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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. For a pond filter I built a DIY one from a large 20gal decorative terra cotta jar... I drilled a large and small hole in the bottom for pvc and set it on some bricks to allow the pvc to exit via a L... these were secured to the jar with copious amounts of silicone... the small pvc comnnects to a small submerged pump the larger one is the discharge (make it much larger than the intake - I use 2”)... the jar was then filled with layer of sacks of lava rocks and green aquarium filter pads... the intake pvc rises just to the top opening of the jar where I have a decorative plan pot that has a hole in the bottom to form a little water pool creating a small fountain pool just inside the pot... this sets next to the pond and I sprayed the pvc pipes brown 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Glenn Roe said:

    The list above is very comprehensive and many of the tests on the list have nothing to do with STDs, like cholesterol and uric acid.  Also, the list "came from a different topic".

    My guess is the tests the Red Cross provide are designed for those who want to know their STD satus and for those on long term STD (HIV/Hep) medication to monitor critical liver & kidney function that the HIV drugs effect like cholesterol uric acid levels...

  3. 17 hours ago, MadMuhammad said:

    I’ve got a Duc Streetfighter 848 and to me there’s no better sound at 6000rpm through Termi pipes, it’s a religious experience.

    I just got it tested at 106db which to me is reasonable but to some may be borderline abnoxious. I try to keep it sedate early/late around residential areas 




    Screen Shot 2018-12-11 at 2.42.08 AM.jpg

  4. I have a gate similar to the one pictured above... I did a DIY install of the following kit... The kit included tracks that have self tapping screws that just need a electric screwdriver to attach the track to the gate... I just bought a large concrete tile at Kamtiem that I attached the motor to and secured in the ground... 




    On Lazada do a search for sliding gate opener for other motors & kits

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