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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Thanks for that clarification and I agree with you on that specific point!
  2. There are at least three potential major wars unfortunately hanging over the world at present in Europe, the Middle East and the Chinese area of influence!
  3. Who, without criminal intent, looks up Google or whatever, to find out what crimes are major in any country they are about to visit? Minor infringements regarding jaywalking, spitting, chewing gum etc come to mind as a reasonable quest but not for "major crimes"!
  4. At which point he pushed her/him over the bridge!
  5. I always thought he was/is a monkey given the rubbish it posts!
  6. When I saw the headline "Transboundary" I thought that the "Trans Community" were getting their own immigration channel/facilities!
  7. What a disgusting post to describe Thais as "peasants"! What you should IMO have posted was "Democracy in Thailand is nothing more than a myth, the sooner the majority of peasants Thais in general realize this the better.
  8. I hate to think what caused/made him give her the ring!
  9. From the tone of many of your posts it seems like you are content that US and other Western personnel should be hostages of Iran! If so you are a sad person!
  10. Was does an internet "portal" have to do with the sinking of a ship?
  11. I was going to fault you on your ace return but I feel that it does not meet my net goals. I must point out that I cannot match your backcourt approach and must set my self serving returns to advantages that match the volley of service that I expect you to deliver and to rally around and reduce my overheads! PS; I love all the backhanded service you provide on this forum. The net result is an advantage for AN with great net results!
  12. Is that meant to be a smashing backhanded complement?
  13. I agree but as I have posted earlier the only place we know that he/it is for sure is in "cloud cuckoo" land!
  14. Same as the anti Windows Linux lovers!
  15. Any chance we can have it round here pretty soon then?
  16. I promise to try to button it for the rest of the day!
  17. Keep soldiering on with your jokes, I hope you can mop everything up before there is a dip in the yolk section!
  18. I thought it might survive as it appeared to be a real hanger on!
  19. The ones who are successful probably have no reason to post where as those who have had/are having problems are more likely to post about it!
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