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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 2 hours ago, asiam110 said:

    This is new, it could be 24days confinement?  How does that work, is this if you involuntarily come into contact with someone at hospital that you never wanted to go to (as asymptomatic and otherwise healthy) on your last day that has covid19?


    Does the word 'only' belong anywhere near that sentence ????


    Someone could be:


    1. Doing a 10 day hotel quarantine, and


    2. They take a mandatory PCR test on day 9, and


    3. A positive test result is returned the next day, so


    4. Off to hotel quarantine for 14 days


    That's something like 23 or 24 days duration, depending on how the days are calculated.

  2. So first steps, before you engage a lawyer or other specialist consultant is that you will need to decide your business structure. In this situation, most people opt for a limited company.


    This is because you will need to apply for paperless customs approval, and normally you will be VAT registered.


    Also, in terms of the FDA, the license and product approvals will be issued in a specific name. That is normally done in a company name as the company will endure whereas individuals do not. FDA registrations in individual names can get very messy to be honest.


    Remember that to import, the FDA license will need to match the name of the importer.


    Next steps are that you will need a physical premises that will need to be food safe, as you will be handling food items for repackaging. You will also need a satisfactory storage area for raw and finished products.


    You will need your premises before you apply for each product approval.


    Moving on, each product, in each size, needs FDA approval, which requires a separate submission, analysis, etc.


    So dried sage 50 gram needs a separate submission and approval to dried sage 100 gram.


    Also, the packaging for each product, in each size, needs approval as part of each product approval.


    I'm aware that none of this directly answers the question in your OP, however I'm letting you know these details as it's a lot cheaper than a lawyer running through the same details.


    So, first steps would be company formation, VAT registration (if required), obtain appropriate premises, apply for FDA license, undergo inspection, obtain license.


    Once this has been done, you then need to make an FDA submission for each item/size and gain approval to produce and package each item/size.


    Once you have completed this you will have a product number that can be placed on the packaging for each item.


    Next you need to register for paperless customs.


    At this point you can correctly import, repackage, and sell on your approved items.


    It's an expensive do.

    • Thanks 1
  3. What do you need the license for? Is this for a one off import that has been stopped by customs, or do you intend importing or exporting on a commercial basis?


    The FDA do not issue import or export licenses as such. The FDA grants registration to the company that applies, and it approves products on a one by one basis.


    The registration requirements differ depending on whether you wish to register food or drink, medicines, cosmetics, etc. and whether you will be manufacturing the product yourself or not.


    It would help if you would be able to clarify the product category (such as either food, alcohol, medicines, medical devices, etc.) and whether you manufacture the product yourself.

  4. That's similar to what I thought. I ask because I've been paying in for a few years aswell.


    My understanding is that you have got 6 months after you retire to get yourself enrolled onto the voluntary payments scheme. The last payment amount I heard was 432 baht per month.


    My understanding, though, was that if you missed voluntarily payments then your coverage could be terminated. So in effect you can have lifetime coverage, but it is contingent on small but lifetime payments.


    A very good scheme for those who qualify, especially those in older age and even more so if insurance requirements are increased in the future.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Crossy said:

    This is indeed excellent news.




    I've not received a new card for several years as apparently they don't issue them any longer. I've kept the old one although it's getting a bit lot beaten up.


    So, without a card how does one prove entitlement?


    My staff have contacted the Social Fund about this. Apparently the Social Fund can issue a card for non-Thai citizens.


    Let's see what happens next week when they go to the Social Fund office.

    • Like 2
  6. 54 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    One Sinovac, 1 Astra. 


    Unfortunately the UK government does not yet recognise Sinovac. This means you would be classed as unvaccinated.


    If you were able to get a Moderna booster shot and a yellow vaccine book listing all three vaccinations then you would have a very good case of presenting yourself as fully vaccinated.


    This is just my opinion. You should definitely check this with your airline to see if a Moderna booster would wish in your favour should you wish to go that route.

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