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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Buy a one year sim! PS; it might help if you say how much data per day/month and where and how you intend to use it!
  2. Do you know anything about "The fog of war" or misinformation? And it will stay "around the corner", I assume you mean hidden/not disclosed, until such time as they decide the time and place and situation is right to launch it/them. Do you really expect the Brave Ukrainians to commit suicide by announcing the date(s) time(s) and place(s) etc in advance? Grow up!
  3. Using a phone as a hotspot on a semi permanent basis will kill it's battery in no time. Why "I don't want to use a dedicated portable hotspot." They are cheap and easy to use!
  4. The age old problem of the reverse phycology; Demand and supply!
  5. Yes depending on what she wants satisfying! I doubt it would be your body unless she wants it in the morgue and she is your beneficiary!
  6. I'm so old I can't remember what it is, never mind what it smells like! PS; I'm not just talking about the post above, I'm talking about everything, I think!
  7. Is it drumming up gay space travel and possible colon-isation perhaps?
  8. The kid is only a disconnected extension of himself.
  9. Followed shortly by a Kick in the ass and a Torrent of abuse!
  10. How many people on their first interaction with their Immigration Office/Officers can speak Thai? An absolutely irrelevant point! If the system works so great as you say and all your paperwork is already in perfect order then what need is there for any conversation in any language? It should as you say take only 35 Minutes in the IO in Utopia! You will of course need to talk to the IO if it is to try and discuss the latest illogical/non-sensical/made up new requirement/block the IO has decided to put in your way that day! It would also help if your post were to say which; Office Finance method Distance from bank Distance from office Pre booked appointment etc!
  11. Please read the answer I made to the same question 5 hours ago! Don't people read threads before posting?
  12. Try reading my posts regarding the costs and my reasoning before making stupid figures up regarding costs!
  13. No they won't if you don't renew it! Or the agent makes it go away!
  14. You would have thought they could do better than those two old duffers.!
  15. I thought that was deflection! Just like your post! No substance or meaning! Any chance of a meaningful statement, asks I (non) breathlessly!
  16. On water? If he ever said it his MEGA hordes would believe him!
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