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Posts posted by blackcab

  1. 1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

    That is useful, I don't need another vaccine, but need to self-isolate for 10 days.


    What brand of vaccine did you receive, and was that one dose or two doses?


    2 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I assume I could still play golf when self-isolating, or does this mean total isolation? How would they know?


    You have to stay at your place of self isolation. If that is a private residence and you have a golf course in the garden, then you are fine. If you leave the curtilage of the property without a lawful reason then it's a fine of up to 10,000 pounds if you are caught.


    Read here for information about how the government may check up on you:



    • Thanks 1
  2. Without a COE you will not be flying. You must produce a valid COE to board the plane.


    From 1 November you can also apply for a ThailandPass. This is a separate system that you will have to apply for all over again. COE applications have nothing to do with ThailandPass applications. At the present time, a ThailandPass is scheduled to take up to 1 week to be granted.


    If you do not have a COE or a ThailandPass, you will not be allowed to board the plane.

    • Like 2
  3. You will need your vaccination certificate to prove your vaccinated status to the airline.


    If you cannot prove your fully vaccinated status using UK approved vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZenica, J&J) you will be required to show a negative PCR test to board, as well as prebooking and paying for day 2 and day 8 PCR tests in the UK. After arriving in the UK you would need to self isolate for 10 days.


    Those who are fully vaccinated only have to prebook a day 2 lateral flow test.


    Also, if you are coming back to Thailand you will need to be able to prove your vaccinated status to use the Test and Go scheme.


    You should be able to get a new vaccination certificate from the hospital that vaccinated you.

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 10/17/2021 at 1:18 PM, yang123 said:

    So...  is there another option, i.e. after the Sinopharm has sunk in, report for jabs of Moderna, Pfizer or Astra Zeneca (2 jabs each of whichever is available), and obtain vaccine certificates to that effect. 


    At the minute, to the best of my belief, supplies of Pfizer and AstraZenica are controlled by the government. As there is still a demand from many millions of unvaccinated people, the government is not yet ready to give third and fourth shots to people in your circumstance.


    Moderna, however, has been purchased by a consortium of private hospitals, for those people who are willing to pay for it.


    While the medical opinion in Thailand seems to be that you need only one shot as a booster, this is Thailand, and you may be able to book and pay for a second shot to prove you have received a full course of Moderna.


    As the Moderna vaccine had not yet arrived in Thailand, only time will tell. As supply issues resolve themselves and the vaccine becomes plentiful, your options should broaden considerably.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, jojothai said:

    If its an NI number then check birth certificate. I dont know, but you can search online.


    NHS numbers stopped being listed on birth certificates some time ago. It was too easy for impersonators to get a start with their illegal schemes. The previously issued old style birth certificates still have the old format number listed.


    NI numbers have never been linked to birth certificates. They are issued automatically to young adults based on their enrolment for Child Benefit, which 99.99% of parents in the UK receive as it is a non means tested benefit.


    NI numbers can be obtained from the link given above, however you either need to be in the UK or using a VPN for the link to work as the application for issuance of an NI number requires a physical presence in the UK.


    You will receive an NHS number when you register with a GP surgery for the first time.

    • Like 2
  6. Get tempered glass. It breaks into small pieces for safety, like the side windows on cars.


    No need for laminated glass, which is a number of layers of glass and plastic glued together in a sandwich, like a typical car front windscreen.


    Laminated glass is designed to stay in one piece when it is broken for safety or security.


    For example, you don't want your front car windscreen to break at speed, with hundreds of small pieces of glass then flying into the inside of the car at 60 kmh.


    This level of integrity is probably not needed for your coffee table. Tempered glass is also going to be thinner and much lighter.

    • Like 1
  7. On 9/21/2021 at 12:05 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    How do you know where the vaccine you were injected with was made and how can you verify such an item.


    The lot number of the vaccine is unique to the manufacturing facility.


    So many people have asked the origin of their lots that the information is easily accessible on the internet.


    For example, AstraZenica Covid-19 vaccine manufactured in Thailand has a letter "A" at the start of the lot number.

  8. 7 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    ...After meeting the bank manager, we concluded the only way was to give the seller enough money to get the chanote out of the bank and then conclude the deal at the land office.


    We used a lawyer to get the owner to confirm the process with a contract but there were still a few sleepless nights as we were exposed for a couple of million baht before completion.


    There was no need to visit the bank, no need to pay a lawyer and no need to expose yourself to the risk of losing your money.


    Instead of taking days, the sale could have taken a couple of hours.


    Ask the seller to obtain the redemption fee from their bank and tell them to ask the bank to be present with the chanote on the transaction day. It really is that simple.

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