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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Do you similarly think that the invasion of Afghanistan was justified because of 9/11?
  2. How come you are posting that asinine comment here on this forum if as you say "I stopped visiting this subforum"? It really must be difficult to post on a forum you do not visit!
  3. Sorry. I was not getting at you, but at the post you referenced! I was trying to agree with you!
  4. With that comment I can only assume that you have an IQ that would be considered at or below that of Cambodia!
  5. Does anyone know of over the counter Pharmacist tablets and costs one can take for minor High BP!
  6. What a sad generalist comment! I assume you must now, or did in the past, live in such a slum building and if so what did you do about it and what was the outcome?
  7. He, nor anyone else, is capable of providing links to their biased thoughts! That is why sites like this ask for links to actual (well?) documented facts!
  8. Winning the war and winning over an ingrained and biased public opinion are two entirely different things!
  9. I agree, hence my making the post knowing he will read it, but not now being able to respond! The best of both worlds! Just like another troll poster who responds to questions to one poster's "avatar" by using one of his other ones! So funny!
  10. You are so kind! Thank you; I really understand the amount pain that momentous decision must have taken you! Ps; You do realize of course that I will still be reading and commenting on your BS and that you will occasionally see my and other posters' comments on what you troll about!
  11. Oops! I missed "miss" out of the above! I am sure you have worked uot it should have said "If you do that you will miss some of the best jokes not posted in the joke section!"
  12. If you do that you will some of the best jokes not posted in the joke section!
  13. The latest one which you refuse to answer!
  14. Any chance of answering the question, why did YOU respond to a question that was not directed at you? I assume you are looking in the mirror when you made the pointless age, peanut and little man comments above!
  15. I do not think that is the case! Can you please show a link to back that up. All I can see on the UK Gov websites is that the pension is stopped completely when inside!
  16. Why did you feel the need to respond to that particular post as you were not even mentioned in it but for some reason you must have assumed that I was directing it at you?
  17. Are we allowed to name those we wish would stay off AN?
  18. What are the odds on you calling back at the correct time!
  19. I don't think so as he is not much better than Trump and that is saying something!
  20. Just like many of your responses!
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