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Everything posted by DavisH

  1. So you just quoted everything that is wrong with the US. lol Yet there are murders everyday related to racial profiling in the US. Most western countries are a bloody mess. Perhaps fix up your own back yard first.
  2. Same as me. It seems normal for az - not much effect on the second shot. Just a sore arm and nothing else to speak of.
  3. Who do you think should review the raw data? You? Another TV member? The general public? Do you think it has not been reviewed by anyone?
  4. What long term effects do you think happen? The contents of the vaccine are destroyed by the body within 2 weeks of vaccination. There is NOTHING left in the tissues to cause problems. Only antibodies remain, and they decrease over time. So if you have information that states otherwise, please post it.
  5. Get a dose of vaccine (to reduce the chance of death/hospitalisation) then wait to get infected. Natural infection is broader and better. I would only consider a booster if a year had lapsed since the first shot and I hadn't been infected in the interim.
  6. Who cares? Is this a problem for you personally? Let them work it out.
  7. On my old civic I decided to change the transmission fluid. It may have booen 40K kms or so, but a number of years had passed as the car wasn't driven often. Had it done at Bquik. The next day I noticed leaking trans fluid below the car at home. I ended up taking it to another independent dealer who had to change the trans to engine seal as it had leaked from there. I suspect the seal had hardened over time and the new fluid had loosened the seal and caused it to leak. I did read that this can be a problem sometimes, when the trans fluid is not changed at a regular interval.
  8. You may know your answer in November, if onsite schooling starts in Semester 2. One thing is guaranteed - everyone, unless you live in a cave, will get covid. Maybe not next week or next month, but it will happen. No vaccine is approved anywhere for under-12's but it is being tested in the US, I believe. A few of my 14y.o students have had pfizer. It will be a big issue for schools and parents, and plenty of questions will be asked of who has/hasn't been vaccinated.
  9. The problem with testing here: 1) It isn't random at a large scale - so no estimate can be made of infection rates across the community at large. This was the intention of "Positivity rate". But it can't be done in Thailand as it is mostly the sick that are being tested, so hence the positivity rate is high. When the number of sick coming to hospital drops, so will the number of tests. 2) The use of ATK at now increases the number of tests. Mainly those with a positive result may seek treatment. Who would report their negative result to the government? 2) The number of tests also includes retests on the same person. Personally I don't think too much about the number of cases (a general downward trend is all O look for), or the number of tests or positivity rate. We can easly reduce the positivity rate by testing folks up country and getting millions of negative results. Most people have not been exposed to the virus. I prefer to look at the rate of hospitalisation / serious cases and deaths.
  10. Deaths lag for at least 2 weeks or more. I suspect that death rates will still be quite high for the next month or so. I read recently that those in ICU can be there for 304 weeks or more. Look at Indonesia - 7201 cases but 683 deaths. This is because they had very high case numbers for a long time.
  11. You won't get that many more positives, as in Thailand they test mainly sympromatic people. Test a million are yius eriously expecting to find 300K positive? Impossible, given the low death and hospitalisation rates. No need to compare positivity rates in Thailand with countries that do mass random testing. That statisitic cannot be compared. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/12/the-problem-with-the-covid-19-positivity-rate.html
  12. I know of one 14 y.o student of mine having had a pfizer jab last week. I don't know if he has medical issues. Another student to be jabbed this week. I think there will be a big push to vaxx 12-18 y.o soon, as the government really wants these students to be back at school.
  13. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/09/01/taking-ivermectin-may-cause-serious-illness-including-hallucinations-and-seizures-cdc-says/
  14. 2 jabs or 1 jab? In the case of one jab, my school could not open at the earliest, until late November (2 weeks after the 2nd jab). And there are still some teachers that have not had one jab for whatever reason. You would need some assurance from school admin that ALL teachers in your child's school are fully vaccinated. Schools in Scotland have recorded significant increases in case rates in schools since they opened. No doubt, other places too. But its really too much to ask teachers to teach both online and in person (unless the kids are only at school half a week, and not full time).
  15. That is my plan....but I'm thinking to wait for 2nd gen vaccines to come around. If not, I may get a pfizer, but will wait 6 months at least to see what government policies are then, and any other research on the topic of mixing vaccines.
  16. Every shot has an impact on the immune system. That is what they are designed to do. Negative impancts? Who knows. But sinovac is a traditional vaccine decades old, so I doubt it would have any long term effects. az style vaccines have been aroudn decades too. Vaccine contents are cleared from the body in a couple of weeks or less. Nothing remains. It's not like heavy metals that may accumulate in tissues. Cancer from a vaccine? has that ever been recorded and verified?
  17. Thais are getting it now. Already. Especially medical staff. A 14 y.o student of mine got it last week. My son will get it next week. There are ways.
  18. Are you sure the appointments can be transferred to another person? You should check on that.
  19. I see.Mine is a non-B (for work), so I will see how it goes. I think I will inform the officer that Im doing online reports and see what he says. What was the popup message you got?
  20. This seems to be a trend with mRNA vaccines - less side effects with the first and more with the 2nd. Astrazeneca seems to be the opposite. I had headache and tiredness after the first az shot and practically nothing after the second (only sore at the site of injection). With az there are stronger side effects with younger people - onder people don't feel much. Not sure about pfizer though.
  21. So you did your yearly extenison in August and had no problem doing the online 90-day report? My next online report (I've only done it twice and worked both times) is due mid November and my Extension is due October. Hopefulyl I won't have any problems with the 90day report and the extension of stay date will have changed. Hopefully they will update that in their system before I do my 90day report.
  22. I'm not sure about the pain (it shouldn't be painful), but the swabbing needs to be done properly (some parts of the nose have less viral load than others, so only trained people should be doing it. False negatives (beacuse of poor swabbing technique) are more common that false positives. This shows the method, in Thai but you get the idea. Or the other below.
  23. Use semi-synthetic 15W-40. Just go to any shell garage - they have a small shop that changes oil filters, oil and wipers. Job done.
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