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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I have searched Mr google but I cannot work out what the above means! Can you please elucidate!
  2. I was dying to say I don't usually like to "blow" my own trumpet but some times it causes my spirits to sink when things to crash about and onto you!
  3. Yes it seems it will be her best period at her age!
  4. But what if he used the only male (or female) of the three and how, before microscopes were invented, did he know which wormed their way into whichever worm they were worming into, or being wormed by?
  5. I cannot get over that comment without locking up and feeling not totally excluded!
  6. Did April fool you with that comment? If so ask May for some support and June might become OK this month! I suggest you ask her when would be a good date for a date!!
  7. And of course you have a source(s) for this apparently "verbatim" quote? Please include the country, era and crime etc!
  8. It seems Joe, after being in the Presidential politics game for almost 40 years, doesn't seem like he is going to walk have to stumble away from it all now to the nearest retirement home!.
  9. I would check with your IO or someone more knowledgeable than my self whether the rule of 2/3 months of 800,000/400,000 applies to the same account(s) at time of application/approval or is just any account that you hold that qualifies. I know it is unlikely (and nearly impossible to change banks if applied, but we all know Thailand's IO's (T.I.T.S!) It is these little things that can trip us up with some IO's!
  10. They don't eat the Kraft contents, just the wrapper instead! The so called "cheese" they use as insoles I believe!
  11. Open your new account with 400,000 two months after your extension and once you know it is in the new account transfer the rest. I an not sure if the two months (which I believe the rule is) runs from Approval or actual extension date!
  12. Not with BKK! I have had the same bank account number and passbook on my fixed deposit account for years. Every year they roll the account over at whatever the going rate is on the day!
  13. Praying to an idol or Deity you believe in is not the same as having "“conversations with dead people” every day"!
  14. The Thai military has more than 1,700 flag officers (generals and admirals), roughly one general for every 212 troops, a bloated number for a military of its size. By comparison, the US military as of 1 November 2018 had 920 active duty general and flag officers (GFOs) for a force of 1,317,325 personnel, or one flag officer for every 1430 troops. Royal Thai Armed Forces - Wikipedia
  15. Are you also the founding member of the 5,000 strong (and rising) "Pattaya SAS/SEAL members Brigade"?
  16. if you look closely it/she/him/her or whatever we are supposed to refer to "them" is I believe behind the white square!
  17. Joke explanation 101! I will try and explain! Stutter (1) asks for the time but Stutter (2) a different person does not want to respond in case Stutter (1) thinks Stutter (2) is taking the p-p-p-i-i-i-s-s-s-s out of him.
  18. I think that would come under the heading of "taking the piss" from somebody! I would not drink to that!????
  19. How do you know and what is the difference between "arresting good citizens for weed" and "arresting bad citizens for weed"? If the are breaking the law and being arrested they must be "bad citizens" IMO!
  20. So how many of us on this forum are "really taking the piss? Or just pissing about?
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