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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Hunger is a reflection on the state of the contents, or lack thereof, of your stomach!
  2. Why don't you drive a bus instead of a car as the noise of the extra passengers' screaming might wake you up earlier!
  3. If it is "shivering" why not help it by inserting it somewhere warm? Try asking your wife if you are too shelfish to help or insert it yourself!
  4. Which one was "coining it in" and which has just "had yer chips, now leg it"?
  5. The worst possible advice! If the real occupiers send the mail back as "unknown at this address" three times the bank account will be closed automatically! That is the rules in many, if not all, UK banks! I worked for two UK banks and that was their rules!
  6. I pity such kids, probably better of with the more intelligent half of their grandparents etc.
  7. I am not sure that such parents are suitable for home schooling their children either!
  8. Have you thought of doing a poll to see how many are for and against seeing the source of emoji?
  9. An interesting point! Do we know who will select the "new" senators?
  10. Su-24 and Su-27 can carry a Storm Shadow missile, but not program it (bulgarianmilitary.com) According to the link the missile is too heavy for some Ukrainian warplanes but the Su-24/27 can carry them. It also states that if the aircraft cannot be modified to integrate the missile into their weapon control system the missile can still be pre-programmed on the ground pre take off and launched at predetermined targets.
  11. Another Yawn! Nothing will change! He and his party(s) will be blocked by the establishment one way or the other unfortunately!
  12. An English spy, a Scottish spy and an Irish spy are captured by the Cannibal tribesmen. The Cannibal ask if they have any last wishes The Irishman says "I want the Irish national anthem to be played before I die" The Scottish man says "I want the Scottish anthem to be played on bagpipes before I die" The Englishman says "I wanna die first"!
  13. That sucks what he has told the drunk, as now he will have to hoover his dog up and suck up to his misses when he gets home and explains himself!!
  14. There is a post above yours with sources that says they are closed!
  15. Only 4 more years. The absolute max that can be served is 1 day short of 10 years and can only happen if you take over, unelected, from the sitting president and serve less than two years as the non elected president. You can then serve 2 full terms if elected in your own right. The number of years a president can serve in the White House is spelled out in the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states "no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice." However, if an individual becomes president through the order of succession, that is by taking office after the death, resignation, or ousting of the previous president, they are allowed to serve an additional two years."
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