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Posts posted by soi3eddie

  1. 34 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    On another note.....what would you guys suggest as a preferably free easy to use photo editing program? Something can change saturation, brightness etc...crop, sharpen all the usual functions. I don't want to go full blown photo shop. Just something to enhance / edit pics. I usually use Aperture on my Mac which I find excellent and easy to use.


    Also not using Windows for 10 years, I assume there is still a need for virus protection. Firewall? Any suggestions there? Appreciate the advice fellers

    GIMP for photos - 100% free

    Kaspersky or Norton/Symantec for Internet Security/Anti Virus - backed up with a copy of Malwarebytes FREE version - no need for premium

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I myself have been trying to get an appointment and sifting through there webiste gives no assistance.  The DLT app I downloaded just does not work at all.  I have resorted to sending e-mails to there customer support e-mail with no response, so I will head on over to the DLT here in Bangkok at Chatuchack after I try to phone them one last time.  The website also says they are not open and have suspended services.  It is a true cluster, as my medical cert will be expired before it seems I can get an appointment.covid-en-1

    There is a small doctor's office almost by the gate at DLT Morchit/Chatuchak. Right on the junction of Phaholyothin Soi 18 - 5 minuntes from BTS Morchit. Doctor is barely alive himself but he can stamp and sign the required health cert for you. No appointment needed. About 250 Baht if I remember correctly. Takes 10-15 minutes. Not sure if you need one cert for each licence or if one cert will cover both car and bike licences these days. Google Maps here> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@13.7978262,100.5512697,3a,25.8y,174.35h,94.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH0u_OWqN_51y7fKEVTQ97A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    Once you have got that, walk to the gates of DLT. Enter and keep right. The driving licence office is 2nd or 3rd building on the right hand side. Reception on ground floor will check and copy docs as needed. Up to 2nd floor and into the system. They speak (shout) English. Be prepared for about 3 hours there.  



    • Thanks 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Snackbar said:

    If I was in a situation to fund or assist a charity it would be about teaching Asian kids to swim and their parents about the risks of water for youngsters. Not once, but twice I have had to "rescue" two 4-5 year olds out of their depths and struggling in pools here in Thailand because no one was tending to them. In fact, a former GF lost a 3 year old niece to drowning at home in a pool just three years ago. Very, very sad. The mother was playing on her phone at the time mid-morning. Tragic for every family involved in the loss of a young one. Another GF lost her brother when he was 8 years old from drowning here in Thailand - i don't know the exact circumstances. I very much doubt that 10 kids die a week through drowning in England. But here?, yes for sure it must be more than 5 per week.

    • Like 2
  4. 38 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    I heard stories of that. Of people claiming to live in the UK, but on holiday back from Thailand receiving a knock on the door from the pension people demanding to look at their passport. Resulting in a prison sentence. With new technology I'm sure they know where you are. Is it worth losing sleep over?

    I met a Brit in Thailand in June this year. Affable guy in his late 60's and we were talking usual chit chat and circumstances. He told me he never paid any UK tax ever, no NIC contributions either. Yet here he was enjoying a very comfortable retirement. I suspected what he was doing and he told all. £378 per week, every week from UK public funds, no checks and no nothing. No assets to lose. Maybe, if caught, he would spend time at Her Majesty's pleasure (unlikely). He wasn't concerned in the least.

  5. 2 hours ago, fdsa said:

    Lol'd ????


    there is a funny correlation in the server world - if a company makes both laptops and servers, their quality will be opposite.

    e.g. Dell and HP make great servers, but their laptops are <deleted>; Lenovo makes good laptops, but their servers are utter <deleted>.

    There is one exception though: Fujitsu servers are simply a masterpiece, but laptops are good too.

    Good point however I have used Dell laptops for last 4 years and they've been great (currently have 2). Lenovo laptops good too (also currently have 2). I have 2 Dell webservers (one since 2014) and never missed a beat. Dell or Lenovo for a laptop is a sound prospect for OP IMO. 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

    At first it seemed good they they are willing to stick their heads up and be seen. Now it just appears to be some kind of PR stunt.

