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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Why i never ride at night. You might be sober but 50% of other road users aren't.
  2. Err yes but aren't hotels/guest houses suppossed to check your visa status.
  3. Surely the immigration computer would spit out the names/address of foreigners overstaying their visa as soon as it expires. Why does it take so long to catch them?
  4. Why i never ride at night
  5. Samui is nice but is a pain in the A to get to, unless you want to be ripped off by Bangkok Airways. I wouldn't go again.
  6. A corrupt politician surely not. It is alledged that the Police delayed the investigation until wee Krankie stepped down, naughty.
  7. Like the guy in Bangkok who is in a coma. He went out at 3am to "get food"!
  8. Don't 3BB give you a decent wifi 6 router with their package. Connect with a decent CAT 6 cable to your PC. I never get a full 1 gbps but consistently 940 mbps. Best wifi to my phone is about 400 mbps.
  9. If the friends had been there they wouldn't have lost the car.
  10. Yes when it's a nice day i often go for a 2 day 1100 km drive to see friends who might or might not be there.
  11. So when he left their employment they let him keep the key.
  12. So they drove all the way from Bangkok to UT without checking that the friends might be home. A 15 hour return drive.
  13. I have never had any problems at Jomtien immigration. Whether it's 90 day report, or visa extension or residence certificate i never wait for more than 20 minutes and the staff are polite and efficient.
  14. Of course KK is the most affordable tourist destination because it doesn't get many tourists. Compared to say Phuket that gets millions.
  15. Surely gold is gold. Does it matter where you buy it?
  16. Putin says jump and Prayut asks "how high". Working with these genocidal murderers.
  17. And parking is a nightmare which is why i never go there.
  18. I think the most amazing part of the story was that he found a park to sleep in in Thailand.
  19. Actually shipping costs here are very low, often free through Lazada. But i think many are subsidised by the CCP. If we had to pay full delivery costs maybe not so keen.
  20. They just hate Russians, like we all do
  21. You should have told him that recent studies have proved that masks are totally useless against Covid, and PM2.5
  22. Who would want one of these mobile flame throwers. Madness to own one. Look at the recent Youtube post by Serpentza.
  23. "Raise concerns", is that all these incompetent fools can do ?
  24. You would only have to jail/fine one or two. The rest would soon get the message. Burning is not to be tolerated.
  25. And how many farmers have been jailed, or even fined?
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