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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. The EMS sticker alone won't help much as someone actually has to go to the post office and pay probably baht 30++ to process as EMS.

    If you're getting a long delay in receipt of the receipt, expect it's on the side of Immigration as the post office seems to work pretty well, even normal postage.


    Having a EMS sticker on the return envelope is a polite way to put immigration on notice that you can track everything ;-)

  2. No problem at all...

    I take both envelopes to the post office and show them to the clerk... say "EMS bye immigration dai mai?" (and smile)... And motion that one envelope goes into the other... And they smile back and understand what I need... They put postage on the return envelope first and let me seal it along with everything else and then put the second EMS sticker and postage on that...

    One thing... Make sure you get the EMS sticker number that is on the return envelope (I take a quick photo with my iPhone)... For some reason it does not appear on the receipt (only the one that is mailed to the immigration shows on the receipt)...

    My last one cost 74 baht total... small price to pay to avoid a visit to immigration wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

  3. Curious can you tell us how you calculated your FX loss? And the day your money appeared in your BKK Bank account?...

    How does your calculated rate compare to the rate quoted on the BKK Bank website that day?


    If your rate is significantly different I would ask your home bank if they did the conversion?... If so ask your home bank if you can transfer Canadian dollars to BKK Bank?

  4. Also do some research with your Canadian bank to determine who did the conversion... Your bank or BKK Bank?... Here in the US you can choose where the conversion takes place... Usually if the US bank does the conversion they give a bad rate...

    You might also look into a Canadian back that refunds ATM fees to further reduce the ATM method...

  5. Typical, yak yak yak and then "I get the final word" without addressing all the responses to your comments.

    Feel free to respond as this is an open public forum which not only allows for such but also is actually based on it.

    Have a good work out

    You are welcome to come to our workouts at CMU, Student Union Building, Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

    Can you give more info on the CMU gym?... What kind of machines/weights do they have... Pricing... And exact location?... Thanks...

  6. thx guys, it is indeed the thick black cable that remains live no matter what...

    i am unaware how to disconnect this one other than this plastic bag/plastic shoes technique which sounds plausible but scary.

    i think ill try it with my crocs on & buy a pair of decent marigolds rather than the 7/11 bag tech which sounds deadly.

    You really should get someone to do the job for you. The cost will be very small and from your rambling, it does not sound like you know much about it.

    Hence the OP is right back where he started this thread...

  7. If you like Dropbox and don't want to bother your friends to get more free space... Just type in Dropbox on eBay... There are guys there that will get you to the lifetime 18GB max for less than $2... Just give them your referral code...


    Also you can get another free 3gb on your own for downloading Dropbox's app Carousel and confirming your email address (then you can delete the app as it is kinda lame ;-)...


  8. Yes it has gone up... But still a steal by Phuket standards... You get a clean reliable taxi with no forced upsell at a confirmed price before you leave the airport with a driver that knows where you are going via a translator at the airport... Great value...

    You can't get a tuk tuk driver off his ass for anything near that price...

    • Like 1
  9. I turn mine off because I don't think having wifi signals bouncing around all day an night is great for your health. I know I can't avoid them all, but nothing to lose by turning it off when I go to bed.

    Even if you turn it off there are still radio signals "bouncing around" from other sources, possibly even stronger ones. We are all exposed to radiation of some sort or other 24/7. Think about it!!

    Yes think of all your neighbors radiated porn streaming thru your body while you sleep at night...

  10. I bought a timer that shuts my router down each night at 3am for an hour... This forces it to reset its connection...

    I don't know why routers don't have this function built in?...

    Why do you feel the need to reset the connection once ever 24 hrs?

    In the past when I had a problems with my internet connection and called True the lady said to turn off the router for 10 minutes and restart it to fix... this happen a few times and so I decided to use it as a preventative maintenance... It reestablishes connection with ISP and gives the router a cool down period...

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