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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I hope they added up to a positive experience and did not subtract from your normal sunny but calculating lifestyle!
  2. I did not know that you read drivel but we certainly know that you post it!
  3. Sorry to be a member of the "Grammar Police" but I believe you missed out the word "low" in the piece I have quoted above. I believe it should read; "See your wit is up to the usual low level of intellect"!
  4. If you did that he would then start a thread about which habnd do you use and how many sheets at a time.
  5. So what? Have you also been to any cities, villages, hamlets, tribal camps, etc?
  6. Was that a positive or negative reply as it seems to be an unequal and divisively fractional statement!
  7. And of course you have been able to speak to every Thai in the world to make you qualified to make such a crass and obviously inaccurate statement! I would accept that some people of a most nationalities hate/dislike a particular product but NOT ALL!
  8. I cannot believe just what an idiot you are proving to be! The so called "quotes" that you want are in all the links I have provided. If you think I am going to edit video clips or specific articles to find them for you then you have another thought coming. You are deranged and are now becoming a persistent stalker. I have already asked you to stop replying to my post and you have failed to do so; I ask yet again; STOP stalking me!
  9. I think we should stop feeding this 'Click bait' troll as that is all he has done on this forum all day is make stupid meaningless and repetitive post. Good night all!
  10. You already claim to know so much about me that I am sure you already have that info. look at your post of 35 minutes ago! One thing I will say though is that I am not as infantile as you!
  11. I think you should say that to your favourite mirror and take action on it!
  12. That cannot be the case as he says that I am a little 5ft 8 gimp boy so he cannot be worried about a little champ chap like me stalking such an Adonis as he claims to be!
  13. Ditto! I am not sure why you are here for many reason but just 4 minutes ago you promised us all peace and quiet, or so we thought, when you stated that you were going for dinner!
  14. Referring to yourself again are you. Isn't you're CEO taking you to Corporate HQ so everyone can look down on you in the Executive lift and give you more of those dirty looks you love to tell us about?
  15. I know I shouldn't ask this question and I will get a cr@p answer but the invite to ask it is too strong! Why do you post on Thai forums?
  16. I think it is too late for that! He is just regurgitating the same nonsense stuff all over the place and p!ssing people off!
  17. I agree with the extract I have quoted above above but not the first bit of your post. I wish people did not take it for granted that the subject and Acronyms that they are using are as familiar to their readers as they are to themselves. I strongly believe that I should be able to read a post without resorting to things like Google etc and end up with the wrong answer which results in an inaccurate response by me and the subsequent misunderstandings etc, etc!
  18. Your crystal ball or tarot card reader is obviously as broken and warped as what is left of your mind. You have never met me, know my first real name, my linguistic abilities or partnership relationships. You have just proved what a crass and ignorant person you are. Don't bother to respond as you can only make yourself look even more foolish than you have ever done with your previous ill-informed and inaccurate posts.
  19. Look through the previous posts. I am not the one that introduced the gay bar element into this thread.
  20. Maybe you or the so called GF passed wind in the lift and it had nothing to do with the age of the so called GF!
  21. Oh! That must be exciting have a Chief Embryonic Officer (CEO) as your GF, if true!
  22. It may be because he just doesn't have a GF! After all he keeps commenting about Gay Bars, wink wink! (I spelled that correctly this time!)
  23. What looks do the gays give you in those gay bars you keep referring to?
  24. Messes around with his head and mind by the sound of it!
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