10. That was always considered a mild case of covid. "serious" cases end up in hospital. As long as one can breathe and have high o2 saturation, one can stay home and tough it out (and isolating from others, of course).
  11. Some Catholics believe the vaccines contain cells from aborted fetuses (not true). I kknow of one who will not vaccinate for this reason. That is despite this information...https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells
  12. I assume your child is also vaccinated or going to be vaccinated, right?
  13. Antibody titers are only part of the equation. You should learn a bit about immunology. Boosters certainly won't be required "forever" or even a decade. Two shots, then natural infection is the way to go. Only the appearance of radically different variants will require new vaccines. Coronaviruses mutate wlower than flu viruses - that's why we often see new flu vaccines on the market each year, but most people never take them.
  14. If masks are forever, that means the human immune system does not work. The virus will weaken overtime and become seasonal. That's it.
  15. I'd heard that from others too - it's the sickest they have ever felt. And your bother's illness would not be considered serious by doctors. Serious cases usualyl end up in hospital. I still don't see the big deal about getting a jab that could possibly keep one out of hospital or worse.
  16. We don't need to. They will get it the natural way, eventually. Certianly some won't ever vaccinate. Once I had a Thai relative who was admitted to hospital with liver disease. He said he's rather die than give up drinking. He died. Nature has a way of working things out.
  17. My concern is with Africa, whre only 1-2% have had one dose.
  18. I read about that teacher is the US school. I think 14 or so students became infected. In terms of laws, who knows what will happen in Thailand. I did see a job abvery for a foreigner in ajarn.com that required the new teacher to be vaccinated. I have nor heard of any such rule for teachers renewing contracts here. Nothing has been mentioned about this where I work - but it seems all the Thai teachers and ancillary staff have been vaccinated - as will, it appears, most of the high school students.
  19. I would think everyone will be exposed to the virus at some point - how your body reacts to it is another matter - some may be asymptomatic with no symptoms, then "recover", or get anything from a mild to serious illness (or death). So I guess if the virus is present, one is 'infected', but could have no symptoms or have symptoms. Perhaps the point of the article is that the virus will become endemic and not go away. It will probably mutate and future vaccines may be required.
  20. What do you mean by "long term"? A decade, 20 years? The contents of the vaccine are destroyed in the body in less than a week or 2. Can you find any studies of similar vaccines that have shown long term effects? Why would you expect long term effects? What about this.... https://immunizebc.ca/ask-us/questions/are-there-long-term-side-effects-caused-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-how-do-we-know https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/how-do-we-know-covid-19-vaccine-wont-have-long-term-side-effects https://www.chop.edu/news/long-term-side-effects-covid-19-vaccine
  21. You can bet some wil refuse that as well and will demand teachers somehow teach them online which they are teaching students attending classes. I dont think it would be a PCR test, but probably an ATK saliva test.
  22. Your child will eventually be exposed to covid. We all will be. My son is 18 and just had his second shot of Pfizer. Not many side effects on the second shot. Just a sore arm. A 12 y.o will have a fully developed immune system, so they can take a vaccine. I would try to follow the data coming out from the US. It seems they are using lower doses on kids, as can be expected. Personally, I would not send an unvaccinated child to school - we know that the vaccinated can carry and spread the virus, and due to beign vaccinated, many may have few or no symptoms, so they may spread it widely before it is detected. Hopefully, mask wearing, distancing, and possible frequent atk's in schools will limit that, but the risk is still there. And 85% of teachers will need to be vaccinated, leaving 15% unvaccinated.
  23. We had no problem getting a test drive with the crv (they didn't have a petrol version, but you liked to have tested that also). But it was a set route for the test drive, which is a bit of a shame as I would have liked to taken it on a variety of road surfaces.
  24. The standard tires on the current crv awd last form 60-80K kms. Mne are at 35K (3yrs old) and I can see 60K is being quite doable.
  25. Breakthrough cases do occur - and the elderly are still highly susceptible even if they are fully vaccinated. This experiment has well over a billion participants and they are effective in reducing deaths and hospitalisations. Don't worry, you will get your immunity one way or another.
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