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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Are you actually A climatologist? Why should we care about what you say?
  2. Yet more BS that has nothing to do with either the OP or my questions.
  3. He just might if he outright declares now that he will pardon Trump if elected and Trump stands down now and endorses Ron so as to get a pardon!
  4. A retired Army Sergeant Major was sitting by himself at a bar when a beautiful blonde bombshell comes in the room. She noticed the man right away and finds him rugged and handsome, and sits down next to him. "May I buy you a drink?" she asks him. He obliges. She's obviously interested in him. The blonde says to him "So tell me what you do. You seem to be in great shape!" "I'm retired from the Army. I don't do much work anymore, besides sit at his here bar some nights." She notices he isn't wearing a ring. "Are you not married?", she asks. "Never have been. Spent most of my life overseas in combat. The army was my wife, until I left her." At this point, they hit it off. They strike up great conversation, and continue buying each other drinks. The blonde's inhibitions have obviously lowered at this point, and without hesitation, she asks him another question. "So tell me how long has it been since you've been laid?" He takes a long pause and stares in the distance in deep thought. He then says, "2005". The blonde is shocked. "2005! You have some catching up to do! You and me, in my car, right now!" They hopped in her backseat and commenced to the roughest sex she has ever had. She has orgasm after orgasm. She couldn't believe his sexual prowess. She catches her breath after they finish. She's never been "satisfied" so well before. Completely amazed, she says to him, "You definitely have not lost your touch since 2005. You were amazing!" He takes a look down at his watch and says "I sure hope like hell I haven't, it's only 2330 now!"
  5. Since we are on the subject of cheesy jokes/characters! A guy walks into a bar and sees a man with a big orange head sitting on his own. He asks the bartender about it and the barman told him that the guy was a great fan of the original US TV show "The Apprentice" and to buy the man a drink and to ask him himself which he does. The guy thanks the barman and as he handed the orange headed man a drink says he says I bet you're wondering about my big orange head. Well one day I was having a terrible day and went for a walk on the beach and found a genie's lamp. The genie granted me three wishes. For my first wish I asked for all the riches that guy on the Apprentice has and poof! I was rolling in cash! The genie said two more wishes. So for my second wish I asked for a load of beautiful women to lust after me just like that guy on the Apprentice has and poof! There was this gorgeous bombshell on my arm. The genie said one more wish. I think that's where I went wrong. For my third wish I asked to have a head just that guy on the Apprentice!
  6. I could not possibly dis a brie with you there!
  7. You have just blown my response clean away! i will now need to mine some more explosive responses!
  8. You are whey off mark with that as it may cheese the OP off, and you know what sort of stink that cheesy poster (joking) makes at times!
  9. What is Asoke warning us about?????
  10. I didn't know that aircraft have religions! This aircraft appears to be a Roman Catholic! It is bad enough when members post in text speak but when news reports stoop to that level I get really mad. If people must use initials they should at leas put the words in full first followed by the abbreviation/acronym. It appears the aircraft referred to is a Radio Controlled (RC) aircraft!
  11. That is your scientific answer is it? It really adds credibility to the statement! ????
  12. Getting people to stop digging holes in the first place might help!
  13. As you are obviously unable to answer the two basic questions I asked you the stuff you post will have to be treated with the contempt it deserves!
  14. What an incredibly unscientific term for so called scientists to use! In which scientific table is the "Gold Standard" defined?
  15. That meaningless twaddle of a response does not answer my question regarding' "How can "The videos offer irrefutable evidence"? Has this been adjudicated by the Supreme Court or similar?
  16. Since you have now proven yourself to be a fully fledged Troll who is incapable of using the WWW I will give you the idiots guide to the basis of your obtuse and argumentized posts; Thaksin Shinawatra - Wikipedia
  17. That meaningless twaddle of a response does not answer my question regarding' "How can "The videos offer irrefutable evidence"? Has this been adjudicated by the Supreme Court or similar?
  18. With subtitles, that way people might get to learn the language!
  19. How can "The videos offer irrefutable evidence"? Has this been adjudicated by the Supreme Court or similar?
  20. Look on WiKi/Google or ask any Thai older than 40! You are being either obtuse or just argumentative!
  21. Did not come up in the Google search! Nintendo and lots of other cr@p came up! Why can't people write what they mean in full and stop using text speak!
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