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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 3 hours ago, Hal65 said:

    Does Thai public record list mailing addresses of out of country foreign (condo) owners?


    No, not really. The Land Office has the contact information given to them by the owner when the owner purchased the condo unit. This contact information is not public and may not be up to date.


    The condominium managers office may have such contact information. They might contact the owner for you if there was something in it for them.

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  2. At the present time everyone who has entered Thailand needs to take a PCR test.


    This includes Thai citizens.


    If you do not wish to be PCR tested then you will have to wait to re-enter Thailand until a time when the Thai government relaxes the testing requirements.

  3. Watches generally attract a 5 per cent import duty, plus vat.


    However some countries have an exemption, such as Japan, where the import duty is 0 per cent. Quite handy if you are importing a Grand Seiko.


    The 40 per cent mentioned above is the ceiling rate. This is the maximum authorized rate, however WTO rates would always take precedence over the ceiling rate, and General rates would almost always take precedence over WTO rates.

    • Thanks 1
  4. The BOI have the below urgent announcement on their website. It would appear that if an applicant has a valid extension based on volunteering then there are no problems at all. They just have to show documentary proof.


    For everyone else they have a different suggestion.


    I realise that few people will be impacted by the decision by the BOI, but the chances are they are carrying out this policy in the same manner as other immigration offices.





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  5. Reputable paint companies such as TOA or Dyno Paint have technical specifications for the application of their products.


    On large commercial jobs companies such as TOA or Dyno Paint will provide a technician who inspects every stage of the work, and their approval is required before the next stage is allowed to start.


    If what you are reading is that a multi-stage process is required then the chances are that you are being sold a process that will not deliver long term benefits.

  6. Why would your passport be sent to the UK?


    If you apply for a UK passport in Thailand you retain custody of your old passport until the time you collect your new passport.


    At which time your old passport has the corner cut off the front cover and it is then returned to you.


    Perhaps the email meant that your application had been received. The agent is probably keeping custody of your old passport and they will return it to you with your new passport.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

    if so why don't they let me change


    The building management company has no control over who owns what. However, you cannot just change your condo unit from Thai owned quota to foreign owned quota. The only way to do this is to change the ownership of the condo unit via a sale or deed of gift at the land office.


    This is why I suggested you ask the building management company what the current ratio of Thai to Foreign owned units is. Without this information you will be operating in the dark.


    The correct answer from the building management company will be a percentage, for example 10.9 per cent or 47.6 per cent. Anything else is not the correct answer.

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