    Hiding behind "data ptotection" as usual and it's a pathetic excuse. If I give them my explicit permission to access data held about me from my pension provider, bank or any other body/organisation in order to verify it, how difficult is that? How about these clowns actually start saying to expats "we hear your difficulties and we will look into resolving the situation and being of service to our citizens"? No. They can't be a@sed!

    They dodged or deliberately misunderstood the question about lobbying Thai authorities regarding those stuck outside Thailand with visas/extension nearing expiry. "We won't be lobbying Thai governemnt" Tosh!


    I probably should have worded above; "If I give my pension provider, bank or another body/organisation permission to release my data to the British Embassy/Consul, Bangkok in order to verify it" Surely then there is no data protection issue. I can already give my bank permission to share my data with another financial institution (if appyling for a loan or mortgage) so why not to the British Embassy?

  7. 21 hours ago, BritTim said:

    If you are planning to go to the UK, and happy to travel before September 26th, to be honest I would defer looking for visas and extensions prior to your return to Thailand. It will be simplest to apply for a single entry Non O in the UK, and do a one-year extension on your return to Thailand.


    If, on the other hand, you really want to apply for a one-year extension of stay and multiple reentry permit prior to departure (perhaps, because you must stay in Thailand past September 26 anyway) you may need to engage the services of an agent. Your first step should be to discuss your situation with your local immigration office. If they say they cannot help you with extensions of stay, you will need to use an agent to clear the roadblocks, and it could be expensive.

    good advice under the OP's stated circumstances.

  8. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The sensationalism in adding the American man as positive while in ASQ will definitely get the blood boiling and the anti farang sentiment to grow, thanks to the fact they he was tested prior to arriving and found to be negative while the Thais were not tested until arrival  Would be nice to know his arrival date and how many days he was in ASQ until he tested positive.  Could he have been infected by the untested Thais, well that is anybody's guess, but I think some of us know how it may be played out, and that is that he was the cause of the Thai's infection.  Does not take a genius to see the possibility of some spin being put on it in social media.  Maybe I am totally wrong regarding my views, but then having lived here and then watched how this Covid issue is playing out it is my true opinion.

    Yes, certainly makes headlines. He was Covid-19 negative when he got on the flight due to prior testing surely. I blame the untested Thais on the flight for his infection. Who do the Thais blame?

    As an aside regarding Covid-19 fears, I stopped at a coffee shop in Phangna in June and the paranoid lady owner would not let me through the door. Her husband calmed her down and offered to serve me coffee on the veranda. He was a nice guy but his wife had been taking in too much of the dirty farang sentiment.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Understandable : You simply giving explicit permission  for them to access your data , that doesnt over rule the data protection act .

      Do you think that the British Embassy can over ride the data protection rules just by saying "I'm from the British Embassy and John in Thailand said we can access the data "?

      No, they cannot do that .

      Do you expect the British Embassy to contact the Thai Government and try to influence their internal laws !!!!!

    Explict permission in form of a signed document. Not just "said we can access data".


  10. 25 minutes ago, Hotrats said:

    I want to say thank you to the interviewer representing ThaiVisa for asking my question about extending the 6 month UK visas which my family have been unable to use due to covid and are now going to expire before we can travel. I was pleased that he asked the question, but not at all pleased with the response. Rather than simply saying "that's not our responsibility, go look on the Gov.UK website", she could have offered to contact the UK visa and Immigration Dept. in London on our behalf and come back with their response. 

    I have in fact already done what she suggested, looked at the Gov.UK website and contacted the UK visa and Immigration Dept. by email. That was 4 months ago, and am still waiting for an answer to my request.

    I also have same issue regarding UK Visa expiry before being able to travel. I contacted the consular team and got an email back stating same (contact UKVI). I replied to the email asking for an email address for UKVI (rather than calling). Still waiting for a reply.

