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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Yes! How do you know who has been promoted by merit or by connections. It is just your deluded assumption that all promotions are not based on merit!
  2. How do we know he was not promoted on merit. Just because he is related to a Hi-So does not necessarily mean his promotion was not deserved! Give the man a break, this is more likely just mere mud raking without facts!
  3. Chinese top visa holder! What does that headline mean? Do we have a new high level VIP type visa? Sloppy reporting?
  4. Thank you for not answering the question. As a result I will assume, as I have from the beginning, that your statement was a false one, as usual! PS; I know you have said I am now on your ignore list (why people make that statement I do not understand) but I assume that you, like many, are just making yet another lie!
  5. There have been so many misleading/conflicting links posted on this ongoing saga that I asked you to provide a specific link to substantiate your specific point "The tax law says that anyone with assessable income of THB 120,000 per year or more, must file a return." The post above does not make that statement! You have still failed to provide a link which specifically states, as you claim, that; "The tax law says that anyone with assessable income of THB 120,000 per year or more, must file a return." Please provide a SPECIFIC link! (if you can!)
  6. I do not know if it is a system or Moderator problem but some posts and replies seem to disappear without any explanation or notification! If it is a system problem then I think you should be aware of it! If however Moderators are removing posts without informing the "offending" poster and their repliers how are the "offenders" going to be informed, or to learn, the error of their ways and make more less offending/deleted posts?
  7. Please provide a specific clink to this claim that you are making! It is not my job to boost Google's profits but AN rules state that links MUST be provided for factual claims! Please adhere to this rule and provide a specific link!
  8. Where is the actual link please?
  9. If his entry "visa" has been extended for whatever reason it is an extension and no longer a visa!
  10. And your link to that tax law is where?
  11. There is no accepted definition of the boat v ship argument but it is often settled with the old adage that "the difference between ships and boats is that Ships carry boats and boats cannot carry Ships". One exception is of course submarines which are always called boats and some do carry small boats, but not ships!
  12. What is the relevance of that link to the OP? It is totally off topic, just as you almost always are!
  13. He seems to be also incapable of clicking links to watch links he has asked for! Sad.
  14. Just pull one what and show you what? Are you incapable of clicking a link and watching and listen to it at the same time?
  15. A very horrible but likely outcome if that MAGA Maniac gets back into power again!
  16. How many do you want? Trump's vow to only be a dictator on 'day one' follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric (msn.com) Trump: I won't be a dictator if I become U.S. president again | Reuters Trump ‘dictator’ comment reignites criticism his camp has tried to curb - The Washington Post Trump's vow to only be a dictator on 'day one' follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric | AP News PS; Where did I introduce the word "Nazi" into this forum?
  17. In which case why do you not help the OP by giving him info on how to contact a good tradesman?
  18. Should that not be "Fetching my "Toga"? Fetching my coat now
  19. If useless and pointless topics were never started in the first place then you wouldn't get useless and pointless replies would you, or is that beyond your ken?
  20. You have the choice not to go near the bars, we non weeders/smokers have no choice when weeders and smokers bring their filth into our vicinity!
  21. A very misleading statement. Male circumcision and Sexually transmitted Infections – An update - PMC (nih.gov)
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