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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Who were the first people with six packs? Ab originals!
  2. BKK Fixed deposit account and CM IO. No requirement to make any payment on extension renewal to the account just update the passbook and get the signed/stamped letter no later than day before renewal! No statement required. I usually go in to the BKK office the day after the FD matures (not connected to Extension date) to see/make sure they have rolled me over their best FD rate! One year they had not but immediately corrected it in my favour when I challenged their new rate!
  3. Can you rewrite the above cr@p out in plain English please! It is total left wing gobbledygook from what I think you might be trying to spout forth!
  4. Do you mean just like the presidents in Russia and China for example! Just to mention only two!
  5. And of course Bitcoin only exists in the computer world but Gold is physical! Which one will be around when all the power is switched off?
  6. But the UK Home Office is part of and run by the UK government!
  7. If I was you I would start taking proper medication. Maybe then you would stop starting nonsensical topics or restarting old meaningless ones!
  8. How do you throw a very successful space party? You planet.
  9. I did a theatrical performance on puns last night. It was a play on words.
  10. What a biased report! No mention of why the Labour party did NOT win "Boris Johnson's old seat of Uxbridge and South Ruislip on the outskirts of London." The reason was the dreaded ULEZ!
  11. Why can we not get news in a printed form? We do not all want or wish to watch/listen to videos?
  12. Would be a reason in my eyes to exclude the person. They should be for everyone!
  13. No! I just did not want to magnify the problem and get too bipolar about it!
  14. If you are not careful you will be in the frame next for eyewatering puns!
  15. Some have been known when younger to even have sex with them!
  16. I think those glasses need more titting (sorry) tinting as I can only seem to focus on two orbs bright objects at a time! The strap looks nice though!
  17. Go to the bank and get a stamped/signed printout! PS; BKK will even change your Thailand (Thai) address into English! They did it recently when I needed proof of address to renew a UK passport!
  18. A suicide bomber went to heaven. The Angel at the front desk greeted him. "Hi, welcome. There are 72 very horny virgins waiting for you!" "I knew it! said the bomber. "Bring my women to me now!" The Angel smiled. "Who mentioned women?" "The Koran just says "Virgins" and it does not say how old these "Virgin" priests have to be!"
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