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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. All that so called money and he can't find a loving permanent girlfriend and must resort to hookers. He probably needs the money to pay for his STD treatments if he is "using" hookers every night!
  2. I hope you meant to say; "The fact that you take anything the Iranian government says, with absolutely no proof, as gospel is, frankly, hilarious disgusting and obnoxious. And highly suspect. I say this as I find nothing hilarious about the Hamas and their supporters!
  3. I do wish you had made it obvious that you are being sarcastic, (you are aren't you?) because someone might just use those comment to support the idiot!
  4. Would any expat or tourist drink the local rubbish wine? It is not worth "protecting"! That is like saying put a 250% tax on all spirits to protect SangSom!
  5. He would appear to be deep in the soup now then! PS; I assume he will restock for the future!
  6. I suppose it just had to litter the floor as a result!
  7. Why did you feel you had to fight it? Did it give you the come on and tell you that you hadn't the balls to handle it yourself! PS; Or was it just the wife being in a bad mood?
  8. Maybe you have switched of your Ad blocker! I never see any ads!
  9. No it means the same people doing the same things but over a longer/later period/time!
  10. You are being far too polite with your over flattering description of this MAGA ..................! (deleted)
  11. Thank God for your sake that it was not two wrinkled soft boiled eggs and a stiff leather ............!
  12. Why do you keep responding to this provocative idiot? Maybe if nobody(which it is) stopped feeding it, it might just crawl away into an Hamas tunnel and meet it's deserved fate!
  13. A "Major" is now the deputy permanent secretary for justice; a major department! I assume they mean a "retired" Major! or did they miss out General after "Major"! In other words is this guy an ex "Major General" or just some ex Major lackey promoted beyond his capabilities who can be bossed about by every Colonel and above?
  14. How do you know it is easy? If it is as easy as you imply have you done it successfully a few times?
  15. And did not want to be embarrassed by taking such a grumpy old git inside!
  16. It is NOT confirmed that lanterns caused the fire, they are checking to see if they did! Read your own quoted article as it says; "Investigators are checking if the fire was caused by sky lanterns" PS; my emphasis added to the quote!
  17. What dictionary are you using? The Oxford English Dictionary states; euthanasia n noun the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease or in an irreversible coma. ORIGIN C17: from Greek, from eu 'well' + thanatos 'death'.
  18. Everything is 500? I hae me doubts about everything!
  19. If someone is taking an exam for you it is obviously illegal! A scam is a dishonest scheme therefore yes it is a scam! What a stupid post!
  20. What evidence do you have to say she jumped?You might as well claim that she was pushed or anything else that comes into your twisted mind!
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