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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. That is why I suggest we do not feed the troll and let him just post to the ether/himself with no response from us!
  2. There is no chance that he will ever take his blinkers off and read and respond with the truth. We are wasting our breath and energy responding to him. I suggest we just do not respond in any way to his one sided utterances!
  3. I don't thank their are many capable over 90yo Japanese available to pass on their so called "skills"!
  4. Well said Sir! Please keep up your present good work trying to follow in the footsteps of such a legend!
  5. Probably Certainly a combination of both!
  6. Who the hell has been looking in the mirror and taking loony juice to come with this load of tripe!
  7. What an offensive post if you are implying that gays should be considered in the same category as pedophiles!!
  8. Since they are not in Russian Uniforms or even costumes (Cossack etc)how can anyone tell?
  9. We used to just have gay/pride then LBGT now the world seems to have gone mad with 2SLGBTQIA+communities! What the **** do that lot stand for now?
  10. Not if you do not stay in any country long enough to be "resident for tax purposes" or you just don't pay taxes, apart from local taxes like VAT!
  11. So as usual just deflection and NO answer to the question I asked.
  12. That pointless comment does not answer the question I asked, does it? One rule for you and other rules for the rest according to you.
  13. The YOUR in my post you quoted was directed specifically at you but as you seem to have no brain cells I can understand why you did not grasp that subtle point!
  14. Having our taste buds removed is better than having almost all YOUR brain cells removed!
  15. I am confused! Do you have one rule for yourself and one or more for others? Isn't that comment of yours above telling someone else what to do?
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