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Posts posted by sfokevin

  1. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Which supports NancyL's suggestion that he should just do the application himself. But he still needs to be prepared to provide evidence of his embassy letter if challenged.


    I was saying a similar thing before when I said if it was me, I would avoid an agency and just go in there and beg. Of course there is no need to beg if you give them your documents and they don't give you anything to beg about!

    Are you talking about the OP doing his own application?... And submitting an embassy letter?... As the OP has local rental income (We can only assume form "property" that is legally in his name, duly registered and he is only acting as a passive investor?) He would need to have also reported this income on his home countries tax return and paid taxes on it (Again another if?) to be eligible for being included in any income letter?... Me thinks the OP does not have all these duck in a row... ????


    As to CM Immigration asking all Americans for backup - This is simply not the case... It only been reported by a few - And I hate to say that if they were to post a picture of themselves and what they wore to Immigration that day we would understand why they were questioned...

  2. For your NY tastebuds head to The Duke’s (Maya has one but the one across the river is the best in my opinion)... Before 6pm they have diner specials... but we prefer thier pizza... my partner and I split a salad and small pizza for less than 500 baht!... they now sell a smaller personal pan pizza for 185 baht too ????


    Also so a find outside the city is at Mae Hai Market in the parking lot near the back entrance of Rimping two ladies have a roach coach in the afternoon and make a delicious burrito for a 100 baht!... thier Facebook says they also set up the coach in the Santhium area one evening a week



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  3. I use Dropbox (free version)... this allows me a folder on my MacBook that anything placed inside the folder can be accessed by my iPhone & iPad via their app 


    btw the 2gb of free space they give you can be increased to 18gb of free space - just do a eBay search for Dropbox ~$8-9 for lifetime space

  4. Yes and no... You can come and go as long as your visa still has validity (look for the validity date on the visa)... After the validity date any exit will terminate the visa unless you get a reenrty permit.


    most people employ a strategy of exiting and reentering the country just before the validity ends and that last entry gives you an extra year... but in the extra year you need a reentry permit to maintain that last year.

  5. Not Sure about a ice rink but there is also a bowling alley up in there somewhere!..


    I never said the bricks were load bearing but that there were just a HUGE amount of them. And I stick by my statement they will never remove that structure!... A hundred years from now Chinese tourist will be taking their wedding pictures in front of it... :coffee1:

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  6. 5 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Brick walls form part of the load bearing structure , they are an essential part of the building , those tiles were just stuck on for decoration .

      The steel beams and the concrete is whats holding the building up . 

    Irrespective of what KSK is made of (The bricks - Which there are MILLIONS of are the easiest part to dismantle) your idea that they will tear it down is highly unlikely... Thais do not possess the means or the will to tear it down... It will be revered as a Sprit House of the great Thai Elvis...

  7. 12 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Its on a huge plat of prime real estate .

    Its only a matter of time before its redeveloped 

    Your talking about removing somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000,000 bricks and several hundred thousand tons of concrete!... Where in Thailand let alone Chiang Mai, that doesn’t have a single level sidewalk, have you seen such a deconstruction/reclamation?



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  8. 2 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    Then head over to Kad Suan Kaew  ..... nobody there except in the basement - sad. I wonder if it can make it 6 more months. 

    I don’t think it will close... They just redecorated the large food court (Not for the better as Elvis has left the building)...


    The only thing that would close it is a medium sized tremor...

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  9. Every Mall has its dangers....

    Maya - Trapped motorcycle exhaust...

    Central Festival - Plunging off those spiral up/down ramps...

    Airport Plaza - Getting to the top parking floor and finding it full...

    Kad Suan Keaw - Being buried under a million brick after a tremor...

    Promenada - Ghosts


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  10. Malls are malls... Each has its own appeal and we go to all of them for different reasons and just as a change of pace...


    Also one should not overlook the Thai malls like Wararot Market, and the adjoining fresh market up the river and the flower stalls as well as the numerous local walking markets that have food courts and are great for evening dining and a nice walkabout like here...


    The Chiangmai Complex


    Also different areas have a weekly street market like the one behind the Big C/Homepro on the superhighway and at Kad Farrang and the Saturday market in CMU...

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  11. I would just buy from Apple.co.th... As for “shipping to the islands”... That’s a rather vague question... If you can receive other shipments from other shippers like Kellys or Lazada items you should have no problem... If you can only get to your island location by longtail boat look to have it shipped to a close mainland location...

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