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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. That must surely apply to any potential marriage partner irrespective of their background/status etc!
  2. Yes! They do if they think their "Patch" is being encroached on!
  3. I do hope you are posting about being driven around town/city in a Tuk Tuk, rather than being driven sexually mad by the height/size of the driver!
  4. Stay positive! Ignore they naysayers! PS; I do however agree that native Thai Tuk Tuk drivers may/will take offence/umbrage!
  5. Yes! If, as you say, it is legal for you to do so!
  6. And some people who most definitely should not be allowed "free speech"!
  7. Bad advice! Does Peeing on a Jellyfish Sting Help? Here's the Deal (healthline.com) Does peeing on the sting help? Quite simply, no. There is no truth to the myth that peeing on a jellyfish sting can make it feel better. Numerous studiesTrusted Source have found that this simply doesn’t work.
  8. My post is directly from the Immigration website; Stop trying to be a smart @rse and confuse the issue! Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง – Immigration Bureau The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.
  9. Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง – Immigration Bureau The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.
  10. I'm sorry but I thought all of Thailand's sex industry was at risk from competition as I read your post as saying; "Prayuth would do better by getting the Malaysian police to find and deport the whorehouse owners to Thailand!" After all he IS the minister for everything.
  11. A Vegan couldn't but a vegetarian might milk it for all it is worth!
  12. " gets nothing but 5 stars from the people that use it. SUCCESFULLY" As I said above anything is great if it works for you and is cr@p when it does not. It is a hit and miss system for many people!
  13. They always say start at the bottom if you want to learn something. But suppose you want to learn to swim or skydive?
  14. I'm on a whisky diet Last week I lost three days I think!
  15. Gambling has brought my wife and our five kids much closer together. We had to move to a single bedroom house last week!
  16. This guy walked up to me the other night and said: “Did you see a policeman around here recently?” I said no. He said: “Good. Stick’em up.”
  17. My father was not a very good inventor! He invented a burglar alarm but someone stole it.
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