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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. What does your "bignok' name mean? Google has some very funny responses!
  2. I believe that is the wrong approach! Posters should tailor their posts/answers so that all can understand the content without resorting to a third or forth party which will not necessarily give an obvious or appropriate answer. In proper Military and business correspondence you put the full name of the about to be used Acronym/initials in the text and then enclose the Acronym/initials in brackets) e.g. "The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)" You can then use the initials NATO from then on in THAT document! The alternative is to give the description and then the initials e.g. "The well know Asian motor insurance group/company MSIG." If you do not know the subject matter, in this case an insurance group then Google is not a lot of help.
  3. Depending on where you are in CM I prefer to ignore conflicting web site info. If you are in CM rather than look at web sites I suggest you look and see if the mountains/skyscrapers are visible. The degree to what you see and feel when you breath in is a good indication of the so called "air quality" or lack thereof!
  4. If the survey was conducted on this forum then I suggest that you should be saying "The average farang retiree members of AN lives here on much less than 1 mill". I somehow do not think that AN is representative of all Expat retirees living in Thailand!
  5. No it did not! Aden is still Aden! and Yemen has been around for some time; In 1839 the British set up a protective area around the southern port of Aden and in 1918 the northern Kingdom of Yemen gained independence from the Ottoman Empire. North Yemen became a republic in 1962, but it was not until 1967 that the British Empire withdrew from what became South Yemen. In 1970, the southern government adopted a communist governmental system. The two countries were formally united as the Republic of Yemen on May 22, 1990. Modern history of Yemen - Wikipedia
  6. A very confusing statement in my opinion! My understanding is that 15 is the legal age of consent but if the woman is between 15-18 she may make a complaint; From the link below; "Thai laws state that any sexual relationship with minors aged 15, 16, and 17 is a compoundable offense. In other words, the authorities will not pursue the guilty party of their own accord, but the underage participant can still press charges. In short, it is possible to date someone who is aged between 15 and 17 years old. It’s even possible to have sex with them. However, by doing so, you’re exposing yourself to the risk of being reported to the local authorities by her." Thailand Age Of Consent: 15 or 18 Years Old? – Dream Holiday Asia Thailand Age of Consent & Statutory Rape Laws
  7. Oh no they don't! I have never heard of them and before you ask yes I am a driver, bought car insurance in the past and bought my first car in Thailand in 2000!
  8. Yes I wholeheartedly condone the US actions and No I am not an Israeli!
  9. You forgot to add what a certain poster keeps wrongly stating; "Trump never said he wanted to be or would be a dictator ever."
  10. I cannot believe that the only response that I have received to my OP is this E-mail; "Depends entirely on how many Mods are on duty, the amount that needs to be done. Sometimes there just isn't time. Forum Support Aseannow.com" How is a poster to know what was wrong with a post when it is just arbitrarily removed without any chance of feedback/learning from the "experience" or if it is just a glitch and needs/can be reposted? I believe that if the Mods have time to remove posts they MUST make time to provide feedback even if later if they are short of time(?) when they did the deleting!
  11. Idiots might not make money but those sane people with their head screwed on can and do so!
  12. Was that inspired by a Santa Claused Elf and safety act? Or was he reigned in by a dear friend to deliver the goods
  13. And what is your cut for that promotion having slagged off 99% of his opposition?
  14. So you never got promoted as you got older and learned more about the business!
  15. Try making your own (or get the wife/GF) Thai food from scratch with fresh ingredients! Freshly made Thai food is the only food I eat at home.
  16. Go and read the links I have provided and find the quote you want. Do not bother to respond to this as you are now just trolling. Goodbye!
  17. In that case I would hate to rent any of your homes!
  18. Yet another self centered person who claims to know what everyone thinks! You most certainly do not know what I think about swissie/facebook as I have no idea what you are referring to! PS; Quote highlighted by me!
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