    • Like 1
  11. I've got another 14 years to go until I get my UK full state pension. And that's if they don't change the age again-quite likely. I've already made enough contributions to qualify but still have to pay NICs! One thing for sure is that if I live long enough to "retire" here in Thailand, I will maintain connections with the UK by keeping an address (friend or family), bank account, doctor registration and electoral registration just to be sure of receiving services that have been paid for over many years. Advise anyone else retiring to do same.



    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Upnotover said:


    I was just reviewing same. Turkey is a favourite place to meet as Thais and most westerners do not need visas to go to Turkey. It doesn't appear that Turkey has any quarantine restrictions either, though if you're an American and scared of your own shadow then US Government advice warns about travel to Turkey if going near border areas of Iraq and Syria. Istanbul and beach/coastal areas should be fine though. Not many other options nearer to Thailand as far as I can see but not sure of flight options from Bangkok right now. Maybe Emirates or Qartar Airways? Thai citizens will currently need quarantine on return to Thailand. 

  13. You have the best chance of lower price and interest rate and acceptance if buying off plan or completed project direct from the developer. They are usually supported by a bank and the supporting bank is less restrictive on and keener to get the capital asset off the books onto a loan agreement. Used condos are very difficult to finance even for Thais. There are some big (not necessarily good value) discounts available - see below). Bargain hard on new builds and you may get a bargain - some developers are desperate right now. It's a buyer's market so don't hurry. Good luck and let us know how you get on.



    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, baansgr said:

    So if you are buying a condo, they will arrange the FET?...

    Yes, the Thai laywer helped with the FET.  Here's my full story; bought condo in 2009 for 6 million Thai Baht. I/We Sent funds from UK joint named account to Thai lawyer client account with reason for transfer as (purchase of condo x for x amount Thai baht in x names). No problem. 7 years later on, divorce, Land Department needed me as purchaser of ex-wife's 50% share to send another foreign transfer for the balance of her share. All good and lucky I had access to send overseas funds again for half property value. Once the title was reverted to my sole name, the lawyer sent the funds back to my UK account. My divorce was settled in the UK.

  15. 2 hours ago, greeneking said:

    China cracks down on Buddhism.

    If this is true and Thailand has enough pride to turn down their money then things could change anyway.

    'In China, the government is not only cracking down on Muslims, but on other religions as well as it pushes to assert communist ideology. Buddhist temples have been closed or demolished, while a campaign has been launched to destroy hundreds of statues of Buddha.' DW News Aug 4, 2020


    The Thai people would not allow it however the Thai government don't care and welcome it. Money talks though and ordinary Thai people cannot stop the Chinese invasion once the border is reopened. 

    • Like 2
  16. 28 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

    Packages out of Thailand as bad as it gets right now.


    In to Thailand it is bad but only about half the time of the out. 


    I think this is all due to lack of international flights and backlogs. 


    I have also heard reports of tracking numbers not updating, and packages arriving (after months) and the tracking info only updating after arrival. 


    Everything has gone to <deleted>, for nothing. If i need to blow my nose or go get a gallon of milk, it does not matter, covid affects everything. What a joke. 

    I know it's a sad situation. Probably outbound letters and packages from Thailand Post are only going on Thai Airways and they are currently not flying (except for a few repatriation flights). Can't see ThaiPost paying to transfer to other carriers. I was at Suvarnabhumi last week and it was like a museum with all the Thai Airways planes mothballed. A card to from Thailand to UK for my mom's birthday took 3 months sent April arrived July - I was amazed it actually arrived to be honest. 

  17. They seem to only give 8 KMH leeway - I got zapped and pulled over some years ago. Now, some call ahead and pull you over at a check-point further down the road. Very few send tickets in the mail but expect that to increase. GF had a 500 Baht ticket heading west on Hwy #35 around Samut Songkhram last year and sent by mail - <deleted> her off no end 555. Can you guess who had to pay though?


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