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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I think you and a few (6/8) others stalk anyone who disagrees with them on any topic!
  2. What about the WW11 "Iceberg aircraft Carrier" project Project Habakkuk - Wikipedia
  3. I think many posters will now be asking you the same question!
  4. Why not include other countries like South Korea, Holland, Sweden etc?
  5. Please do not insult village idiots with such a comparison!
  6. If the offence is not recorded then neither will the fine I assume!
  7. Or as I should have added; He is just stirring the pot! (that he possibly takes?)
  8. He is just trying to concoct a poisonous broth!
  9. Why bother posting it the first time?
  10. Who cares about what you care about given that attitude!
  11. What three "Aircraft Carriers"? Please name them and their locations! PS; By Aircraft Carrier I refer to the following definition; "An aircraft carrier is a warship that serves as a seagoing airbase, equipped with a full-length flight deck and facilities for carrying, arming, deploying, and recovering aircraft."
  12. That explains the self attraction between you both!
  13. As long as that is all you did!
  14. Do you think they would have a lot in common to talk about?
  15. Repeat it will, again and again, until the perpetrators of the 7 October missile strikes Israel changes course.
  16. Are you sure you don't mean asylum!
  17. I thought think they might be one and the same!
  18. Are you suggesting the he is capable of rational thought on this, or any subject?
  19. No Chance I will read anything you recommend! Same way as you said above "I don't trust anyone's #s, least so anything Israel would state." PS; Comments and posts like yours and those of the other like "minded" appeasers prove that ignorance really is bliss, to people like you and the rest of them!
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